a drawing of a key

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(things that are slanted are thoughts)

"Under the leadership of a man you have all chosen to flee. We shall see how you prove yourselves under the hand of a woman."

― Ching Shih (The pirate that Mistress ching is based on)

I headed inside to my cabin, it was smaller than the captain's cabin but it was comfy. I picked up a cloth and dabbed away at the blood on my cheek and stayed there drawing until night fell. I looked out the window realising it must be late. I got up to stretch and made my way to the deck. Gibbs was the only one there the rest of the crew must be asleep. Gibbs laughed and tilted his head back drinking from his bottle, I looked up to the wheel but Jack was not there how odd. A bell tolled "Mr Gibbs, where is Jack?" I approached him, "He is in the Turkish prison just on the other side of this fog bank missy," he replied gesturing to the open water. "Call me Sam, we both know I hate these formalities. Do you think Jack would care if I stole some of his clothes while he is gone?" I asked already knowing the answer but confirming it with him. I was going to do it anyway, with or without his permission. "I don't think he would mind but his cabin is locked how would you get in?" he raised an eyebrow "Easily." I finished walking over to his cabin bending down by the lock, I had been wearing this infernal dress all day I had to get it off at some point. I jammed a dagger next to the lock prying the lock off and the door swung open. "ta daaaa!" I turned back to Gibbs doing jazz hands, he raised his eyebrows not wanting to be a part of this he started drinking again. 

I looked through various draws and cupboards until I found something decent. It was an old white top and some brown trousers, I put them on and was about to walk out of the cabin when I heard a distant gunshot. Oh shit, I hope Jack is alright and hasn't done anything bloody stupid. I rushed out to the deck to see no stranger, friend or foe. I started pacing, what if Jack had been shot? what if he was killed? what if I never saw him again? my concern grew as the minutes passed, and more crew started to appear on deck. I saw Gibbs walk over to the side of the ship and reach his hand out. A skeletal leg is what he received does this mean? it must  I left where I was standing and raced over to him about to pull him into a hug but stopped myself. I flushed as red as his bandana "What was that" Jack eyed me up and down. "I heard a gun, thought it didn't go according to plan," I looked down hoping I wasn't burning red. "Aye I did," Gibbs said trying to break the silence "Not quite according to plan?" Gibbs looked at the rotting leg. "Complications arose, ensued, were overcome." Cotton put his jacket on his shoulders and Jack walked off. Gibbs handed the rotting foot to Cotton and followed Jack. I followed Gibbs wanting to know what Jack had retrieved. "You got what you went in for?" Gibbs rushed "Mhm" was Jack's only response as he pulled out a piece of cloth waving it in Gibbs' face. When he turned around again the entire crew was standing in front of him. I stood behind him and scoffed. "Captain, I think the crew, meaning me as well, were expecting something a bit more.... shiny," Gibbs stated in a careful manner. "Is this the opinion of the first mate as well?" Jack turned to me. "Jack I do have a name. I agree with Gibbs, where are the shiny things?" I countered. "What with the Isla do muerta going pear-shaped, reclaimed by the sea treasure along with it." Gibbs reasoned. "And the royal navy chasing us around the Atlantic," one sailor added, "And the hurricane," Marty added this earned a series of aye from all the crew. "All in all it seems some time since we have had a speck of honest pirating." I summed up for the entire crew. Jack frowned "Shiny?" "Aye shiny," Gibbs confirmed. "So you all feel this way? That maybe dear old Jack is not serving in your best interests as captain?" Jack asked, the men all looked at one another I laughed earning a glare from Jack. "Walk the plank!" Cotton's parrot said causing Jack to cock his pistol at the bird. "What did the bird say?" Jack asked frustratedly "Don't blame the bird, now show us what's on the bloody cloth!" I raised my voice at Jack. The undead monkey, Jack, jumped in front of us, making us jump. I shot it as it jumped down and grabbed the cloth. It ran up the deck and got about 2 meters. Then Jack shot it making it stumble and drop the cloth. "You know that does no good," Gibbs said "It does me" Jack protested. I jumped past a line of men and grabbed the cloth, "It's not even a buggering map, it's a drawing of a key."  "Aye that it is!" Jack said enthusiastically waving his arms, "Gentlemen, What do keys do?" He held up the drawing, "Keys.... unlock things?" one crew member questioned"and whatever this key unlocks, inside there's something valuable. So we're setting out to find whatever this key unlocks."Gibbs concluded "No," Jack said raising his finger. "If we don't have the key we can't unlock whatever need be unlocked which we don't have." I explained, "God you're turning out just like Jack," I heard Gibbs mutter "So what purpose would be served in finding whatever need be unlocked, which we don't have, without first having found the key what unlocks it?" Jack questioned Gibbs "So we're going after this key?" Gibbs guessed, "You're not making any sense at all Gibbs," I told him. he frowned "Any more questions?" he looked to the rest of the crew, "So... do we have a heading?" a crew member asked. "Ah, a heading!" Jack opened his compass, looking at it then at me and shaking it. " Set sail in a...uh...general...that way direction. " he finished finally pointing his finger in one direction "Jack?" his compass always points to one place, is it not working? "Come on, snap to and make sail. You know how this works. Go on." he made a shooing motion with his hands. 

Thunder started to rumble and I made my way over to Jack. "Why doesn't your compass work?" I asked him looking at the clouds "It's working perfectly fine!" he defended, "Jack, what would the compass point to if I held it?" I asked he looked like he had an idea. He pulled the compass from his belt and placed it in my hands. I opened it and watched the needle spin landing on the rum on top of a barrel, I chuckled and to a large swig of the brown liquid. It then spun again pointing in front of me. It pointed to the one person who it can't point to ever. Jack. "What's it pointing at Luv?" Jack asked "Greece," I lied, "I have always wanted to go there!" That bit was true "One of those was a lie, the first one may have been a lie and the second statement as a backup lie but if the first was true the second would have to be true," he frowned "Me? I'm dishonest-" I started quoting him from a year ago at Isla de muerta waving my arms around in a very terrible impression of him. "Don't you start that again Sam," He smirked, "Or what captain?" I joked, he pulled out his sword but I was fast and blocked it. "I'm getting better at this Jack you need to up your game" I taunted "lower your sword captain~" I teased "Aye that you are," he said putting away his sword. "You should be getting to bed lass," Jack cleared his throat "Maybe," I walked over to the rail and leaned on it. "I won't sleep though" I mumbled, "Why won't you be sleeping Luv?" Jack responded he must have heard "Oh- I'm just not tired," I lied, "I can tell that's not the truth but go to your cabin and rest." Jack dismissed it. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, the truth was I had terrible nightmares about Jack being stabbed in Isla de meuta and visions of Will's dead body slumped over the chest. I couldn't let that happen. Usually, these dreams wouldn't scare me but watching the two people you cared most about in the world die over and over is horrible                                                               

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