My Jolly Sailor Bold- Reinaeiry

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TW-Blood and Death

You came back after a day of war, you went near the lake as you sat at the shore, washing your wounds with the cold lake water, the moonlight shone in your eyes as you were tearful, your friends you lost at war, it hurt your heart, the enemies blood on your hands.

You sang the shanty you wrote as music brought joy to your heart, you opened your hair washing it in the water as you sang, "Upon you summer's morning, I carefully did stray, Down by the Walls of Wapping...".

As you sang you heard footsteps come near, as you see the black silhouette in the darkness where the moonlight didn't shine.

"Who's there, come out and face me", You yelled as you drew your sword.

The Shadow snickered, "What are you going to do warrior", The Silhouette said as a Shadow tendril threw the sword out of your hand.

"Who was it that was singing warrior", The Shadow spoke as she came into the moonlight.

"It is none of your concern Shadow Weaver", You said in anger.

"It was just a simple question, for the voice singing has a voice as smooth as silk", She says as she treads near.

"Why shall I tell the enemy, tis you for which I have blood on my armor and hands", You said as you took some steps back.

"Oh darling, were you not informed I have a new motive", She says.

"And what may that be", You ask.

"To stop the people who have caused this war, to be redeemed in the eyes of people", She says as she places a hand on your armor.

"You aren't serious", You say.

"If I wasn't serious, I would have killed you", She says as she takes off her mask.

"Now warrior who was singing the Shanty", She asked again as her thick black hair shown in the moonlight and her Dusky green eyes sparkled.

"Tis I who was singing", You say as you look deep into her eyes mesmerized by her beauty.

"Good, now sing for me again", Shadow Weaver asks as she removes your chest plate.

You heart fluttered as her hand trailed your arm and she held your hand.

"Now sing for me darling", She asked in a whisper as her deep voice pierced the night.

"My Heart is pierced by Cupid, I disdain in Glittering Gold, There is nothing can console me, But my Jolly Sailor Bold", You sang as Shadow Weaver closes her eyes and harmonizes with you as her deep voice wrapped it self around your soft voice.

As you sang the verse, she slowly swayed you, you got the idea and took her shoulder and started dancing as her towering figure twirled you.

"There is nothing can console me, But my Jolly Sailor Bold", She sang as it was the last line.

She pulled you close as her lips inches away from yours, and her arms around your waist, you look once more at her eyes as she slowly opened them, her split pupils looking into your soul.

Her warm breathe softly touches your lips as she takes deep breathes.

You closed your eyes and tilted your head as you slowly leaned in, and She did the same.

Your lips met as your tongues danced and her hands growing a tighter grip on you.

She place a hand on your cheek as she separated from you.

"The tears that fill your eyes shall be no more this war will end, even if it takes my last breathes, anything for you", Shadow Weaver says as she places a small kiss on your cheek.

"Don't say that, for if you do so you'll break my heart, we shall finish this war together", You say as you remove her hand that was on your cheek and put it in between yours.

"Till Death", You say.

"Till Death", Shadow Weaver says.

She looks at you as her eyes open wide and her hand limp, you than feel a sharp pain in your torso.

You look down with fear, and the sword that you once wielded was driven through Shadows body and came out of your own.

As you both fell limp to the ground, Shadow looks at you with tears in her eyes.

"I love you my warrior", She groaned as her green eyes soon turned lifeless.

You lay on her singing, "There is nothing can console me, But my Jolly Sailor Bold", You said as you took your last breathes.

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