What If

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(A/N) Hey! so this is just a fun little chapter that I thought I should make when I saw a comment that made me want to write a fun chapter just so you don't feel distressed or anything (unfortunately, I can't credit that person as they have deleted their account :( ) I know you have been waiting for a month, but I reaaaally couldn't put my time in the day to write because of school. Anyway, here's a small chapter.

"Pfffffh." she sighed and blew onto her hair, feeling completely hopeless. Her chin rested on her knees which here tucked close to her chest, sitting on her couch, watching television with Jean and Marco.

"(y/n), if you keep sighing, the roof will crumble down." Jean said.

"You sound like an old man." she coldly replied, staring at the blank space ahead of her, not aware of the looks Marco and Jean were exchanging. "I don't even know what that means."

"You should just try to distract yourself, (y/n)" Jean suggested. "I mean, in the event that he doesn't show up at all-"

"He's going to show up, Jean. Don't be like that." she cut him off. Those were the words she never wanted to hear and the fate she wanted to accept. "He's gonna show up." she mumbled to herself. He was right though, what if Levi wasn't going to show up? Or what if he left the hospital at this moment and she wasn't checking? It's been far too long that he's been gone.

"Why don't we just all do something we like to do?" Marco suggested, interjecting the conversation. "Let's eat something." he didn't know what to do, there was nothing that made her budge one bit. 

"Yeah, sounds like a good plan." Jean agreed, standing up to get her cellphone. "Come on, (y/n). You have to eat something. How about your favourite pizza place? You know you can't resist that."

Remembering that she hadn't eaten since she woke up, he stomach growled. She tried to hold her pride but she knew that she couldn't, knowing that her stomach would now bother her.

"Alright," she snatched her phone from Jean, calling her favourite pizza place. Jean smiled.

"Thank you (y/n)." Marco whispered as she waited for the phone to ring. She smiled back.

After her order, she went back into her sulking state. The fact that she had to wait for her food also made her even more upset. 

The idea did not surpass her thoughts; she looked for other options to deal with Levi being gone. Possibly forever.

After waiting for longer than half an hour she grew aggravated at the sheer fact that her pizza was taking forever.

As if on cue, her doorbell rang.

She ran for the door, ready to spit venom at the person delivering for taking too long.

"What took you so long?" she opened the door, her eyes widened at the sight.

"I'm sorry. I just got the job and I'm not really too familiar with this area." the man scratched his forehead.

"... Levi?"

(A/N) I'm joking. This chapter is also supposed to be a sneakie peekie at the intro of the new book. Here it goes!

"Wait, (y/n)?" were the words that shocked her. She never thought that she would hear her name coming from his breath ever again. But she didn't know it would soon turn out bitter.

Tears escaped her eyes. She couldn't be any happier to see him again, and even more, he remembered her name.

She ran up to him and embraced him tightly. She felt his hand touch her back delicately.

"You don't know how much I missed you, Levi. I love you." She said with a faint voice, but enough for him to hear.

"I... I'm confused. Excuse me. I don't remember anything." He was left stiff in her arms. It hurt her that he wouldn't hug her back, but she took into account how he doesn't remember her or their relationship.  "... Stop crying." Was all he could add.

She backed away. "How do you remember my name?"

He looked to the side, "I had dreams about you. I'm not sure why. And I couldn't remember your face but now that I've seen it, I recognized you." He replied. "When I was in the hospital, I had dreams about a lot of things, but I remember seeing you there and someone who talked really loud, and moving tall buildings."

"What did the hospital tell you about your injuries when you woke up?"

He put a hand over his abdomen and touched his ribs, "They told me I was in a car accident."

She looked down at his torso, remembering the splatter of blood on his shirt, making her almost tear up again. It was something that she hated to remember and visualize in her head.

"And that I was hit and my ribs were crushed, but they were able to revive me. I still feel sore. I feel like it was much worse than a car accident, for some reason, I feel upset thinking about it. It's like I lost something."

"Do you know what your relation was to me?" she asked. Maybe it wasn't safe for her to jog his memory to the extreme as of yet, but she wanted to know everything.

"... The hospital said we lived together." he replied.

"What else did they tell you?"

"That I had a girlfriend." he replied. "Petra, I believe."

(A/N) oh my god the third one, sorry if you're getting tired of me, but this one is important. I just want to know what your opinions are and stuff, what you want to see in the next book and what your don't want to see. Um, suggestions for plots, etc. Messaging me or commenting would be nice! :) thanks for reading.

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