The dutchman

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"It seems we have a need to find the flying dutchman," Will said, I just walked out shooing cotton inside then sitting in the boat leaning my head on my hand. "My understanding of the female creature tells me you are troubled," Jack said making me jump slightly "You scared me, Jack!"  said smiling slightly, I ran my fingers over my wrapped arm wondering who found me. "Jack?" I asked turning to face him as he sat down next to me, "Who found me?" I asked him. "I did, Luv," he said sobering in a matter of seconds. "Thank you," I said quietly I quickly kissed his cheek to show how grateful I really was. "What happened then?" he asked "I drank all the rum I could find without leaving the cabin, I must have dropped a bottle the fainted onto the broken glass," I said just looking at him taking in all his features, "Like what you see?" he said smirking I burned red "No!" I defended lightly slapping his chest. "Keep telling yourself that!" he teased I grabbed his hand to study his tattoo for something to do, "It's beautiful," I said tracing the tip of my finger along the delicate lines. I looked up, only then realising how close our faces were. We just stared into each other's eyes for what felt like days. I was lost in his chocolate-brown orbs (A/N: I'm sorry I had to use that at least once!!!! ) when I heard everyone else leaving the hut. I moved my face further away though I would rather stay where I was. Jack sort of whimpered I leaned over next to his ear "The crew are coming," I whispered lingering next to him slightly longer than needed. His eyes swiftly moved from my face to my figure. "Oi!" I said poking him on the cheek to distract him "My eyes are up here," I joked.

 The crew piled into the boats and we rowed back to the pearl. I hopped up on deck as the sky clouded over, great a storm they had by far become my least favourite thing at sea. "Sam!" Will yelled as I was climbing to the crow's nest. I jumped down and stuck my finger in his face. "Not my name! Weren't you listening? I'm Y/n Chevelle!" I seethed still furious at him. "What?" he asked dumbfounded as he backed into the railing as I walked forwards "My. Name. Is. Not. Sam." I said passive-aggressively. The wind picked up. "I swear I did not know about your name. I knew about the rest," he admitted. "Honestly I'm not in the mood and before you ask yes I'm fine and You make me want to throw myself off the rail!" I screamed running over to the other side of the ship and standing on the rail grabbing a rope subtlely behind me. "Goodbye, Jack!" I shouted and jumped off, I allowed myself to slide down the end of the rope. It made it look as if I had dropped, I swung around and landed in rigging behind everyone who was looking over the side. Jack started to take off his coat, hat sword and gun. I plastered the cockiest smirk on my face "Jack if you are going to wear nothing at least do so in my cabin!" I shouted grabbing the attention of everyone on the boat. They all whipped their heads around so fast with concern mixed with amusement expressions. I locked eyes with Jack, he looked relieved and amused, I kept eye contact as I jumped down walking towards him. 

"That was without even a single drop of rum! I do believe we have somewhere to be," I said walking to the helm. Jack, Gibbs and Will followed me "Jack please keep the eunuch away from me," I said. Will stopped as Jack shooed him away. 

<3Timeskip brought to you by the rum always being gone<3

I followed Jack away from the helm and stood with him Gibbs and Will at the side of the ship. The rain was falling heavily now and thunder clapped above. I had always been terrified of thunder but learned to accept it, and enjoy it even. The waves were violent and merciless as if calypso was trying to stop us. "She doesn't look like much," Will shouted above nature, looking at the dutchman supposedly "Neither do you," I said flatly "Do not underestimate her," Jack said elbowing Gibbs in the ribs "Must have run afoul of the reef," he said, "So, what's your plan then?" Jack asked. Jack wasn't telling Will something, I could tell. "I row over, search the ship until I find your bloody key," Will shouted frustrated "And if there are undead fishy crewmen?" I asked he looked at me oddly, I shrugged. He didn't know. "I cut down anyone in my path," he said then walking to the boat. "I like it. Simple. Easy to remember," Jack said. Will climbed down the ship's side as we all looked over the railing. "Oi! If you do happen to get captured, just say Jack Sparrow sent you to settle his debt. Might save your life!" He shouted down at him. "Douse the lamps," Jack said to Gibbs, "Y/n, go to my cabin," Jack started to walk off, "What? No! I can handle myself in a storm!" I protested "It's not the storm I'm worried about." he said, "I will go if you come with me," I said not particularly wanting to be alone. " Aye I will only for a little bit though," he said following me. 

We walked into the dark dry cabin, "Jack, I need you to help me," I started forming a plan on how to get back at Will. "I know how much Will can barely tolerate you," I said turning to face him, "That's not very nice!" he joked. "I'm serious Jack," I looked into his eyes, fluttering my eyelashes slightly. He stroked my cheek a little causing me to blush, "It's so easy to make you blush," he teased, I pushed him back to his bed and made him sit down, I straddled him leaning in close to his ear "It's so easy to tease you, Jack," I whispered lowly, "Luv, I have a crew to get back to," he said winking at me and walking away. "Of course my dearest captain," I tested the name on him. 

I searched for rum, as I was forbidden to leave I may as well pass the time. I walked over to Jack's false-backed wardrobe, he thought no one knew about the rum storage hidden behind it. I slid my fingers down the seams, unhooking the back. I picked up the bottle and turned around going to sit down, "Oh bugger," I said seeing one of the dutchman's slimy fishy crew members. They grabbed me dragging me out of the cabin "Oi! At least let me keep me rum!" I shouted at them straining against their various appendages. "What have we here?" I heard a cold, heartless voice ask. Davey Jones. I plastered a cocky expression on my face, "Ah Davey Jones, here to settle a debt are we?" I asked casually even though every voice I had ever heard in my head yelled at me to shut up.  I pushed them down.  "Who might you be?" he said. "She's no one, just a common whore I picked up in Tortuga," Jack interjected. "JACK SPARROW!" I screamed. "YOU SAY I AM JUST A WHORE ONE MORE TIME AND I WILL NOT HESITATE TO CASTRATE YOU!" I  threatened, making every man cringe. "You have a debt to pay," Jones shifted his attention back to Jack.  "You've been captain of the black pearl for 13 years," he walked forwards making Jack back up "That was our agreement," he spat out."Technically, he was only captain for 2 years then stupidly mutinied upon," I interjected trying to save Jack's skin "Then he was a poor captain but a captain nonetheless," Jones said turning back to Jack "Have you not all these years introduced yourself as Captian Jack Sparrow?" he asked  I knew Jacks pride would be the death of him.  The crew laughed, "You have my payment, one soul to serve on your ship, is already over there," he said as much as I hated Will at the minute I couldn't leave him to that fate. "NO! Jack, you can't!" I shouted at him being ignored. "One soul is not equal to another," Jones said. "Ah, so we have established my proposal is sound in principle now we are just haggling over price," Jack said, planning to sell who knows how many people out to save himself. "Price?" Jones asked popping the p. "Just how many souls do you think my soul is worth?" he asked, I could practically hear the cogs turning in his head. "One hundred souls," he said looking around earning a chuckle from his slimy crew. "Three days," Jones said making me panic, 100 souls in 3 days? impossible. "You're a diamond, mate. send me back the boy and I'll get started right off." Jack said walking away only to have a hammer-headed crewman stand in front of him. "I keep the boy, a good faith payment." Jones said, "that leaves you only 99 more to go." Jones laughed "Have you not met will turner? He's Nobel, heroic, a terrific soprano. Worth at least 4 maybe 3 and a half and did I happen to mention" jack began to walk around him "he's in love with a girl due to be married betrothed deciding him from her and her from him would be only half as cruel as actually allowing them to be joined in holy matrimony, eh?" Jack said trying to reason again."Send me off with the girl and it will be only 50 souls to deliver," 

"No," "Yes," I and Jack said at the same time. If that would save others I would do it. My firm belief in the need of the many outweighs the need of the few was screaming at me to walk to Jones myself but if I moved I knew I would end up dead. "Jack let me go with them, it will be easier for you," I reasoned hoping he would be himself and use the blatantly selfish option for his ease. "No, you are staying on this ship, that's an order," he commanded sounding more serious than I have heard him in ages. "Jack I can't stand watching you make a deal you can't stick to. I can at least give you a chance!" I began to raise my voice "You are going to follow the orders of your captain," he said pointing at me his face set determinedly. "99 souls it is, 3 days," Jones said then grabbed Jack's hand covering it in his slime and tentacles. Jack's face contorted in a mixture of disgust and fear. "You're a diamond mate!" he said trying to regain his confident facade. The slimy fishy crew backed up withdrawing the swords from our throats and then disappearing. 

A/N: Heyyy!! I am already planning the period after Jack dies for some reason... It has taken me weeks to get this chapter written for no reason. I hope you enjoy it! Don't be silent readers!!  

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