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She sat on the floor, falling into a daze. Her mind was being occupied by the thought of her two friends; now gone and will probably never come back. The thing she feared the most happened as though a higher being had specifically chosen her and doused her in horrible luck.

Tears were drying up on her face as she was idle for minutes, hoping that they would come back.

And it was not only the result of them leaving unexpectedly, it was also because both her and Levi never resolved the problem. She never got to apologize to him for reacting horribly. Her heart imploded at the thought of it. It was all her fault; the reason that he left and will never come back was all on her shoulders. She felt like it was all a dream- from the moment she met him, up until she woke up that morning. Her life had to continue as it was before she met him.

She got up from the floor as soon as she was able to finally come close to composing herself, wiping the remaining tears off her face with the back of her hand; her cheeks getting irritated with the friction. Her eyes were bloodshot from the tears, considering she had just woken up not too long ago and her eyes were still tired. She slumped her way to the kitchen, basically dragging her feet across the floor, feeling the desolation engulf her. She now had to get used to the life she actually lived.


"What's wrong, (y/n)?" Linda interrupted her from her daze as both were trying to clean up around the store and retuning all the books that ended somewhere else on the store.

"What? What do you mean? I'm fine," she quickly responded, crouching down to get more books.

"Well you seem to be quite distracted today, and you put a cannibal book in the cook book section." she said worryingly, waving the book infront of her. "You want to talk about it?" Her motherly instincts came into play. "I'm here to listen."

She was reluctant to speak, Linda wouldn't believe the crazy story she was living. She stayed silent, but continued to organize the shelves into alphabetical order according to the authors.

"Okay, what's wrong? Is it about family? The economy? Love..?" Linda dragged on the last part as if she teased her, but it was exactly her problem. (y/n) started crying at the mention of it and broke down infront of Linda. Her eyes have failed her; tears streamed out of her eyes like a leaky ceiling.

"Oh honey, come here." Linda pulled her in for an embrace. "Tell me what happened, let's kick that boy's ass." she rubbed her back.

"No.. no, it's okay Linda, it's... it's not like that," she struggled through her sobs. "It's just, this guy that I'm dating, or dated- I don't know... we had a fight a week ago and I kind of over reacted to it... now he's angry with me and he left." she rubbed her face with her hand.

Linda pulled back and gripped onto her shoulders. "Look, okay, okay. What's his name?"

"...Levi." saying his name made her heart drop to her stomach.

"Well, whatever it is that happened, I'm sure you'll get over it- coming from a former single mother- whether it be resolved or not. But my advice to you is that if you really love this Levi kid, you're gonna have to chase after him because I'm sure he's just as sad as you are."

"I would chase after him," she replied, "Just... I'm not sure how to get to him."

"Look, if he really loves you, it's either he'll come back to you or he'll give you a lead to get to him somehow. Sometimes you're the one that's gotta do the chasing." she let go of her shoulders and started helping her with the books. "Like my ex-husband... we had a fight about finances and stuff, and it got kinda serious so we split. And he never really showed me any indication that he was remorseful for fighting with me, and that's how I knew it was best if we weren't together. Now I'm better off with the husband I have now." she smiled.

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