Happy Birthday Shadow

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Your a head guard at the Brightmoon palace.

You were doing your daily rounds when you heard humming from the garden. You were curious so you went to go check on who was humming.

As you reached the garden door you see a woman in a long red dress, with beautiful black silky hair, kneeling and weeding the rose bushes. 

You cough and see the woman put on a mask and look at you. Her glowing white eyes go wide. 

"Who might you be", She asks. 

"I'm a guard here, my name is y/n ", You say.

"Oh, my name is Shadow Weaver but feel free to call me Shadow, and since your here would you like to help me weed ", Shadow asks. 

You look around and say "Ok, my shift does end now". 

You help her weed as you start plucking the dead roots you accidently touch her hand. 

You quickly turn your face because you were blushing. 

You suddenly see tears fall down under her mask. 

"Hey what's wrong", you ask.

"Nobody has even bothered to check up on me, I'm here all alone, your the first person who has come to talk to me out of your own initiative, I'm a messed up person and I don't deserve your kindness, I made mistakes and no one likes me", Shadow says.

"Hey I'm happy to stay with you, even if it means I'll have to stay here all night and everyone learns from their mistakes", You say. 

"Thank you, I'll be here till midnight because tomorrow is my birthday, I don't want to spend it alone", Shadow says as she takes of her mask. "I hope you don't mind I'm not the prettiest face to look at", Shadow adds. 

"Hey you look absolutely beautiful, and I'll be more then happy to spend your birthday with you", You say as you wipe the tears off her face. 

She plucks a daisy and sticks it behind your ear. "For your kindness", Shadow says. 

You look at her as the moonlight shone on her scarred face. You go close to her face and cup her cheek. 

She leans in and both your lips connect, you kiss her passionately and she kisses you back with the same passion. 

You pull away and look into her eyes. You get up and help her get up. You then take her to the bench and she sits down. 

"I'll be back", You say as you look at the time. 

"I'll be waiting my Daisy", Shadow says back. 

You kiss her and run towards the kitchen and ask for a red velvet cupcake. As soon as you receive it you run towards the garden but Glimmer stops you. 

"Where are you going in such a rush, isn't your shift finished", Glimmer asks. 

"Yeah I was hungry so I went to the kitchen to get this, I got to go, I'm sorry your majesty", You say as you run towards the garden. 

You reached there in time. You started singing and lit the candle. 

Shadow blew out the candle and you fed her the cupcake. 

"Red velvet my favorite", Shadow says. 

"Happy Birthday Shadow", You say as you take her hand and kiss her on the cheek. 

"Thank You y/n", Shadow says as she pulls you close and cuddles you. 

You have a little bit of cream on your lips, so Shadow comes near and licks it, before she moves away you kiss her again. 

"Your birthday gift", You say as you smirk. 

Shadow blushes and smiles, she holds your hand and you both look at the stars. 

She falls asleep on your shoulder so you carry her to her bedroom and lay her down gently on the bed, you kissed her on the cheek and whispered "Happy Birthday my Shadow, I love you".

As you were about to leave she grabbed your hand. "Stay please", Shadow asks.

"Okay", you say as you took off your shirt and went and lay down next to her

She puts her arm around you and you could feel her arm on your skin and her body on your back. 

"Good night my Daisy", Shadow says

"Good night my Shadow", You say back

*HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY FAVORITE COMFORT CHARACHTER SHADOW WEAVER, You have really helped me through life and I really appreciate you even though your in my head. THANKS SHADOW and your HOT.* 

The one song that reminds me of Shadow is Dandelions by Ruth B and it was suggested by my bestfriend. 

My favorite drawing of hers done by me

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My favorite drawing of hers done by me

Shadow Weaver and Light Spinner One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now