The Apprentice

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You are a fast learning apprentice learning sorcery.

You were supposed to have morning classes with Castaspella, but for some reason she was busy. She did leave you with a note saying that today's classes will be taken over by Shadow Weaver in the Brightmoon garden. 

This made your face pink, you've had a few classes with Shadow Weaver and she was always so kind to you and taught you most of the difficult spells. 

You were so excited for the classes that you arrived in Brightmoon earlier then usual. 

You made your way to the Brightmoon garden, when you arrived you sat on a bench waiting for Shadow Weaver. You waited for a while and you slowly fell asleep.

"y/n...y/n wake up", Shadow Weaver said. 

"Mhm... a few more minutes". You said.

"y/n we don't have a few more minutes get up now", Shadow said softly.

You suddenly woke up and looked directly at Shadow. "Oops I must've fell asleep", You say.

"Mhm", Shadow said as her white eyes go thin.

"It's late we'll take the class to my chambers", Shadow says 

You agreed, your heart starts to beat faster as you walk towards her chambers. 

"Here we are" Shadow says as she opens the door. 

She starts with the lessons straight away. 

You had learnt some of the hardest spells possible in a matter of minutes but you were struggling with the last one. 

Shadow comes from behind and rest one of her hands on your waist and the other helps guide your hand in making the spell.

The spell was successful and you looked in awe. "Your hands are so soft", You accidently blurt out.

"Yeah well my hands are many things and they can do many things", Shadow says in a flirtations tone.

You start to panic and say "Yeah like to make spells right". 

"Right like to make spells", Shadow says with a giggle. 

"But my hands are not my strong point it's my finger's they can do many things", Shadow says as she moves closer to you. 

"Oh yah like what ", You say nervously.

She slowly takes of her mask and you stare in awe.

"Like this", Shadow says as she backs you into a wall and touches your neck and slowly grabs it, she then brushes her lips against yours.  

Your eyes go wide and you start blushing. You somehow escaped from the hold and said "I've got to gay, I mean I've got to go".

"Not so fast", Shadow says as she comes in front of you. 

"I know you like it when I do this to you", Shadow says as she comes close again.

"OK Fine, I do like it", You blurt out. 

"That's all I needed", Shadow says as she pushes you onto the bed. 

She climbs on top of you and kisses you strongly, you returned the kiss.

She then slowly starts ripping your shirt, and starts kissing your neck. 

"Shadow what are you doing", You ask her.

She looks up and smirks, she slowly takes of your pants and under wear and starts licking.

"Shadow", you slowly said as she started going harder and deeper.

After a while she got up and wiped her lip with her thumb.

"You like that my little Daisy", Shadow asks. 

"Mhm.. I love you Shadow", You say.

She comes and lies down beside you and kisses you on the forehead and says "I love you too my Daisy". 

She cuddles you and you both go to sleep. 

Shadow Weaver and Light Spinner One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now