The Meeting

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You hurried your way to the lunarium as your first meeting as the newly elected council member had begun.

As you ran through the corridors you heard a child crying but you were so close to the lunarium.

You saw Light Spinner one of the most graceful and talented guild members stop at the door as she looked at you and raised her eyebrow.

But you turned around and ran towards the weeping child not bothering to look back at light spinner.

You ran towards the the end of the statues as you see the child sitting at the base of Light Spinners statue.

"What happened little one", You ask.

They lift one side of their pants and you saw a big bruise on their knee.

"Aww you poor thing", You say as you drew a healing sigil and healed the wound.

You than wiped the child's tears away.

"Thank you miss", The child says as it gets up.

"Your most welcome, now where are your parents" You ask.

"My teacher is in the lunarium, I was with him most of the day", The child says.

"Well I'm headed there myself, would you like to come, You could sit outside while your teacher is finishes up", You said as you took their hand.

You see a figure move at the corner of your eye but you took no heed to it.

As you arrived to the lunarium you inhaled and sat the child outside as you stood in a place where no one could see you.

"Y/n your late", Norwyn yelled.

"I'm sorry there was an issue", You say as you lowered your head.

"Don't make excuses, I will deal with you after the meeting", He said sternly.

You took a step back as you nodded.

During the meeting you could feel someone staring at you, as you looked up you saw Light Spinners bright green eyes scanning as she looked away, this made you heart race.

After the meeting ended Norwyn came over and grabbed your arm.

"Late, you are a new council member, what is your reason", He says.

"I'm sorry Head Master, there was a child...", You tried saying but anxiety took over and you couldn't speak.

"What child, answer me", He sternly asked you as his grip grew tighter.

You look down hoping someone would save you from this disaster, you felt sick to the stomach as tears roll down your face.

He held his hand high, as if he was about to slap you.

You closed your eyes tightly but after a few minutes you opened them wondering why you hadn't been slapped.

You saw a grey hand hold Norwyns arm as she lowered it.

"Don't you dare lay a hand on her", The woman spoke as she came into perspective from behind him.

"Light Spinner this is not your place to tell me what to do", He said as he lowered his arm.

"She did not do anything wrong, the child she was helping was your own student", She said sternly as she looked towards the child and kindly told them to come in.

"Master Norwyn why are you hurting her", The child asked.

"That's none of your business," He said as he let go of your arm.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2022 ⏰

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