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He looked at her, surprised by what she had just asked. The question caught him off guard but his stoic and empty expression remained.

"Why do you ask?" he replied. His food was a few bites from being finished but this question stalled him from being so.

"Because your author never classified your actual age, and it would be pretty nice if I was the only one who knew."

"You're one nosy brat, aren't you?" He sipped from his water since he refused her offer of coffee or some other tea that was not black tea. Somehow, she found this quite adorable. Humanity's strongest- Captain Levi- acting like a child and being picky with his drinks.

"Please tell me, I'm not going to tell anyone." she slightly pouted. He was never convinced by this form of begging- he was used to it since Hange would always try to beg him to take part in her expirements and pout at him. He learned how to reject the irresistable pout.

"Alright, alright." He finally replied. She was surprised to see him submit to her- which never really worked on anyone.

"I'm..." he paused as if to excite her. This moment reminded her of a scene in some movie she watched long ago about some vampire. She wanted to respond "say it, say it out loud." but she knew he would just be irritated with her and not know what the hell she was going on about. "My age is..."

She felt like everything was in slow motion. Anticipation built up in her body; finally, she would know the age of Captain Levi. She, him, and the author himself would be the only ones to know of this information. She would know of this secret and no one else would, she would walk around confidently knowing Levi's actual age.

"none of your business." He coldly replied. This one small reply drained her of all her enthusiasm as if her soul had just left her body. I'm so stupid. Of course he wouldn't tell anyone. She internally screamed.

Trying to prevent herself to explode with nuclear rage and disappointment, she took her plate and put it in the sink. Damn it man, I can't believe this asshole won't tell me. But I shouldn't even be surprised, he's far too secretive and unpredictable. She pondered as she washed her dishes, unaware that she was aggressively rubbing them with a sponge. She tried to release her disappointment somehow.

"By the way, we still need to clean this house. I can't stand it." He set down the plate beside her for her to wash.

"mmk," she replied.

When she finished, she went out to her living room to find Levi with all the cleaning supplies, opening a window wide open. How he found the cleaning supplies was beyond her. Probably some sort of cleaning supplies telepathy or some shit. she chuckled to herself; strangely, as unfunny as her jokes were, she still lamely laughed at them. He turned to look at her laughing quietly to herself.

He lightly blushed at the sight of the idiot mumbling "nice one" to herself and laughing. His a reaction was not Levi-like in any way, he surely felt something inside him trigger it, but he didn't know what. In attempts to push the feeling away, he said, "Why the hell are you laughing by yourself, idiot?"

"Nothing," She chuckled one last time, "let's clean."

The next few hours were exhausting for her. Following up with Levi's incessant demands of cleaning things was tedious; telling her to do things again simply because they "weren't clean enough". She stopped a few times to eat but Levi insisted that they finished everything until they ate. I would definitely not make it in the universe he's living in. I'm too unfit and would immediately die of fatigue.

Finally they finished. It was quiet since Levi decided to take a shower. That man was very talkative in contrast to his permanent stoic face. She sighed as she laid down on her couch and closed her eyes for a few minutes.

Dark Shines (Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now