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"I have to go grocery shopping." she called out as she headed out of her bedroom, dressed to leave. "I'll be right back. Do you guys want anything?"

Levi got up from his seat, "I want to go with you." he walked to her, "Hey, four eyes, don't make a mess while I'm gone. I'll send you back." he glared at her, making her snort  and swatted her hands at his threat.
"Don't be so uptight shorty," she emphasized "shorty" with a playful tone. "Go out and have fun. You two go have a nice day, you need it." she jokingly frowned at the two.
"She's right, Levi. You seem to be stressed out these past few weeks. Ease up a bit." she reluctantly put a hand on his arm.
He gave her an apathetic look and let out a deep breath. "Fine."
"You two have fun, okay?" Hange sat on the couch, watching the television.
(y/n) nodded as she headed out the door of her apartment building and absentmindedly listened to Levi while she took in the scenery of her own world. It felt good to be back after such laborious training in the past few weeks.
Her attention turned to him. She looked at him and chuckled.
"What's so funny?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows at her. His confused and rather cute expression made her feel so much better and helped her forget about what happened between them.
"You are." her eyes returned to the sidewalk.
"What about me?" he asked, eager to hear what she had to say.
"I don't know. It's just nice to hear you talk about other things sometimes. Like, not about training and the upcoming expedition and stuff." she exhaled greatly as if to let go of something heavy in her chest.
He looked away and focused on the sidewalk, "Yeah."
It has been a while since she was able to have a decent conversation with him, and not act like she was scared of him like the other soldiers to blend in. 

They stepped into the familiar store making her smile at the memory of when she first went in it with Levi and Hange. It was also the first time Levi held her hand.
"Remember when you got jealous of my friend, Chris?" she teased.
He clicked his tongue and sighed in exasperation, "I wasn't being jealous. He was just being annoying and I was trying to help you leave. He obviously likes you, (y/n)." he walked through the aisles.
She followed behind him. "Okay, Levi." with a hint of sarcasm, she answered. Levi was wrong though. Chris did not like girls. "Thank you for pulling me away from a potentially annoying situation. And of course he likes me, I'm his friend. But Levi... he's gay, he would never like me like that." she brushed her hand against his, but he didn't react.
She noticed his reluctance, his mind a million miles away from their conversation, and staring at a box of mac n' cheese.
"What's wrong?" (y/n) tried to meet his empty gaze.
He didn't respond, but his attention returned to her.
"I know you didn't come out here with me for no reason." she held his hand, making him flinch at her contact.
He looked at her, trying to keep his stoic expression, but she could see that he was worried about something.
"I just- I'm thinking of whether we still have tea and cocoa at home."
She was taken aback by his response, could he be stressing over hot beverages? What the hell?
She chuckled at his poor attempt to conceal the truth. "That's stupid, Levi. Tell me. I'm not going to let you worry about whatever it is by yourself." she squeezed his hand.
He looked back onto the shelves, and hesitantly spoke, "During the expedition, you're going to have to make the excuse of being ordered not to go because you aren't ready yet."
She already knew that, he's told her and made sure she's known the plan word for word.
"Yeah, you told me that already. I'll see you off though. Just... come back." there was no way she could let the opportunity of the Scouting Legion leaving pass, plus, she had to bid Levi a temporary goodbye.
"I will. But if I don't-"
"Quiet, I don't want to hear those words from you." she embraced him, "You're going to come back, Levi. You've survived so many expeditions. What would make this one any different?"
Now that the thought did come across, she was slightly worried. But she knew she couldn't doubt him. She hugged him tighter.
"E-excuse me?" a pregnant lady came up beside them, making them pull apart. She'd completely forgotten that she was in a grocery store. "Sorry to interrupt anything- can I just get something from the shelf?" she pointed towards the shelf behind them that said "sale!"- only a few boxes left from being completely empty.
Her face turned red in embarrassment as she backed away from the shelf, "Yeah, I'm so sorry."
"It's okay." she smiled warmly, very motherly-like. "It seems like you two were having a private moment, I understand."
"Thank you, sorry again." she put her hands to her cheeks, covering where it had turned red.
"Just be careful, though. If you have a private moment in the room, this will happen." she pointed at her inflated stomach and joked, trying to ease the awkwardness.
"Well that's what we plan to do." Levi muttered under his breath as he looked at her, making her blush even more; the thought of having a family with him caused her face to feel warmer. She didn't think that it was something Levi would ever want, but it's something he has been trying to suggest for a while. But she wasn't ready to do so yet, she was far too young.
The lady laughed at her blushed expression. "Well good luck to you two." she started walking off.
"Bye, good luck to you too." Levi answered back.
"Let's go," he turned to her.
She didn't move for a while, still pondering at what Levi insinuated.
"Let's go, (y/n). Stop envying the pregnant woman, you'll have your own one day. Now's not the time. We have other things to buy, remember that." he walked ahead of her. She wanted to stop him from talking any further, whatever came out of his mouth made her blush. Never would anyone ever believe that Levi was ever able to do that. He was often so cold and awkward. But inadvertently making girls' face heat up was probably his profession.
They walked to the cashier lanes and checked out their groceries after grabbing all of the things that they needed. She frowned at the price that the food cost.

"(y/n)!" A familiar voice called out as they walked out of the grocery store.
She turned around to see Rachel waving at them. "Hey, what's up?"
"I haven't seen you in a while! It feels like years!" she hugged her and noticed Levi standing on the side.
"Hey...!" she greeted, not remembering his name.
"Levi." (y/n) reminded.
"Right, hi Levi!" she hugged him too. Levi stiffened at her sudden embrace, he was comfortable with (y/n) doing it, but not strangers. 
"How have you been?" (y/n) asked.
Levi grabbed her hand as soon as Rachel pulled away from him.
"I've been good. Making some money at my job. The usual. You?" she responded.
"Well, I've been going to work as well, and..." she looked at Levi.
Rachel took the hint, making her eyes light up. "Wow, that's great, (y/n)! You should have told me!" she clapped.
"I didn't think it was something everyone should be fussing too much about." she answered. It was true- she didn't want anyone to make a big deal of her dating Levi mainly because they would all just congratulate her for finally getting a boyfriend. It would almost feel as though they teased her.
"Well I'm happy for you two!" she exclaimed. "By the way, Chris wanted you to meet someone... I forgot his name... Michael...? Marvin...? Ahh I don't remember. You'll have to wait for him to text you." she smiled swatted her hand.
"Anyways, I have to go. I'm supposed to be just running errands for my roommate in the grocery store. I'll see you two later!" Rachel bid farewell as she gave the two another hug and went off.
"That Chris friend of yours better not be introducing you to a new boyfriend." Levi spoke with a hiss. "I'll be pissed off if I come back from the expedition and it's actually happened."
"I'm not going to do that Levi! You're too jealous sometimes." she pushed on him lightly. "I don't even know who this Marvin or Michael guy is."

"Well don't be his girlfriend." he added, making her chuckle. 

"I'll try not to." she teased him. 

She spent the rest of their walk thinking about and why Chris wanted to specifically her to meet this individual. How was he relevant to her life in any way?

(A/N) Hey friend!!

Wow ok I'm such a butt. 

Uh, well we're back to the modern setting with the twoo favs. Anyway, while you're waiting for the next update, think about who the person Chris wants (y/n) to meet. hmmmm. this means we're almost close to concluding this book. But I am still a few chapters away.

Thank you so much for voting and following and commenting I really appreciate it!!

Have a great day. 

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