In the Stars-Benson Boone

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You went in the music room in Mystacor, as you saw the grand piano in the middle of the room tears filled your eyes.

You uncovered the piano and sat down playing each key. The coldness of the keys made your fingers tingle.

You paused as you got lost in your thoughts. The last time you touched the piano was when Light Spinner did the spell. The song you played made your heart ache.

As you started playing the piano tears rolled down your cheek as you tried to mutter the words out.

"I'm still holding on to everything that's dead and gone, I don't want to say goodbye because this one means forever, and now you're in the stars, six feet's never felt so far, here I am alone between the heavens and the embers..." You tried singing as you pressed each key with anger and emotion, tears falling down your face.

You smashed into each key until you couldn't, You covered your face with your hands and cried loudly. You cried so loudly you couldn't hear the footsteps behind you.

It didn't matter you felt so numb, so heart broken, everything around you went silent until the keys started playing again.

You heard a voice so familiar as the air was filled with her deep luscious voice as it peirce the silence.

You didn't dare to look up as you remembered how Light Spinner ran her fingers over your own, teaching you each note, each chord, her voice filling your ears and entering your heart.

It was impossible Light Spinner was no more. No one had ever heard of her, people presumed she was dead. You didn't want to look up and see emptiness again.

"Oh it hurts so hard, for a million different reasons, you took the best of my heart and left the rest in peices", The voice sang.

You got enough courage to look up to see Shadow Weaver unmasked playing the chords Light Spinner once played.

"NO! THIS CAN'T BE I WAITED FOR YOU, I WAITED AND NOW YOU SHOW UP LIKE THIS WHEN I'M AT MY WORST", You say as you get up but she hold on to your hand.

"Y/n I'm sorry, I didn't mean to leave you like that", Shadow spoke as a single tear fell down her face.

"No this is impossible, my Light Spinner is gone she's gone, she left me ALONE", You say as you fell to your knees near the piano stool.

"I didn't mean to leave, I'm still here please", Shadow says as she put her arms around you.

You tried to push her away hitting her in the process.

"NO YOU LEFT ME, YOU DIDN'T EVEN SAY GOODBYE", You kept repeating until you gave up and put your arms around her burying your face in her chest.

"Promise you won't leave me again, please, I never want to sing that song again", You says as your tears stained her dress.

She squeezed you tightly. "I promise, I promise I won't leave you, never again" Shadow says as she holds your chin up and you stare into her green stained eyes and her split pupils.

You wiped the tears off her face, as you looked at her face and cupped her cheek. "Your still as beautiful as before", You say as Shadow brings her hand up and covers your own.

As she closes her eyes, "I love you y/n, I'm sorry, I came back, I came back so you'll never have to be lonely again ever", Shadow says put you flung your arms around her neck and went close to her face.

You pressed your forehead against hers.
"Don't break my heart again, because I don't know what else I can do" You says as you pressed your lips against hers, kissing her softly.

She separated and smiled, "I'm all yours, you'll never be alone again" Shadow says as she moves a hair stand behind your ear.

She gave you another kiss as you melted in her arms.

"Let's never sing that song again" You say as you were about to close the piano cover but Shadow stopped you.

"Wait, let's play it one last time", She said as she sat down, You sat down in between her legs.

She rest her head on your shoulder and ran both her hands along your arms and stopped at your hands as she took control of your fingers and played the chords.

She started singing and you harmonized to her deep voice.

"I'm still holding, holding holding on, I'm still holding holding holding on, I'm still holding holding holding, I'm still ooooo", Shadow sang and you sang the last line "still holding on".

As she stopped and put her arms around your waist rocking you back and forth leaving small kisses on your neck as you giggled.

"I love you Shadow", You say.

"I love you more", She said back.

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Shadow Weaver and Light Spinner One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now