Daisy Tiaras

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Ever since you were promoted to head of the Brightmoon guards Glimmer and Adora have put a lot of responsibilities on you, some of which are things that can be assigned to other people. But it wasn't always like this ever since Shadow Weaver came to Brightmoon, you both have been together a lot and recently have made it official. They both didn't like the thought of this and resented the both of you for this, but this just brought you both closer.

After a tiring day of protecting Brightmoon, organizing the guards and organizing Glimmers coronation you were beat and sore.

You open the door to your bedroom to see Glimmer storm out and a very agitated Shadow Weaver.

"What's wrong babe", you ask.

"Oh nothing you should be concerned about darling, I'll be fine, you go and get some rest, we both have long day tomorrow", Shadow says as she massages her head.

"First tell me what's bothering you", You say.

"Glimmer has asked me to make 200 daisy tiaras and she needs it by tomorrow", Shadow says as tears fill her eyes.

"200! Move aside I'm going to help you", You say as you look at the layout of the design.

Shadow was about to say something but you pressed your finger on her lips.

"Shhh, I'll be fine love", You say as you give a reassuring smile.

Shadow sighs and gets to work.

After a few daisy tiara's you start nodding of to sleep, you look beside you to see a very tired Shadow Weaver, you look back down to see your tiara and instead of putting the needle through the daisy you put it through your finger.

"MOTHER F*CKER, OH MY F*ING FINGER", You shout as you press your finger.

Shadow suddenly shakes her head to wake her up.

"Oh my, darling it's just a needle, you came home with a spear through you how does this hurt more", Shadow says as she starts giggling.

"This hurts so much more", you say as tears fill your eyes.

"Hold on love", Shadow says.

She yanks the needle out fast and puts her finger on top of the prick. She than takes your finger and kisses it.

"There all better", Shadow says.

"Thank you but you missed", You say.

"I missed, darling I never miss", Shadow whispers as she moves closer to you and pins you against the table with her hips. She then moves closer and kisses you passionately.

"There, I told you I never miss", Shadow says as she remains close to your face and smirks.

"I should get hurt more often", You say.

Shadow giggles and moves of you.

"I better finish this", Shadow says.

You try and sit down on the chair but Shadow picks you up.

"No not you, your going to go to bed", Shadow says as she places you gently on the bed and hands you your pajamas.

"But...", You were about to say when Shadow quickly gives you another kiss.

"No buts I'm almost finished, I don't want you to get hurt darling", Shadow says in your ear as she tucks you in.

"Fine", You say.

"Good y/n, goodnight", Shadow says as she sits on the chair and starts working again.

You watch her and slowly fall asleep, you wake up after a while and see her still working, you get up and give her a neck massage.

"Oh that feels nice", Shadow says as she lets out a little moan.

"It sounds like it", You say as you giggle and give her a kiss on the cheek.

"This is the last one, I'm finally finished", Shadow says as she puts the last tiara down.

Shadow looks at her hands and its filled with little scratch's and blood spots. You get the alcohol and pour it over her hands you see her shut her eyes in pain.

"You know that's the wrong alcohol right", Shadow says as she points at the bottle of vodka you had in your hand.

"It's the only kind we had", you say as you giggle.

"Pass me that", Shadow says.

You pass her the bottle and she takes a shot of it.

"Much better", Shadow says.

"I don't know why but I have a guilty feeling this is all my fault", You say.

"It's not your fault darling, never think that again, promise", Shadow says.

"Promise", You say back.

You both get into bed and Shadow puts her arm around you and gives you a goodnight kiss.

"Goodnight darling, I love you", Shadow whispers in your ear.

"I love you too, Goodnight", You say back.

Shadow Weaver and Light Spinner One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now