The Letter

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"If there's a man among ye, ye'll come up and fight like the man ye are to be!" 

― Mary Read

"I must trade it for her freedom." Will pressed on. "Oh let her hang," I said dismissively. Jack gave me a pointed look and moved the sword from one shoulder to the other. "Mr Gibbs," Jack said, "Captain," he said focusing on steering the ship. "We have a need to travel upriver," he said leaning over Gibbs' shoulder. A look of terror flashed over Gibbs' face "By need, do you mean a trifling need? Fleeting? As in, say, a passing fancy?" he tried to reason "No, a resolute and unyielding need." Jack was dead set on going. Jack took a few steps forward. "What we need to do is make sail for Port Royal with all haste," Will said following him. "She can wait," I said smirking. "William, I shall trade you the compass if you will help me," he pulled out the drawing of a key, "To find this." 

"You want me to find this?" Will said pointing at it. "No. You want you to find this.." Jack began before I finished for him. "Because the finding of this finds you finding and/or locating in your discovering a way to save your dolly belle, ol' whats her face" I said thinking like Jack "savvy," Jack said smiling. Will took the cloth. "This is going to save Elizabeth?" he raised an eyebrow. "How much do you know about Davy Jones?" Jack asked. "Not much," Will confessed.  "Then, yes, it's going to save Elizabeth," Jack concluded. He started tapping his fingers on the wood. "You wanted to see me, Jack?" I said, "Aye, that I did, come." he said motioning with his hand walking to his cabin. I followed him, "Shut the door." Jack commanded. I did as I was told and sat on his desk as he began circling it. "What is this about?" I asked "I have a letter," he said looking to the floor. "And???" I urged curious to see what it was about. "It's for you." he chose his words carefully. "Before you open this I must tell you, it was rumoured that he had one child only." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. who? One child?? One child?? As my brain struggled to process the information Jack moved towards the door. "I'll leave you be."

"Jack, stay." I barely whispered. He froze turning on his heel. He just stood there. A comfortable silence washed over the room as I picked up the letter from next to me. My hands were shaking pull yourself together! Stop getting worked up about things you can't change. It's stupid. You are being weak. Stop.  I took a deep breath and opened the letter. Pulling out the slightly damp paper I looked across the words.


You probably do not remember me. I am your father, William Turner. I hope this letter gets to you. I have a confession, you have been lied to.

A tear fell down my face

You have been lied to your entire life. I wanted to tell you as soon as you were old enough but when I discovered you were no longer in England I could not find you. I do not know if I will ever see you again. I hope we will meet again somewhere. I am a crewman on The Flying Dutchman, the Captain is Davey Jones. It truly is a cursed place.

Now onto why I really wrote this letter. I have only one blood child. I have two children. Your real name is not Samantha Turner. You are not my blood child. You were left on our doorstep as an infant when Will was 4. Only two things with you. A name and a playing card. Your true name is Y/n Chevalle. I do not know who your father or mother is. Keep the card safe, I placed it in the envelope with the letter. 

I dove into the envelope. Pulling out the slightly stained playing card with corners that curled upwards slightly.  I studied the front of the card, the queen of hearts sat neatly in the middle with a red and white back. 

Jack gasped "I know that card!" he said "Whose is it?" I said Jack stopped talking. "I don't think I should say..." he trailed off. "Sparrow if you even care about me remotely you WILL tell me who this card belongs to or I WILL run you through right here, right now!" I threatened he flinched at the sound of his last name. "That card belongs to no other than the ex-pirate lord of the Mediterranian, Captaine Chevalle, otherwise known as the penniless Frenchman," he said staring at it oddly. "What do you mean 'ex-pirate lord'? Is he dead?!!" I almost shouted. "He isn't dead but he is no longer the pirate lord he was replaced as he no longer holds his piece of eight," he explained. "Who has it?" I asked still looking at the card. "You," he said as if It was obvious. My heart stopped. MY father? The penniless Frenchman? It was impossible. It can't happen. Bootstrap adopted me? He adopted me and still left for pirating? My hands began to shake, "I-I-I-It's impossible," I managed to stammer. "Nothing is ever impossible," Jack muttered How could I be pirate lord of the Mediterranian? That's why I felt so connected to Jack. Not him. Never him. An acidic substance rose in my throat. I tried to keep it down. No use. I ran out to the balcony at the back of the cabin and threw up. My empty stomach repelled the acids it produced forcing it upwards burning my throat. It mingled with the ocean being taken with the current. It happened again and again. Each time leaving me more breathless. My stomach cleared of the acid and my throat raw silent tears fell down my face. droplets of salty water exploded on the rail. stumbling back into the cabin I saw the worried look on his face. Concern was written across his Jackish features. He looked hesitant and he took a step toward me handing the letter to me. I looked back at the letter starting to read again.

I am sorry that we lied to you for so long, me and your mother love you as our own. 

I'm sorry


That was where it ended. That meant Will knew. Will had known and never bothered to tell me. "I'm going to kill him," I murmured. I stormed out onto the deck looking for Will. "Out of my way!" I shouted when someone walked in front of me. I saw him, up at the helm looking out to sea. "William Turner!" I shouted up at him stomping up the stairs, "Sam! What happened? Are you okay?" he asked looking concerned I ripped out my sword, "No I am not okay! I just found out, through a letter that I am not your sister. A letter! You knew!" I seethed "You knew the entire time but you never said anything!" I pressed my sword into his neck making a blood bead at the tip. "Calm down Luv," Jack said putting a hand on my shoulder walking up to us. I shrugged it off "Wench!" I shouted as loud as my raw throat would allow. I slapped him hard across the face. I raised my sword again "Fight me." I demanded "I'm not going to fight you," Will said in alarm. I made a jab for his stomach and he drew his sword to block. "You will have to out of self-defence." I  countered "I will defend but not attack," stupid noble Will. "Oh Elizabeth has made you soft," I hissed. It was true. I punctuated each word with an attack. "Spoilt. Little. Brat. Who. Cant. do. anything. for. herself. has .made. you. weak!" I jeered. His face hardened. He was pissed off. I wasn't scared I had spent the past year dealing with pirates I could deal with him. As we were fighting Will tried to talk "I know I knew and I should have told you but I didn't know how!" he shouted above the clanging of the swords. "I don't want to hear it!" I seethed cutting his arm a few centimetres deep and running into Jack's cabin while he checked it slamming the doors behind me. I didn't care what Jack said I was staying here. 

A/N: I wrote that in a chem test so Idk if it's too good or not but it was not a very long chapter. I probably failed the test but oh well. This is where the reader bit comes into it y/n is your real name and you were named differently by bootstrap.  I have been getting stupid amounts of hw recently and my mental health is pretty shit so it's gonna be slow uploads for a while. Sorry!!

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