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Emiline could never forget the day that Wall Maria fell last year, she was cooking dinner for her family while her parents were in town trying to sell the rest of their wares and her brother had just returned from an expedition outside of the walls. Suddenly, the ground shook causing the dishes to crash on the floor, sending chopped ingredients everywhere. She remembers the grey smoke rising in the air as the bright red face of a titan loomed over the wall, peering down at all of the humans below. All Emiline and her brother could do was stare horrified, frozen in fear as the titan kicked a hole into the wall, killing humans through flying debris and the titans, once kept on the outside, allowed in.
    Emiline's body moved before she could think, she bolted from her brother shielding her from the falling debris and ran towards the market square in search of their parents. Please be alive! Emiline pleaded in her head as she swerved through the stampeding crowd towards her parents wagon, however, those pleads went unanswered when she found the wagon crushed under a large shard of what used to be part of Wall Maria. She clambered over the debris and anxiously began digging through the splintered wood and crumbled stone till she found her parents laying lifeless under the rubble.
    "Mom, Dad..."
    As she stared down at her parents a large thump grabs her attention, looking over her shoulder she finds a titan bumbling towards her. Considering it's odd movements it was obvious that it was an aberrant. Emiline turned back to her parents and pressed her fingers to their throats but no pulse could be found. Tears rushed down her cheeks, all she had left was her family and now her parents are gone.
"What are you doing, run!"
    Emiline looked over at her brother as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her to her feet. Eric paused for a second when he followed Emiline's gaze down to their parents, he gritted his teeth and tugged his sister down the street while evading titans till they reached the port to get on a boat to Wall Rose.
    When they arrived at Wall Rose, the sun had long since gone down and refugees began to flood the city. Eric looked down at his twin sister and pulled her into a hug, grateful that they both escaped alive.
    "Looks like the government won't have to worry about finding our parents," Emiline mutters bitterly.
   Eric looked down at Emiline with a frown before a sad expression took over when he saw his sister's grief stricken face and remembered the scene of their crushed parents.
    "They just have us to worry about," Eric muttered.
    The twins stood in silence as the events of the past couple hours repeated over and over in their minds. After a few minutes passed Eric looped his sister's arm through his and led her down the street.
    "Come on, I need to report to base that I'm still alive."
    Emiline nodded with a hanging head and let her brother guide her while her mind wasswimming.
    "We should tell them," Emiline finally announced quietly.
    Eric paused and turned Emiline to face him, "Are you insane, we just escaped death and now you want to try to get executed!"
  Emiline hardened her features, "Wall Maria has fallen like in Mom's dream, if Mom received that vision then that means this has something to do with our family. Perhaps it's a sign that we can come out of hiding and end our uncle's control over the government."
    Eric scowled at his sister before looking around to make sure no one was listening, "We just lost Wall Maria and humanity is going to face major food, textile, and economic shortages. Right now is not the time to start a civil war!"
    Emiline looked to the side, perhaps Eric is right. Humanity will face several great losses with the fall of Wall Maria, however the burning in her chest kept impressing her that the time to take action is soon, but with Eric being the oldest he is the head of the Silverwood's, making vital family decisions his priority. Exhausted from the day's events, Emiline nodded,
    "You're right, I'm sorry," she finally answered.
    Eric sighed and looped Emiline's arm through his once again, "It's alright, after today we're both on edge."
    Emiline hummed in agreement and they continued walking down the busy streets until they reached the gate of the Scouts, Wall Rose Base. Two soldiers stood watch when they saw Eric and Emiline approach the gate. One of the soldiers perked up recognizing Eric and called,
    "Hey Matthew! Thank goodness you're alive!"
    "Hey Rob," Eric greeted tiredly with a crooked smile before looking over at his sister, "Rob, this is my little sister Amelia."
    Rob looked over at Emiline with a friendly smile, "Nice to meet you miss! I've heard a lot about you from your brother here. I'm glad that you escaped safely as well."
    "Nice to meet you too," Emiline greeted pleasantly.
    "I wanted to report to my squad leader that I'm alive," Eric informed Rob.
    "Great, you guys go on ahead and-"
    "Matthew!" A loud voice screamed from across the drive.
    Eld, Eric, and Emiline looked over at the sound of the voice to find a brown haired, glasses wearing woman charge towards them at full speed.
    "Squad Leader Hanji," Eric stuttered startled.
    "Oh thank goodness that you made it back to us, are you alright," Hanji asked frantically.
    "Yes I'm fine," Eric chuckled, reassuring his squad leader.
    Hanji sighed in relief before peering over and spotting Emiline, "Oh, and who is this?"
    "This," Eric informed as he gestured towards Emiline, "is my little sister Amelia."
    Hanji's face lit up excitedly and took Emiline's hand in hers as she began shaking it vigorously, "It's so wonderful to meet you Amelia, your brother talks about you all the time!"
    "So I've heard," Emiline responded bashfully, "It's very nice to meet you as well Squad Leader."
    "Please just call me Hanji," the excitable woman exclaimed.
    "Sure, Hanji," Emiline responded with a small laugh.
    After introductions the four adults spoke about the current situation before Eric finally announced, "I better find somewhere for my sister to stay, I'll be back afterwards, Hanji."
    Hanji nodded and waved goodbye to Eric and Emiline, and Eric led Emiline back to where the refugees were staying until other arrangements were made. As they weaved their way through the crowd a voice called out,
    "Matthew, Amelia!"
    The twins looked over to see an older man in a hat wave them over, they smiled in relief to find that Mr. Artlert had survived.
    "Mr. Artlert, you're here, thank goodness," Eric sighed.
    "Yes, I made it with my grandson and his friends."
    Eric smiled happily, "I'm glad to hear that," a sad frown quickly replaces his smile before he continued, "I'm sorry to ask this of you, but would you mind if my sister stays with you and the kids. Civilian family members are sadly not allowed to live on base, and as you can probably tell our parents...."
    Eric's voice cracked as he choked back a sob, Mr. Artlert gave them both a compassionate smile and nodded, "Of course," he then turned to Emiline, "Come on dear, I'm glad you're here, I could use the help with three kids."
    Emiline nodded and gave her brother a kiss on the cheek to say goodbye and followed Mr. Artlert into a large warehouse where Armin, Mikasa, and Eren were waiting for the old man's return.
    The rest of that year more tragedy struck. In a dire effort to retake Wall Maria the government ordered that all adults ages twenty-five and older were to march into the titan infested wall to fight. Armin's grandfather died, leaving Armin, Mikasa, and Eren with Emiline as they're only guardian. The night Emiline learned of the government's plan, it caused her to seethe with rage. Some retake plan this is, this is a full on genocide to lessen the burdens on shortages. Due to the new circumstances, Eric finally conceded to let Emiline enlist in the military once Eren, Mikasa, and Armin were old enough to enlist.

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