Keep Moving Forward

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Jean furrowed his eyebrows, looking into her eyes, still avoiding Marco's stare. He didn't want to look at him. Solely for the purpose of not becoming weak as he remembers seeing his dead body. "Does this mean that all of the friends we lost... They're alive?"

"Well... yeah. I guess." she squinted, "Remember Oulo and Petra from Le- his squad?" it hurt her to say his name. "I met them, but they don't remember anything, but they have vague recollections of their past- which leads me to think that they have their memories stored at the back of their mind. Marco's been having dreams about you, for instance, and this might be because he still kinda remembers you. she looked at Marco to confirm and he nodded at her.

Jean flinched, almost unnoticably.

She noticed that he had been avoiding eye contact with the boy sitting next to her the moment they passed through the door.

"Can you look at Marco... please, Jean. He's your best friend." she bluntly pleaded, pitying him- she had a sense of how he felt to some extent. "... I know how it's like to lose someone important to you, Jean, and I'm sorry this had to happen to you. But, stop living in the past. He's here, right now. You can hug him, do whatever. What's holding you back?" her voice let out an urgent, but soft tone.

Silence filled the room for what seemed to be long minutes, "I just... don't want to be reminded of that image." Rubbing his eyes as he leaned forward on his chair, he started crying.

Marco froze, sitting in shock of Jean's suddent break down.

She gestured with her head, telling Marco to do something about it.

Obeying her , Marco rose up from his chair and grasped Jean's shoulder.

"I'm sorry." Marco sat down beside him. "But thank you for being my friend." he patted his back.

With slight apprehension, Jean looked at Marco and hugged him.

She smiled at the sight of the reunion, immediately vanishing, thinking about her own personal worries. There wasn't a day when she wasn't faced with the problems of her own.

"Please, don't leave me again." Jean's voice muffled through Marco's shoulder, his shirt wet with tears, "You were my only best friend."

Marco had a warm smile drawn across his face, "Okay."

They both pulled away. Jean's eyes were puffy, hiding them from (y/n), trying to keep up his "cool boy" look.

"Alright, you two, I hate to break the reunion so abruplty, but it's time to stop being so sappy." she smiled at them, "I'll show you around, Jean, but I will find the time to, just not now. I'll let you meet up with Marco every weekend." she proposed, looking at the both of them, looking for approval.

Jean nodded, smiling. As much as he had to wait, he was content with the idea that his best friend- the person he thought he had lost- was there.

"I hate to cut it short, but its nighttime, and I'm sure Chris wants you home before it gets too late, Marco. Trust me, I know."

"Yeah, sure thing. Thanks again, (y/n)." Marco got up to leave, taking his coat from the couch and swung it around himself.

"Wait... who's Chris?" Jean asked, narrowing his eyes at her. There was no way he was going to let this be just a name.

"No one you should be jealous of," she muttered, but meant for him to hear it.

He raised an eyebrow and put a hand to his hip.

"It's Marco's landlord, relax." she lied. Technically, she didn't consider it as a lie- Marco was paying rent to live in Chris' apartment, so respectively, Chris was a landlord- it was just a matter choosing between truths and keeping some of it secret.

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