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In Levi's office sat Hange, (y/n), and Levi himself. They all sat comfortably despite it being Levi's strictly clean office.

"Ahh, I miss this." Hange sat back in her chair, enjoying the comfort of a familiar company. "I missed you guys. We should make a group name, like "Team Crossover or Team Hange the third wheel."

Levi looked at Hange in disgust, "Absoutely absurd." he hissed. "I say we call it Clean Squad. No objections. It's absolute."

She laughed at the two arguing once again, mostly about stupid things. Since she had to train, there wasn't much leeway for times like this where they could sit back and talk to each other.

Levi put his arm around the back of the couch, "We should go back to your place soon, (y/n). The expedition is coming up in a week. Plus, you wanted to go back since the expedition is only a week away."

"Yeah," she nodded, looking at him, and inching closer. "I really wish you guys can just live in my setting."

Hange pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose, "I think who ever is writing our stories always want us to get back into our own worlds. The moments that they skip are the times that we cross each other's setting. And inevitably, we come back to our own. When I read a few pages, I noticed it skipped the parts we were in, but the story continues. The book is pre-written. We can't avoid it." she suddenly blurted one of her theories again as if she was being asked to explain her science project.

"So, there's absolutely no way for you guys to stay?" she exchanged glances with the both of them, Hange, eyes bright with enthusiasm, and Levi with the always present apathetic look.

"You could have told us sooner, four eyes." Levi argued, "Otherwise I wouldn't have had to get in a quarrel with (y/n)." he crossed his arms.

"Oh calm down, short stuff." Hange swatted him off, "I only recently found out about it when we actually went into her setting. I didn't stop doing my research after we arrived there. I'm always speculating and analysing things. Plus, I still have to test this theory out." she tapped her temple and winked at her.

"So that would mean that you guys are staying for a while again?" she asked with excitement in her voice, hoping her questions would not be ignored for a second time.

Levi looked at Hange waiting for a response.

"That's exactly what it means." she nodded.

Maybe the fight between her and Levi was supposed to happen. Maybe it was written so that she would react so spontaneously to a small petty fight so there was a reason for Levi and Hange to go back to where they belonged. The writer wrote it that way.

She looked out the window as the orange sun was setting down on the wide horizon of the forest beyond the castle. It was exciting for her to go back home and live with Hange and Levi again. Even if it was only for a while. She only went back a few times to get extra undergarments or if she was discontent with the food, she would get herself a bag of chips.

"When are we going?" she blurted, cutting off the snarky remarks between the two in the background. She learned how to cancel their voices out once the bickering starts at any given time.

"It's your call, (y/n). It's your home." Hange answered, smiling at her.

"It's your home too, guys." She stated, "Anytime is good. We can do tomorrow if you're ready by then, but tonight we need to rest." 

They collectively agreed with a small nod.


"Psst." she woke up and saw Hange and Levi waiting beside her bed.

She looked out the window, seeing the sun still rise, the orange light tinting the sky as it cut through the purple and blue hues, diminishing the darkness of the previous night. At this time, she knew that there weren't any soldiers awake, which would make it the perfect moment to make a quick visit to another location.

She got up from her bed, her eyes still heavy from the sudden interruption of her sleep. "It's time to go back!"

She slowly tried to coordinate her brain and recollect her thoughts.

"Goodmorning," Levi hummed, but still keeping his constant expression. "Goodmorning," she attempted to smile, and got up from her bed.

She headed for the closet in the room, and took her bag and her keys.

"Okay, let's go." she closed the door to the closet. Levi grabbed her hand before she could put the key in. She looked at him, befuddled. "What is it?"

He gave her a look that said, 'you know what it is,' when infact, she didn't. "You didn't fix your bed."

"Damn it Levi." she clicked her tongue and chuckled, walking over to the bed and fixing it.

As she was finished, she walked up to the door and turned the key.

She sighed heavily as she opened the door, the light from the other side was blinding. She had to cover her eyes.

She looked as the light subsided, and looked back into the room behind her. As much as she missed her home, she felt that this setting has slightly grown on her, despite the fear of living like caged animals.

Levi took her hand and squeezed it firmly, "Let's go."

She smiled at him, and squeezed back.

A complete atmosphere took over them as they stepped in, exiting out of her closet door.

She felt Levi flinch and stiffen under his grasp. His air of disappointment radiated towards her, she knew why he was like this. She looked at him and saw his eyebrow twitch- it was obvious that he was trying to be patient, but this was a nightmare.

"What have you done to your house?" he muttered under his breath, "I spent a whole day with you cleaning this."

"Well, I'm going to the kitchen," Hange remarked, avoiding the oncoming outburst from Levi.

She looked around the room- there was no doubt that this was something to be disappointed about, since she really has let herself go the week that Levi and Hange left. Empty bottles of water, cans of soda, tissue, clothes spread amok- dirty and clean. Same went for the rest of the house, but she didn't dare take Levi there yet.

"S-sorry, Levi." she looked at him, "I wasn't aware I was doing this, because when you were gone I kinda just..."

"It's okay." he cut her off and cupped her face to give her a quick kiss on her forehead. "I'm here now. I promise I will never leave you again." he added, still cupping her cheeks.

"Thanks, Levi." she gave him a warm hug, the first she's given him in a while.

"Besides, you're gonna need me to maintain our house when we live together." he assured her, slowly running the palm of hand on her back. This gave her hope; hope that one day, they can actually stay together and not be separated by a key.

She pulled away and smiled at him. She would do anything and give up anything to make that happen.

(A/N) Hi friend! sorry for the tardiness of me! Please don't fret, I am not dead nor am I idle.
First things first, this chapter was kinda filler-ish. But it does kinda help my conclusion a bit.
Anyway, people have been saying I should write a sequel, and it is almost certain that I will because I feel like the ending will still be salvageable (is that a word). In fact, it might even be quite interesting to write.
Thank you so much for the votes, and the comments I laugh at a lot of them because you guys are hilarious. Thank you for following and just being you.
Have a nice day!

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