The Red Mask

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It was a mystic evening in Mystacor and you were one of the best student at the magic college in Mystacor.

 You were in spell class and were learning how cast an invisibility spell the most difficult spell and only a few can master it.

You were the best but there was another, her name was Light Spinner, she was a quiet person and kept to herself most of the time.

She had long silky black hair and she had the most perfect face. She was incredibly talented and had a very determined attitude, her aim was to be the head of Mystacor, but it really wasn't her aim, it was her mothers.

You finally reached spell class and you had to be put in partners.

"I'll do something different today, y/n and Light Spinner will be partners, since you both are the best I expect highly of you two", The teacher said.

"Hi, I think this the first time we've ever spoken", You say.

"Mhm, now to work, I don't expect you to lag, I need this spell to work", Light Spinner said in a deep yet sarcastic tone. 

"Wow, a please would be nice", You say.

"No time we need this done right", Light Spinner said as her smirk turned into a frown.

You saw the look of concern on her face and decided to help, you both did the spell to perfection and it glowed brighter then the other spells that were being made.

"Well done both of you, you both get an A", The teacher says.

"AN A, it's perfect why aren't we getting an A+", Light Spinner says in anger.

"I don't give an A+ to anyone", The teacher said smugly.

"You don't understand I need that A+, I won't be able to go home with an A", Light Spinner says with worry in her voice.

"I'm sorry Light but I won't give you an A+", The teacher says.

"THIS IS UNFAIR", Light Spinner says as she runs out the door.

You excuse yourself and go look for Light Spinner, You look for hours, you soon find her in the Mystacor gardens looking at the daisy bushes.

"Light Spinner", You say quietly.

She looks back and looks at you.

"Go away, I don't want you here", Light Spinner says as she wipes the tears of her face.

"I was worried, please all I want is to know if your ok", You say.

"Why do you care, and you don't have to keep calling me by my full name, call me Light", Light says.

"Ok Light, come and sit, you don't have to talk, I need you to come and sit", You say.

Light finally agrees and sits next to you.

She puts her head on your shoulder, and she starts crying again.

"I'm scared if I go home with an A, my mother is going to kill me", Light says.

You lift her chin and wipe the tears of her face.

"If your mother is that bad you can come and live with me, my parents past away and I'm all alone in a big house it gets a little lonely", You say.

"I can't, she'll find me and she'll murder me", Light says.

"Your 21, you have the freedom to do whatever you want, you can leave whenever you want, all I want is for you to be safe", You say.

Shadow Weaver and Light Spinner One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now