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"Get in and sit down." Levi slammed the door behind her, making her flinch. She hasn't seen Levi like this in the times that they've been together, but she's read about the time when he relentlessly beat Eren to a new set of teeth.

He frantically paced himself infront of her."Did he touch you anywhere he wasn't supposed to?" he stopped right infront of her, leaning over his desk. She felt like she was a culprit in a cop movie.

"No," she stuttered, trying to hide her trembling, holding onto the arms of the chair. "Levi.. I.."

"Shut up," he held out a finger to her and closed his eyes, "shut up and let me think." he sighed. She watched him as he rubbed his forehead. "What the hell were you doing with that kid Kirschtein? What the hell are you doing here?"

She looked at him in sheer terror; never would she have thought that she would fear him the way that she did now. "I didn't mean to end up here, when I got home from work, the door to- what supposedly was my apartment- opened up this place." she was going to mention Hange and how she was the reason she was there, but she didn't want to throw her under the bus.

"It was Hange, wasn't it?" he crossed his arms, demanding an answer. How he was always able to read her thoughts was astounding- could she be really that predictable?

She looked away, fixing her eyes at the drawer that sat on the far corner, "No, she didn't." she lied. 

He made a low growl and approached her, and grabbed her chin, making her face him and look straight into his eyes. She wanted to lean in and kiss him, but the time wasn't appropriate, he was still angry with her. She couldn't lie now, there was absolutely no use. He bit his lip.

"Okay, fine. She told me she left her keys on purpose at my place..." she stopped for a second, thinking of how to explain the situation, "Because she knew that I wanted to apologize to you." she added. He turned away from her, letting go of her chin and let out and exasperated sigh, "Look Levi, I can leave right now. I just wanted to apologize."

"No, no." he waved his hand. "You can't just leave now, these people have seen your face and know who you are." he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Just tell them I died or something, besides, it doesn't matter. You can just tell them the truth. You wanted to introduce my setting to them anyway- so you can bring them there." she suggested, "But, I just wanted to say sorry for overreacting that day. It's your choice whether you're going to forgive me or not..." she sighed, "Sorry, Levi. I love you."

"Why were you flirting with that kid?" He turned to her, disregarding her previous statement.

"I wasn't flirting with him Levi, I would never do that to you!" she leaned forward, trying to get her point across. "Even though you're angry and our relationship is on the brink of possibly ending, I would never. You're my boyfriend. At least I like to think so. I'm not sure why he did that but I tried pushing him off, Levi. I really did." She sank into her chair, giving up on trying to justify herself. He didn't reply, he stood by the window behind his desk, looking out at the soldiers cleaning. She was getting agitated, she could feel tears in her eyes and her ears burning.

"Levi, Armin told me something last night" she called out to him after he didn't respond. "Something about you giving him the book 'cause you were bored. Care to explain?" she bit her lip, trying to prevent herself from saying more.

He turned around and leaned infront of her chair, "I didn't want to remember you." he got back up and sat on his desk, crossing his arms.

She sat silent for a while not wanting to hear more, she got up from her seat and headed for the door, wiping her tears away.

He grabbed her arm before she could touch the handle of the door. "Stop." she looked back at him and sighed. "I didn't want to remember you."

"I get it, Levi. You don't have to keep telling m-"

"Just. listen." she could hear the grunt in his voice. "I... didn't want to remember you because I didn't want to be reminded of all the enjoyable times I had when I was with you whenever I read that fucking book. I thought that when I would read it, I would remember how shitty my life was the moment I left. It would just constantly remind me of the stupid decision I made of leaving." he slowly let go of her arm. "I... apologize for giving the book away, I wanted to repress the memories of you and forget how happy I was. I couldn't let it affect me during battle."

"I-I don't want to blame you. We're both at fault here. I'm sorry." she reached for his hand and looked down at it. "Hange told me how reckless you've been since you left and how much tougher you've been on your subordinates. It's part of the reason why she sent me here. But I really wanted to see you. I've been miserable the past week."

He caressed her face with his free hand. His voice croon, "I missed you. I didn't mean to make you miserable."

She pulled him in for a hug, squeezing him, not wanting to let go. She missed him- the awkward, stoic character that he is.

"Bah!" Hange came in through the door, "I had a feeling you two would be okay again! Goodness, thank you for fixing him, (y/n). I thought if this went on further he's gonna start telling soldiers to clean the garbage."

She pulled away, startled by Hange's sudden evasion.

"Don't you know how to knock, idiot?" Levi nagged.

"We have to prepare for the expedition." she announced, messily setting a stack of papers on his desk, making him feel dismayed and uneasy. He sighed in annoyance.

"I'm going to go," she stated, pointing at the door.

"(y/n), one thing." Levi stopped her. "Now that you've been seen, you can only leave for your setting at night where no one will be awake to question where you are. And I don't think it's best to expose our relationship. People will start asking and get curious about you. Hange and I have kept this a secret for the reason that if they do find out, they could potentially harm your setting. Also," he leaned in to kiss her but stopped, remembering that Hange was in the room, looking at them intently. "Don't let anyone touch you like that again. You can help him clean up, but if he gets anywhere near you, I will do something about it."

She nodded, "Don't worry,about it."

She walked back to where Jean was cleaning by himself, muttering under his breath. She knocked on the door, "Hey, I'm back."

He looked at the door, "Did he hurt you?" he walked up to her and looked for any bruises or any indication of aggression on her. "That damn dwarf." he hissed.

"He didn't hurt me, don't worry." she reassured him.

"What were you doing in there? Why'd he take you to his office when I was the one at fault?" he mentioned. Again, she had to think of a clever lie, which she knows at some point will eventually pile up and accumulate to bite her back.

"You're too curious, Jean." she picked up a cloth.

"Does captain Levi like you?" he asked, causing her to laugh. Not only was he right, he also helped her deepen her lie.

"That's so stupid," she stifled her laughs, "he would never like me."

(A/N) Hi friend!!
Chapter... something, I lost track.
One question: as a newbie on this website (sort of, only actually properly started using it a few months ago), what the heck does it mean when the numbers on the reads and votes for my story is red? Its concerning, I feel like my story is going to get reported or something.
In regards to the story:
Poopoop what happened heree,
nice little reuniting with the boyfriend.
Hope you like it! sorry for my abysmal writing :c
Thank you to the readers who voted my story and comment. It really means tons.
I will try to update on schedule, but I cannot make any promises because I'm busy during the day and can only really write when I'm laid in bed, about to sleep.
Thank your for reading! I appreciate it. Have a great day.

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