My Little Prick

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This one shot is for me personally because I had an argument with someone today, and I had to vent somewhere, I'm sorry if you had to read it like this.

You ran through the halls of Mystacor crying and screaming on top of your lungs.

You ran all the way to your bedroom and slammed the door shut, you couldn't take the pain any longer, the one person you loved left you, you couldn't breathe, you had spent over 3 years of friendship with this person and she left you for something that wasn't important.

You felt heart broken, you lay in bed thinking of ways to end this pain.

Suddenly the door opened and Castaspella walks in.

"Hey, what's going on, I heard you and Light Spinner arguing", Castaspella says.

"She left me, I loved her and she chose something else, and she has all of a sudden stopped talking to me, she was my person she was someone I wanted to spend my entire life with, I tried to convince her to stop, to think of the life she was losing, but she chose that instead of me", You said.

"Hey, I know it hurts, but just remember the memories and then forget them because it will only hurt you more thinking of them", Casta says.

You cried even harder, it suddenly started raining. You remembered of how Light and you danced in the rain and how you would go to her chambers and cook for her.

But you now think to yourself that, It all might be over, you might lose her forever.

"Thanks Casta", You say.

You lay in bed thinking of all the good times that Light and you had, the beautiful wonderful memories you had together.

She made you feel warm and fuzzy inside, and her touch was electrifying.

Suddenly the window opens and a Shadow figure appears on the wall.

"LIGHT SPINNER", You said as you got up and yelled.

You turned and saw something different, It was Light Spinner but she was full of scars. She comes close and cups your cheek.

"I'm sorry", She says.

"Will you still be the same person", You ask.

"I'm afraid not my love, I made a grave mistake and now I have to pay the price", She says.

Light was about to leave, you quickly grabbed her hand.

"Light, Wait don't leave yet, please", You say.

"Don't call me that, I'll be known as Shadow Weaver from now on", Shadow says.

"I have only one question, Will you still love me, will you remember me, will you miss me, cause I will I love you Shadow, and I will always remember you even in your darkest moments", You say as streams of tears fall down your face.

"Of course I will, I will miss you my love, only if I could turn back time, I wouldn't have done such a foolish thing, I would rather spend my entire life with you then do that spell", Shadow says as she pulls you and hugs you.

"You will visit right, we don't have to stay apart, we could keep it a secret", You say.

"No y/n, it's better for the both of us, please don't look for me", Shadow says as she gives you one last kiss goodbye.

"No, Shadow, I'll miss you and I'm always here if you need anything", You say as you see her leave.

Your heart felt empty, someone you loved for so long left, you miss her, but it's best if you just forget about each other.

"My little Prick", You said as you cried yourself to sleep.

Shadow Weaver and Light Spinner One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now