Chapter 16

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Fervent knocking against the polished wooden door is the first sound to wake up the sleeping couple before a peppy,

"Yoo-hoo! Wake up love birds," is repeated incessantly behind the locked door.

"Five more minutes," Emiline groans while pulling the sheets over her head. 

Levi groans before finally getting out of bed and hastily pulls on his pants before finally cracking open the door to scowl at Hanji, who has their fist raised to continue knocking on the door.


Levi watches as Hanji does a quick once over at his disheveled appearance before smiling mischievously and forcing their way into the room. He considers pulling Hanji back by their ponytail and throwing them out the door, but knowing Hanji, that would only lead to them yelling something obnoxiously inappropriate for the whole base to hear.

"I just wanted to let the two of you know that Erwin is stable and has been for a few hours."

"Why didn't you come and tell us as soon as you knew," Levi questions.

"I considered it, but I didn't want to interrupt mommy and daddy's wrestling match last night."

Levi pinches the bridge of his nose while his eyebrows knit together as a dull throb begins to build in his forehead. "Never repeat that sentence ever again."

"Oh, should I use a different phrase instead? Bumps in the night? Screwing? Bumping Uglies? Fu-"
"Hanji," Emiline interrupts while holding the sheets up to her chest to cover her naked figure, "when can we go see Erwin?"
"Now if you'd like, but you might want to put on some clothes first."
Emiline nods, "Great, the only problem is my clothes from yesterday are completely trashed."
Hanji excitedly claps their hands, "I'll go find you some clothes," before bolting out of the room.
Levi slams the door shut and sighs heavily before sitting on the bed next to Emiline. He captures her chin in his long fingers and presses his lips gingerly against hers before resting their foreheads together and closing his eyes. For a moment they're both silent as their hands find each other's and their calloused fingers intertwine. Levi opens his eyes to find Emiline observing him quietly with a happy smile dancing across her lips.
"How are you feeling?"
"Sore, but good."
Levi presses another kiss against her lips and removes his fingers from Emiline's chin to wrap his arm around her waist and pull her against his body.
"Last was amazing."
Emiline hums in response as she rests her head in the crook of Levi's neck. "Yes it was, I wouldn't mind repeating it this morning," she teases.
"Don't tempt me," Levi pauses, "and you're not having any regrets?"
"You don't feel guilty because of...Petra?"
Levi feels Emiline's warm breath swirl across his collar bones as she sighs before lifting her head.
"I've come to the conclusion that I'm a selfish noble who takes what she wants. I want you, I hope that is alright."
A smile creeps across Levi's mouth, "Yeah, that's alright, I'm all yours."
Emiline pushes Levi back against the mattress and climbs on top of him while placing feverish kisses against Levi's mouth and neck. Levi instantly feels his cock grow hard and push against his pants as Emiline's breasts press against his bare chest and her pelvis grind against the cloth of his pants holding back his erection from standing at straight attention.

"Calm down, we can't right now."

"Not even a quick round?"

"Hanji will burst through that door any minute."

Emiline's bottom lip pushes out into a pout before attacking Levi's neck in kisses and nips. "Please, Captain?"

Levi's hands tightly grip the sheets in an effort to resist pulling off his pants and gripping Emiline's hips to slam her eager pussy onto his cock. The image of her riding his cock in domination is a tempting thought that he finds chipping away quickly at his self-control. "We really shouldn't right now," he whispers breathlessly while trying to hold back a moan.

"Pretty please," Emiline moans into Levi's ear before clasping his lobe in her mouth between her teeth. The hairs on the back of his neck stand on end while goosebumps and pleasurable shivers run up and down his spine. 

"Fu-" Levi starts as the door bursts open with Hanji holding a simple dress and garments in the crook of their elbow.

"Oh god! I'm traumatized, scarred for life! Excuse me, I need to go pluck out my eyes," Hanji begins to whine while lifting up their glasses in an attempt to blur her vision from the sight in front of her.

"Shut up, and get out," Levi shouts before rolling Emiline off of him and grabbing the clothes from Hanji and shoving them out the door.

As Hanji's melodramatic monologue fades down the hall, Levi turns to Emiline and tosses the clothing onto the bed. Any frustration he feels immediately begins to fade as he catches the deep red blush coloring Emiline's entire face as she stares down at the sheets directly in front of her.

"Get dressed so we can go see Erwin."

"Why didn't you lock the door," Emiline mumbles.

"When you take charge, always make sure to lock the door princess," Levi teases before dressing himself.

He catches a scowl on Emiline's face that he chooses to ignore. She still hates to be called princess. Good, that will make calling her that all the more entertaining, he thinks as he smiles to himself.

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