Happy Birthday My Little Daisy !

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It was your birthday today, you walked excitingly through the halls of Brightmoon, Queen Glimmer  had asked you to meet her in the Meeting Room so you made your way there.  

You opened the doors of the Meeting Room and saw Glimmer pacing up and down. 

"What happened Glimmer, you seem a bit tense", You say. 


"Seems like my birthday isn't as important today", You thought to yourself as you sighed. 

You knew Shadow Weaver quite well, she mostly liked working on the garden, your favorite place in the castle, It was almost like a dream when you were in the garden and she was there your two favorite things in one place. 

"Commander y/n are you even listening", Glimmer asks. 

"Sorry Glimmer, but yes I was listening, I don't see anything wrong with Shadow Weaver, and I feel like you should give Adora some time to think", You say. 

"WE DON'T HAVE TIME", Glimmer says. 

"You go and talk to Adora, I'll try and see if I can get something from Shadow Weaver", You say.

"Wait why do you need to go to Shadow Weaver", Glimmer asks. 

"Umm, She might have some information on the Horde", You say hoping Glimmer will allow you to go. 

"Fine, you may go", Glimmer says. 

"Yes", You say quietly. 

"What did you say", Glimmer asks.

"Oh nothing", You say as you turn and leave quickly.

You were so happy, you could finally meet Shadow Weaver, you had always admired her, her black silky hair and her mysterious deep yet soothing voice, You always felt comfort when you were with her, She knew you unlike any other person in the castle, but you were scared to confess your feelings, You had only known her for a few weeks, and she was not the type to forgive that easily. 

You had finally reached the garden, but Shadow Weaver wasn't there, You scouted around to look for her but she was missing, suddenly someone touched your shoulder. 

"Looking for someone y/n", Shadow asks. 

"Umm, yeah I was looking for you, I have some questions for you", You say nervously. 

"Wait before you you start I have something for you", Shadow says. 

"What, really for me", You say. 

"Of course my little daisy", Shadow says as she takes a little box out of her pocket.

She opens it and it was a beautiful ring, it was a silver ring which had a daisy on the top with a yellow diamond center.

Something like this, she then slips the ring on your finger, one thing you and Shadow had in common was that you both loved daisies

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Something like this, she then slips the ring on your finger, one thing you and Shadow had in common was that you both loved daisies. 

"Thank You so much", You say with tears in you eyes. 

Shadow then pulls you in for a hug, which surprised you. 

"Happy Birthday My Little Daisy", Shadow whispers in you ear. 

"You...you remembered", You said with tears in your eyes. 

"Of course, I love you", Shadow says. 

"I...I love you too, I'm so happy, thank you, your the only one that remembered", You say as tears fall down your face

"I know the feeling of being forgotten, anyways you had questions for me", Shadow says as she wipes the tears of your face. 

"That can wait", You say. 

"Oh I almost forgot", Shadow says.

She waves her hand over the ring and it show a hologram of all the good memories you had with her. 

"Bow helped me with some first ones tech", Shadow says. 

You look into her white glowing eyes "Nobody ever has done anything like this for me, you really love me", You say.

"Of course My little daisy", Shadow says as she takes of her mask.

You stare into her beautiful musky green eyes, she come close to your face and your lips connect, she pulls you close and rests her hands on your waist and you put your arms around her neck. 

She pulls away and presses her forehead against yours. 

"I Love you y/n", Shadow says as she smiles.

"I love you too", You say as you look back up into her eyes. 

"Now, may I have this dance", Shadow asks. 

"You may", You say. 

You both dance the day away and had a tiny celebration in her room in the afternoon, this was clearly the best birthday ever. 

Shadow Weaver and Light Spinner One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now