The wedding

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The first book contains important information on sam!! 

"Life's pretty good, and why wouldn't it be? I'm a pirate, after all."

― Johnny Depp.

One year after I followed Jack Sparrow of the fort I returned to Port Royal to attend Will's wedding to Elizabeth. Jack had dropped me off 2 days before and was set to pick me up two days after the wedding. I sat and was writing to Jack.


If you don't receive another letter assume I have been arrested and don't come to fetch me. I can get out of these cells here easily. I left you some rum somewhere on the ship go find it!


I sealed the letter and took it to the docks waiting for it to be taken by a boat heading to Tortuga where Jack and the crew were staying until I needed to be picked up. It was the day of the wedding so I ran back to where I was staying, a small Inn, to put on my formal f/c dress. Will had practically begged I wear a dress as I despised them with a passion. I had given in but only because it was his wedding. I sauntered out the door hiding my weapons under the folds of the skirts as a precaution. It started raining heavily halfway to the venue so I picked up my skirts and sprinted. When I arrived Will was nowhere to be seen and Elizabeth was on her knees holding flowers. Music was blowing off the stands soaked and beautifully painted teacups filled with water. I wondered where everyone was, "Elizabeth?" I called "are you okay? Where is everyone?" I asked, she looked up at me. "The East India trading company are here, I saw them arrive from here. Will hasn't shown up but you need to run and hide!" She warned me I gave her a curt nod "I appreciate the warning," I turned to leave but then many men appeared holding Will in chains "Elizabeth?" he shouted rather worriedly over the rain. She turned around, dropped the flowers and sprinted to Will. I hung back hiding behind the table covered in cups "Will," Elizabeth breathed lifting her skirts and climbing the few steps "Why is this happening?" she voiced what I was thinking "I don't know," Will looked into her eyes, "Where is Sam?" he asked "She left half an hour ago when I told her the soldiers were here," Elizabeth lied, she was a terrible liar. I hated her but all she wanted was for me to like her, it gave me some benefits. She was nearly in tears "You look beautiful," Will said. A serious situation and all they can do is make puppy eyes at each other that's very helpful I thought. "I think its bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding," Elizabeth said. she looked very sorry for herself at least she wasn't in chains. "Make way, coming through," The governor pushed through the crowd when he go to the front two men crossed poles in front of him, "How dare you stand your men down at once, do you hear me?" the govenor snapped. A man with a white wig and a black cloak turned around when a mean-looking one removed the cloak. The sun was starting to shine now but it was still poring "Governor Wetherby Swann it's been too long," the man said. Hang on I recognised him, it was Beckett "Cutler Beckett?" the governor questioned,  "It's lord now actually" God I hate that man. 

the men moved their poles and the governor stepped forwards "Lord or not, you have no reason and no authority to arrest this man!" he argued, I silently praised him for trying to help Will. "In fact I do, Mr mercer? " Beckett stated. As if Will could be arrested for anything I thought Mercer walked over and unfolded some leather taking out a letter, "The warrant for the arrest of one William Turner," Beckett held out the paper towards the governor, he took it, read it, and looked up, "This warrant is for Elizabeth Swann," the governor said, what had Elizabeth done wrong? None of this made sense. "Is it? That is annoying. My mistake, arrest her" Becket turned and pulled out another letter while Elizabeth was being grabbed "On what charges?" She protested, "No!" Will yelled "Ah-ha. Here's the one for William Turner," he said handing that one to the governor also. "And I have another one for a Mr James Norrington is he here?" Beckett waved the letter above his head "What are the charges?" Elizabeth shouted more ferociously this time. "Commedor Norrington resigned his postion some months ago," the govenor said, shocked to have another respectable person, in his opinion, try to be arrested. "I don't believe that was the answer to the question I asked." Beckett turned to the man "Lord Beckett, in the category of questions not answered..." Will started "We are under the jurisdiction of the king's governor of port royal and you will tell us what we are charged with," she commanded even though she wasn't in that position. "The charge is: conspiering to set free a man convicted of crimes againt the crown and empire and condemmned to death, for which the..." the govenor stopped in his tracks "For which the punishment, regretably, is also death." Beckett said. I nearly pulled out my sword and ran from my spot to run him through right where he stood but i knew if i did that, I couldn't free them, "Perhaps you remember a certain couple of pirates Sam Turner, your sister I believe and Jack sparrow," Beckett said, as soon as I heard my name i ducked lower under the table. "Captain!" both Will Elizabeth and me corrected, i did so under my breath so i could not be heard. "Captain Jack Sparrow," Elizabeth corrected through gritted teeth. "Captain Jack Sparrow, yes I thought you might." Beckett taunted. "Men look for Sam Turner do not leave any hole unchecked." Beckett commanded. Now I was in trouble, "Take them away," Beckett said and everybody left. I ran as fast as I could using every back ally i knew to get to the docks. I jumped into a little boat and sailed as fast as I could through the rain to Tortuga (picture the boat like the one Jack first arrived to Port Royal in) 

time skip brought to you by the seagulls of Tortuga <3

It took me a full day and night to make it to Tortuga where I saw the pearl anchored. I brought the small boat along side in and climbed up the side hopping over the rail. It was about 10 am so everyone was awake ready to set sail to port royal "How did you-?" Gibbs started "Unexpected circumstances arose and I had to borrow a boat that I have no intention of giving back."  I explained before making my way below to get some rum. after a year on this ship I had memorised the lay out and could walk to get rum in my sleep. The door was open and there stood Jack "Hello Captain!" I said surprising him. "We are at port royal already?" He said turning around with his usual drunken stagger. "I wouldn't go back there at all, they arrested Will and Elizabeth and are looking for Norrington me and you," I explained "I 'borrowed' a boat and sailed here," I said making air quotes with my fingers. I leant forwards to collect a bottle of rum, "Shouldn't you be captaining right now?" I asked "We have a new heading," he murmured ignoring my question so I asked another "Have you got any clothes in your cabin I can use? I seem to remember a certain pair of friends throwing them overboard." Pintell and Ragetti had thrown my clothes overbord in the hopes of seeing me naked. That was just before they had left me in Port Royal so I had no time to get any more.  "I happened to have nothing in my cabin why don't you wear that?" he suggested. "Jack!" I punched him lightly in the arm. "That's no way to treat your captain!" he joked. I rolled my eyes and walked out to stand by the rail on deck. Soon after the ship was moving Jack took the wheel and opened his compass. In my time being in his crew i have never asked why he follows a broken compass. I walked over and climbed the steps to Jack slightly wobbly from the half bottle of rum I had consumed in 20 minutes. " Jack why do you follow a broken compass?" I asked watching all the men scurry around on deck fulfilling various tasks. "It is not broken, it simply points to the thing you want most in this world," he said snapping the compass shut as I tried to look at it. "Don't you have first mate things to be doing?" questioned Jack "I was going to sit on the steps and draw unless you have orders for me," I stated making it up on the spot. "I do actually, I order you to sit on that step draw and look pretty considering you can't do anything else." he looked at me expectantly, "Are you trying to ay I can't do anything because I am a woman? Well have I got news for you, the oh so great Captain Jack Sparrow I challenge you to a dual!" I argued getting annoyed. He knew just how to push my buttons. "I accept that challenge Luv," he said "I know I will win" he was getting cocky now, I walked down the steps shouting to the crew to move so a circle was made for a dual. "Don't think just because I'm in a skirt means I will be easy," I called "Don't think just because I am such a gentleman I will go easy." taunted Jack. I scowled raising my sword  I attacked jabbing to the side then slinging my foot out under him. He saw it coming and jumped, I knew exactly what he would do next. He created distance between us then jumped onto the railing. "Your always so predictable," I muttered charging at him. He went to jab at my chest, I ducked his blade scraped my face making beads of blood appear along my cheek. I jumped back up and swung for his feet nearly making him fall overboard. I hopped up next to him and fought him back towards the mast. I manage to corner him against the mast my sword at his throat. "You win!" Jack said sounding very surprised, it was not often that I beat him but I was getting better. He dropped his sword and raised his hands in surrender. I put my sword away laughing "your getting sloppy Jack!" I teased "I am not!" He protested, I chuckled and walked back to the railing looking out to sea.

A/n: dam this was a lengthy chapter! I never usually write this much but I made it my priority to for this book, I hope you enjoyed their little dual.
Until next time!

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