Chapter 5

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Eric releases a sigh of relief before turning back to his sister and begins to rebutton her shirt.
"The Premier hasn't gotten the approval from the government, you need to keep your shirt closed for now," he grumbled.
Emiline eyes her brother closely, noticing a shift in the color of his aura while his face grimaces.
"Eric, I-"
"Enough, Amelia," Eric growls, "you better be right and pray that this doesn't go the way I think it will. You are damn lucky the Premier found your answer to his questions amusing."
Eric suddenly strikes his hand across Emiline's cheek while seething in anger. I'm the head,! In shock Emiline touches her fingers to her reddening cheek as tears begin to well from the sting.
"I said shut up, you will respect me dammit. As soon as we've cleared our name I will marry you off to the first willing Lord. You've proven to have no regard for our family's name and safety."
Emiline stares into Eric's eyes as his words rings through her ears and a crimson color surrounds him, again she faces the reality that is reserved to her sex of her pedigree. Her worth is simply about her fertility, nothing more nothing less. How could he be like this? Ever since mom and dad died he has been acting different. Releasing a held breath, Emiline shoots her brother a final sad glance.
"I see, so that's what that color means," Emiline mutters quietly before walking away.
As Emiline walks away Levi comes out from the shadows and grabs Emiline, he pins her against the wall and looks around to make sure Eric hasn't noticed. Emiline balls her hands in fists for defense but Levi grips her wrists until she realizes who it is.
"Captain Levi, the hell are you doing, skulking around like that," Emiline breathes.
Levi raises a brow as he looks over Emiline's face. Noticing his gaze, Emiline raises her hand to her cheek before Levi forces it away and holds her chin in one hand to turn her face to get a better look at the red swelling hand mark ignited as a glowing red imprint on her cheek.
"I can't believe someone who dotes on you so much would lay his hands on you like that," Levi hisses.
"He didn't mean it-" Emiline responds quickly.
"Quit the shit," Levi interrupts, "you and I both know that he wanted to hit you, and no doting brother would intend to force his sister into an arranged marriage."
"It's the norm for nobles, this isn't the first time my family has tried to force me into marriage."
Levi takes a step back, this girl is...holding back. "Huh, I guess you are like the rest of the nobles, bowing down in fear."
    Anger immediately ignites in Emiline's eyes, and Levi can't help but smirk, there it is.
"I'm nothing like those lazy, selfish bastards," Emiline spats.
"Then prove it," Levi orders, "be ready to leave tomorrow morning, meet me with the rest of the squad at the stables."
"I'll make you eat your words," Emiline growls.
Levi just clicks his tongue and walks away, we'll see about that.

The next morning Emiline heads down the base corridor with a bag slinged over her shoulder. As the echo of her footsteps fill the hall, she thinks back to the letter she left with Mikasa for her and Armin. She wanted to give them an explanation before the truth comes out and rumors circulate, as per the agreement, her and Eric's existence would become public knowledge.
"Lady Silverwood, good morning," a deep voice calls.
Emiline looks up from her brown boots to find Erwin smiling down at her. Emiline hastily salutes and fixes her face into a closed mouth smile,
"Oh, good morning Commander Erwin," Emiline greets formally.
Erwin bows with his hand respectfully over his heart causing Emiline to suddenly drop the salute in surprise.
"What are you doing," Emiline stutters.
"You're a noble Lady," Erwin informs while holding up a letter in his hand, "it seems Zachery got government approval. While you and your brother are under our custody your title is temporarily reinstated, with limitations of course."
Emiline can't help but feel elated at the news, she quickly fumbles with the buttons of her shirt so that her tattoo can be on full display. The tips of Erwin's ears turn to a slight pink at Emiline's lack of modest but quickly gathers his composure, and smiles while bowing.
"Congratulations, my Lady," Erwin responds.
"Thank you, thank you for doing everything you have done for Eric and I. We are forever in your debt, but Commander," Emiline starts, "please don't refer to me by my title, you're my Commander and I'm just a cadet."
Erwin raises a brow in confusion, "your brother seems to expect it," Erwin returns.
Emiline scowls, "Of course he does," she mutters.
"Emiline," Erwin starts, Emiline's head perks up upon hearing the name she so rarely heard for several years, "if you would prefer to be addressed informally then I shall respect your wishes. You're a fine soldier, I can understand why you would rather be referred to by the credit you have earned."
"Thank you, sir," Emiline smiles.
Erwin can't help but return the beaming smile given to him by the woman in front of him, "Of course. I will be joining the rest of you in a few hours. I am currently waiting on the records from the government about you and your brother."
"Yes sir, I understand," Emiline responds. Once dismissed, Emiline hurries to the stables to find her squad with several other soldiers staring intently at her.
"You're late Silverwood, this isn't a ball where tardiness is fashionable."
"Commander Erwin stopped me sir, it wasn't my intention to be late," Emiline responds through a tightened jaw.
"Watch your tone with me Ginger, while some may try to give you special treatment I won't. You are under me, do I make myself clear."
"She was in more ways than one yesterday," Hanji jeers in a sing-song voice from on top of her horse.
"Huh," everyone chimes.
"You guys didn't hear? Premier Zachery had Emiline and Levi fight each other, and when Levi had her pinned to the ground with a knife to her throat she managed to lean up and kiss Levi smack on the lips as a distraction."
"She what," several people gasp.
"Hanji, we should get going. We need to get things together at the new base," Eric interjects.
Emiline looks at her brother with hurt brimming in her eyes before staring down at her feet, perhaps the pressure of being the head of the family really is getting to him.
Hanji sighs before giving Emiline a quick smile and leads her squad out of the stable. As the clopping march of the horses hooves begin to fade, Levi's squad members look back to Emiline and give brief introductions before they finish saddling their horses and going through town. As the group rides down the streets they find more pedestrians lining the side of the road more than usual. Whispers reach a crescendo as Emiline comes into their view and become the sole focus of the on lookers.
"That's the Silverwood girl,"
"I can't believe the government forgave them,"
"Her brother waved, she isn't doing any of that,"
Emiline pulls her hood over her head and keeps her eyes forward with her chin lifted, the feelings of inadequacy rushing back as the opinions of the crowd watching fill the air without a filter. Chin raised, shoulders back. Perhaps if I appear confident I'll eventually feel it. Eren grips tightly on his horse's reins and glares at the people whispering on the streets. "Eren," Emiline starts, "don't bother, it will just make things worse. They may like my brother better, but they'll respect me more based on my own merits."
Eren stares at Emiline in frustration before gritting his teeth and nodding.
"Hey Red! Does the rug match the drapes," an obnoxious man yells above the crowd.
In a split second everyone goes quiet and the squad suddenly stops, Levi begins to grit his teeth, seriously?
Emiline stares down at the perverted man in the crowd with a calm face and eyes that could pierce through a brick wall. The heckler begins to shrink down in fear under Emiline's glowing gaze as a shiver runs down his spine. "Have you been able to make your wife orgasm yet with your micropenis, or is she still seeking satisfaction with your more well-endowed brother," Emiline responds with an eerie seriousness.
There's a brief pause before the crowd bursts into a roaring laughter while the man's face burns to a hot blood red that matches the color surrounding him. While still shrinking back slightly, the man looks up at Emiline with seething hatred, "Bitch," he curses.
Emiline smiles before ordering her horse to continue, "I know."

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