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She shot a look to Hange, then back at Armin, his eyes following her gaze waiting for a response. He read her book too.

"That's interesting," she responded, almost inaudibly, physically responding with a smile. "Are you almost finished the book?" she added, hoping to hear a response telling her that at the end of the book she doesn't spontaneously die or have a horrible ending, like having no boyfriend, which she felt was her current situation.

"No, I've only actually just started," he politely replied. "Captain Levi just gave me the book a few days ago."

Her heart sank, Levi was definitely mad at her. Her eyes started to tear up and a lump in her throat was forming. "Why did he give it to you?" she asked, trying to suppress her shaking voice. "I mean, it's weird that he would just randomly give the book to anyone. He doesn't seem like the type to give gifts." she added, trying to save face.

"He said that he was getting bored with it, and that I was the one person he knew who liked to read, so... yeah," he pursed his lips.

She didn't reply, she was unaware she was just staring at him. "Bored" The word rang through her head, trying to fathom anything. She could feel the taps on her eyes start to break and erupt with tears.

"Okay," Hange interrupted clasping her hands, taking into account the uncomfortable, and sad silence the room was emitting. "Let's get to work."


"(y/n), I'll see you after dinner in my lab, okay?" Hange said as they both walked out of her office. "We need to talk about a lot of things," she patted her back.

"Yeah," she replied, "and please, don't tell Levi I'm here just yet."

"I wont." They parted ways as they walked into the mess hall. She decided that she wouldn't sit where Levi sat, which would be where Hange probably sat, since her sudden appearance would confuse and even infuriate him.

"(y/n)! Over here!" Jean called out, waving to her, sitting on the left side of the mess hall. She rushed over, hoping that Levi would not step in and see her.

"Thanks," she said as she sat down beside him and set her tray down, hoping to conceal her face from being seen. Not long after, the blond boy came over to greet them and sit at the table adjacent to theirs.

"Hey, (y/n), hey Jean," Her name rang in his voice he greeted, being amused with how she had the same name as a character in a book.

"Hey," both her and Jean responded in unison, Jean giving him a friendly smile.

Many people came by, greeting each other and asking each other how their day went and complain. She truly felt alone at this moment; she felt like an outsider, considering the fact that she just slipped into the Scout Regiment without prior training.

"How was your day, (y/n)?" Jean asked, taking her away from her thoughts. She played with her food for a while, thinking of a response. Her day wasn't entirely horrible, but it wasn't appropriate to say that it was good as well. However, if she did weigh the good and the bad out, she could say that the bad outweighed the good. Now that she thought about it, it wasn't a good day at all- except for the fact that she met Armin and reunited with Hange- it was completely atrocious.

"It was good," she replied, despite what her inner thoughts held. "How was yours?" she wanted to avoid the topic off of her as much as she could.

"It was fine," he flatly replied, as if he actually had a shitty day in contrast to what he said. "It was just full of cleaning. You know, up to Captain's standards," he looked away and onto the door of the mess hall. "Speaking of the devil." he nodded his head and she followed- there entering through the door was Levi. "Man, it's been so stressful with him around while you're cleaning. Especially this past week when he's been mad like there is no tomorrow." he took a bite out of his bread.

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