The Rain

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It was a cloudy day in Brightmoon, Queen Glimmer asked you to work over time, Adora is asking for more then what you can give and no one is listening to you and you knew why. You had been spending most of your free time with Shadow Weaver and they hated it.

After you finish the tasks of the day you head out to the garden and sit on the bench.

All of a sudden it starts to rain, instead of running inside, you stood up and walked into the rain.

You lift you head as the rain fell on your face, you were so tired of everything and everyone. You felt so worthless, so defeated. No one cared except for Shadow Weaver. She was the only one that knew how Glimmer and Adora were treating you.

You missed her presence because she isn't allowed to visit you anymore. "Why don't people understand, I love her, I can't live without her, I need her by me" you said as you closed your eyes and tears fell from it.

Your entire body was wet and cold, you suddenly felt warmth, you felt someone put there hands around you and they pulled you close.

You look up to see Shadow Weaver. " My love, I love you too and no matter what the princesses say I will not stop loving you", Shadow says.

You both were soaking in the rain, her clothes cringed onto her beautiful body and you could feel every curve on your body, she ran her hands down your body and stopped at your waist.

"No matter what I will always be with you, Adora and Glimmer may not like the idea of us being together but I don't care, I love you so much", Shadow says as she looks in to your eyes and you look into her white lit eyes.

You felt safe in her arms like the whole worlds problems didn't matter to you, you meant something to her and she took care of you and helped you grow as a person. Nothing else mattered to you at that point, the only thing you needed was Shadow.

Shadow cups your cheek and wipes your tears away, she lifts your chin and she takes her mask off, she looked into your *color* colored eyes and you looked at her musky green eyes.

She slowly came close and your lips connect it felt like fireworks in your mouth, she kissed you strongly but soft. You let out a soft moan indicating you needed air, She pulls away but stays close to your face.

She kisses your forehead and pulls your head close to her chest, you could here her heart beat as you felt the wet cloth on your face.

She slowly rocks back and forth as she holds you and the rain pours.

She puts one hand on your waist and she holds you hand with her other hand.

She twirls you and dances with you in the rain, your frown transforms into a smile.

"My love", Shadow whispers in your ear as she dances.

You rest your head on her chest again but this time you were smiling.

Suddenly you hear Glimmer yell "What are you two doing".

Shadow shows her the middle finger and Glimmer walks of in disgust.

Shadow and you both lie on the wet grass and look into the sky as the rain shower became a drizzle.

You grab Shadows hand and interlock your fingers in hers.

You both look at each other as you fell asleep.

Shadow picked you up and took you to the bedroom and you changed, Shadow looked away out of respect.

"Hey Shadow would you mind spending the night with me", You ask.

"Of course my love, I would be more then happy to", Shadow says as she changes and puts on some of your clothes.

You both go in bed and she pulls you close and she puts her arm around you.

"Good night Shadow", You say.

"Good night my love", She said back

Shadow Weaver and Light Spinner One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now