The Pelegostos

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"Take what you can, give nothing back"

-Jack Sparrow

I learned that the tribe was the plelegostos. I was put in a fresh bone cage made of bones of others that were part of the crew. They must have all been killed while I was unconscious. I stood looking to which cage I was in, Gibbs was in the cage next to me with cotton, Marty and various other crewmen. There were about 6 or 7 in each cage, then I saw him. "Will!!" I shouted across the gap. "Sam? You are here too? I'm so happy you are alive!" he shouted back across. "We need to get out! Jack needs us" I said, "Aye that he does," Gibbs agreed. Then I had an idea. "Swing the cages!" I shouted to everyone "Are you crazy!?" an Indian man in my cage said back "Probably," I laughed "How long have we been here Gibbs?" I asked him. "You got shot 5 times so around 3 days." he said back "I went 3 days without a single drop of rum?!" I screamed like a mad man, "We need to get out before I start killing people." I said oddly calm. "Swing the cages!" I shouted making everyone do the same, we finally clutched onto some vines "Come on men! It will take all of our men to crew the pearl!" he shouted as encouragement "Actually about six would do." the Indian man thought out loud "Oh dear," He realised what he had just said. I climbed out of the biggest hole in the cage and started climbing on my own "You are slowing me down! If anyone gets off this dam island it will be me and Jack!" I shouted back down as I continued to climb. I saw a beautiful snake, a deadly venomous snake. I picked it up throwing it down at the cage below me so the others could reach the top. A pelegosto was walking on the bridge close to us, "Stop!" I whisper yelled to the crew, they can't of heard me as they kept on moving gaining the attention of the child. 

"Buggar," I cursed "We were spotted!" I shouted down to Will who then yelled "Move!" this caused effort and scrambling from all of the men. "Come on, are you mice or men?" I shouted down the cliff. I had reached the top and was waiting for the others. I started listening to the drums wondering what they were for. The men finally reached the top, "Cut it loose! Find a rock!" Will shouted like he owned everyone. The crew looked at me as I was now fully in command given Jack wasn't there. "Aye! Do as he says !" I shouted at them. They found a rock and cut the rope. "roll the cage!" I shouted at them. they rolled it down a very steep hill. With all the chaos they wouldn't notice me slipping off to find Jack. I found a path and followed it to a small group of houses. There I saw Jack with a pole tied to his back with two tribal women standing in front of him. "Pardon me," I said squeezing between the two. "Jack, what's happening?" I asked "Do now explain later," He said stabbing a coconut and throwing it at the woman. One caught it, lowering it she looked angry. They started throwing fruits at Jack each time he pierced them on the pole. "Hang on to me luv," he said jamming the pole in some rocks and launching us over to the next cliff, "Woah," He smiled rather proud of himself "Buggar," I said as I felt the fruit slide to the back. Jack's grip tightened on my waist as we fell downwards. The pole jammed into the sides of the walls. The rope unravelled until we were hanging upside down "Jack I swear to calypso if we get out of this alive I will castrate you!" I hissed terrified for my life.  The pole slipped, we fell again, both of us screamed. We fell hitting various bridges on the way down, a sharp pain shot through my leg. I cried out louder, hitting more and more bridges before finally hitting the floor. Jack landed next to me, fruit all around us and the pole flying towards us. I rolled sideways, narrowly avoiding the pole, "We have to go Luv, come on." Jack said looking around. I tried to get up but the pain in my leg was too much. "Jack I can't. My leg... How bad is it? I don't want to look. " he looked back at me panic flashing through his eyes. "I will carry you," he said trying to pick me up. "I'll slow you down, leave me."  I said "I'm going back to the ship and you are coming whether you like it or not." he said firmly "Hang onto my neck," he said "That's an order from your captain!" he commanded. I gave in, he picked me up bridal style and started running. 

We were both spotted by the tribe and they began chasing us along the beach. I hid my face in Jack's chest, smelling paprika. Why does he smell like paprika?

Jack started screaming as we ran, I looked up to see how close we were to the pearl. Will and what was left of the crew started to climb into the ship leaving us behind. "Run faster!" I screamed at Jack "Keep your hair on Luv," he said between gasps. Finally, I felt the seawater splash onto my face, getting into the gash on my leg, "Bloody ocean!" I shouted in pain. jumping out of Jack's arms I grabbed onto rope. He started giving his dramatic exit that I had heard millions of times over. "Alas, my children! This is the day-" he held out his hand as a wave splashed over the back of us, "Cap'n Jack Sparrow," he finished half-heartedly. I climbed upwards onto the deck hissing in pain. "Will!" I gasped running to hug him. I pulled back going to draw my sword but realised I no longer had one. Leaning over I grabbed Pintell's sword pointing it at Will. "You were going to leave me behind! Leave Us behind. How could you? Just to save your own skin. Do you not care anymore? I cared enough to go to your wedding but maybe I shouldn't have risked getting caught!" I seethed at him furiously. "As much as I love a good fight please don't. His blood will stain the wood." Jack stepped in front of me. "First mate, please follow me to my cabin," "I have a name you know Jack," I complained following him. "Let's put some distance between us and this island and head out to open sea," Gibbs said. "Yes to the first yes to the second but only insofar as we keep to the shallows," Jack said confusing everyone. "That seems a bit contradictory captain," Gibbs said. I walked below deck looking for rum and emerged seconds later. I uncorked the bottle taking a swig. "Oh, God I have missed this," I said sighing. "Now where is that monkey? I want to shoot something," Jack said. Will walked up to Jack. "Jack. Elizabeth is in danger." he said "Oh here we go." I rolled my eyes "Have you considered keeping a more watchful eye on her? Maybe lock her up somewhere?" Jack asked clearly distracted moving towards his cabin again. "She is locked up, in a prison, bound to hang for helping you." he followed him stopping outside Jack's cabin doors. "There comes a time when one must take responsibility for one's mistakes," Jack said. Will pulled a sword from a passing crew member "I need that compass of yours Jack." will said putting the sword against Jack's neck.

a/n: Hey! I just wanted to tell you all about something I discovered today! Play ship ambience at 100% vol and sea shanties at 25% ish and it feels so real!!!

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