Chapter 4

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Emiline sits in the mess hall with Armin and Mikasa as they wait for news on Eren.

"Did Matthew make it back, Amelia," Armin asks.
"Yeah, he's injured but nothing too serious."
"This is our off time, why don't you go see him," Mikasa asks.
Emiline sighs, "Apparently after some people heard that I rushed after Pixis the other day, I have orders to only go where I'm told till further notice."
"Oh, I'm sorry," Armin apologizes quietly.
"It's fine, all that matters is that all of you are okay. Besides, Matthew is always melodramatic when he's injured or sick. It spares me from listening to his melodramatics," Emiline laughs to herself.
"I wish we knew how Eren is doing or what they're doing with him," Mikasa mutters.
"They're probably trying to decide whether they'll execute him or not," Armin mutters sadly.
Mikasa suddenly stands in fear at Armin's words, just as she looks like she's about to bolt Emiline stands and blocks her path.
"Stop, charging in there won't help Eren. Considering how Eren did plug the wall they'll most likely have the decency to give him a hearing."
The doors to the mess hall suddenly open and a soldier holding a clipboard calls out, "Is Mikasa Ackerman, Armin Artlert, and Amelia Woods present?"
"Yes sir," Armin calls out.
"Follow me, you've been called to the hearing for Eren Jaeger."
Emiline smiles at Mikasa, "See, he has a hearing! Now let's go."
Mikasa nods slowly, and the three follow anxiously behind the soldier and are led into the courtroom to wait for Eren to arrive.

It isn't long till Eren is led into the room and forced to kneel in the center. Looking down at Eren, Emiline can almost see herself. They did the same thing to her and Eric during their trial twelve years ago.
As Emiline listens to the court proceedings she stares in disdain at Commander Niles and the pastor of the Wall Religion, idiotic bastards, Emiline thinks to herself. The prosecution has currently laid out Eren's behaviors as well as his and Mikasa's past, with these current standings it's not looking good for Eren.
"Is the guardian of Eren Jaeger and Mikasa Ackerman present," Zachery calls out.
"Yes, Cadet Amelia Woods sir."
"Is it true that you were the guardian of Eren Jaeger, Mikasa Ackerman, and Armin Artlert?"
"Yes sir, that is true."
"And how long were you their guardian?"
"I became their sole guardian for two years after Arlert's grandfather perished during the failed mission to take back Wall Maria."
"I see, and can you please give us a judgement on Mikasa and Eren's characters?"
"Yes sir. These children wanted nothing more than to join the military in hopes of being useful to humanity. Commander Niles Dok pointed out that Mikasa and Eren killed three men when they were nine, considering the circumstances it appears that it was in self-defense and it was a matter of life or death. When we would go through periods of starvation within Wall Rose as refugees, they never once stole a crumb of food nor pickpocketed citizens for money. They suffered through it like the rest of us. If they truly are that dangerous, then they would have used violent methods as well to survive during that time."
"Yes, but isn't your brother Matthew Woods in the Survey Corps? Wouldn't he have provided at least you, his little sister, money and provisions," Niles interjects.
Emiline scowls, "With all due respect Commander Dok, the Survey Corps is the branch that receives the least amount of rations out of all the other branches, so to insinuate that my brother could provide us with provisions is absurd. I admit my brother was able to provide me with some money on two occasions out of the three years that we were refugees. That money went towards buying proper clothing for Eren, Mikasa and Armin when they could no longer fit in the clothes they owned, and extra blankets for the winter. We were lacking greatly during the first year after the fall of Wall Maria, and we worked in the fields while we would go days without food. After living in such conditions for a year I managed to get a waitressing job at a local tavern once I became their sole guardian. However, I'm sure you've noticed that there is still a food shortage and I only got paid so much, so the amount of food I could afford for four mouths wasn't much, but it was at least more consistent than what rations were handed out erratically during all three years before joining the military."
"Aren't you a mere cadet, you should hold your tongue! You are clearly more sympathetic than objective to these children," the Wall Priest shouts.
"And you're a mere pastor of a religion that has constantly been against changes that have been helpful for humanity. Your religion argued against cannons being propped on the walls due to religious reasons, however those same cannons are the ones that are eradicating the remaining titans within Trost so that citizens can return to their homes. The reasons I gave are based on facts and observations, if anyone is giving a sentimental argument it is you."
The courtroom goes quiet as several eyes lock on Emiline, the way she phrased things was more accusatory and blunt, even for a courtroom. As Emiline glares at the Wall Priest across the courtroom the priest seems almost frightened as he continues to stare at Emiline. Zachery clears his throat,
"While the delivery was blunt, Cadet Woods does pose a solid argument. Prosecution, your response?"
"Sir, this smart mouthed cadet proves that she has no respect for her superiors, with that kind of example Eren Jaeger could be influenced by such behavior and go rogue. According to reports she ran through the streets like a mad woman looking for General Pixis, fought off Garrison soldiers that tried to stop her, spoke with total disregard to rank, and described one of General Pixis Corporal's as, and I quote, 'an underling who appears to have a lack of sleep due to a stick up his ass' end quote."
A bright blush spreads across Emiline's face as she wishes Eric was there to somehow smooth this over, she didn't realize someone would actually record her saying that. A few chuckles fill the courtroom briefly before Commander Niles continues.
"For all we know Cadet Woods and Cadet Ackerman are in cahoots with Jaeger, therefore it is safer that he be executed!"
A loud chorus of agreeances rush the courtroom while Mikasa, Emiline, and Armin watch in horror.
"Shut-up!" Eren shouts.
The whole room goes quiet as Eren shouts at the members of the courtroom, accusing those against him as cowards and driven by selfish desires to not fight for humanity. If he doesn't stop talking like this he will be shot on spot! Just as a musket is aimed at Eren's head, Levi walks up to Eren and kicks him square in the face, knocking out a tooth that goes sliding across the marble floor. Emiline watches in shock but she and Armin quickly become busy trying to hold Mikasa back as Levi continues his beating before Niles asks him to stop. That beating however, happened to do the trick and Zachary ruled in the favor of the Survey Corps having custody of Eren.
As everyone begins to file out of the courtroom, Hanji comes up to Emiline and loops their arms together.
"Amelia, I'm so glad I could catch you...what's up with your eyes?"
Emiline shrugs, "I'm not sure," they seem to have been noticeably different since Trost.
"Huh? I'll have to take a look at them later. Anyway, have you gone to see Matthew yet?"
Emiline looks down bashfully, "Well as you heard, I went looking for Commander Pixis in an inappropriate fashion, so I have orders to not go anywhere without being ordered. So I haven't been given permission to see my brother yet."
Hanji chuckles as she waves her hand at Emiline's reason and looks over at Erwin. "Hey Erwin, can you tell whoever is in charge of the cadets that Amelia can go see her brother? Apparently they feel it a necessary punishment after Amelia went after Pixis to help save someone who just earned us a win against the titans."
Erwin nods to Hanji's request and Hanji frantically leads Emiline to the military hospital to meet with Eric. Hanji passes Emiline off to a medic who quietly leads Emiline to Eric's room. Once the medic leaves to provide the twins with some privacy Emiline smiles,
"Thank goodness you're alright," she breathes as she goes over to her brother and gently hugs him.
Eric gloomily returns the hug. Emiline frowns at Eric's lack of happiness in seeing her.
"I'm glad you're alright too, I was so worried when I heard about what happened in Trost," Eric responds tiredly.
"Well there's no need to be down. I'm fine, see!"
Eric scowls at Emiline, "No you're not fine, have you looked at your eyes lately?"
Emiline gives her brother a worried frown, she spots a mirror hanging on the wall and sighs, her eyes have this ice blue that almost glows to a violet hue. Turning back to face her brother, Eric tiredly rubs his hands over his face.
"Now we must speak quietly so no one can hear," Eric orders lowly, "There are things that you don't know that mom and dad told me. Are you able to see anything around people when you look at them?"
"Yes, it's like these colors that surround each individual."
"Dammit," Eric mutters, "We have to go, you've awakened and considering how a medic saw my tattoo while wrapping my ribs it's too dangerous to stay here. I'm amazed no one has come to kill us yet."
Emiline stares at her brother in shock, "What, we're not going anywhere! What is this awakened thing, what are you hiding from me?"
"From what dad knew, our family was genetically engineered to be these superhuman soldiers, and because we gain the ability to discern someone's emotions by the aura that surrounds them we were made the King's Shield. After another family similar to ours revolted against the King, awakening for our family became illegal."
Emiline is frozen, not only did Eric know something about our family that she didn't, he wants them to flee but where could they possibly go? Looking over at her brother, Emiline hardens her features,
"I'm going to go tell Commander Erwin."
As Emiline starts to walk away, Eric grabs Emiline by the wrist and yanks her back to his side.
"Absolutely not! You are not the one to make that decision, right now is not the time."
Emiline rips her wrist out of Eric's grasp, "It is the right time. I had a vision the other night of what happened in Trost and during that dream my tattoo started to bleed. The blood on my hands read 'now is the time.' I'm done hiding, and to keep this information hidden would actually be going against humanity."
"You did not have a vision, it was pure luck just like mom's dream. But you don't understand! Everything is going to go to hell here, the best thing we can do is run."
"Where? There is nowhere else to run and I'm tired of hiding information that could be helpful because you're too scared to do anything. I'm going to talk to Commander Erwin. Maybe you want to see humanity fall, but I don't. I'm not going to let people who are guiltless perish because of your cowardice."
Emiline storms out of the room with Eric yelling after her, but she ignores it, fine, I'll make the decision. It's always the oldest twin that cares about who was born first, but now it's time that I make a decision for this family. Emiline asks the first soldier she finds to tell her where Commander Erwin's office is located, once she receives the directions she hastily goes down the corridors till she locates the office. Taking a deep breath, Emiline knocks on the door and waits for a response,
"Name and business."
"Amelia Woods sir, and...I need to make a confession."
The door swings open to Levi with Hanji and Erwin sitting at the desk.
"This isn't the time to make a romantic confession Ginger," Levi responds sarcastically.
Emiline doesn't bother rolling her eyes, her heart is beating a mile a minute. If things don't go well this very well will be her final moments alive. She anxiously grips the fabric of her shirt that is covering her tattoo. Be brave.
"The confession is not romantic but it's too dangerous to speak about in the open, may I please come in?"
"Let her in, Levi," Erwin orders.
Levi moves aside to allow Emiline to enter, and shuts the door behind her as the atmosphere in the small room hangs like thick chilling fog.
"What is it that you have to confess, Amelia," Erwin asks gently.
Feeling herself tremble and her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth, Emiline does the only thing she can think of that will start the conversation. She shrugs off her jacket  and allows it to crumple to the cream colored area rub on the floor. Slowly releasing her grip on the fabric, she starts to undo the buttons of her blue collared shirt. With each button that is released from it's assign hole she finds the hole of her own grave approaching rapidly
"What the hell are you..." Levi starts, but as soon as Emiline's tattoo comes into view he immediately goes silent.
Emiline looks up to everyone in the room while holding her shirt open to make sure the tattoo of her family crest is on full display before finally announcing, "My name is Lady Emiline Amelia Silverwood, and my brother is Lord Eric Matthew Silverwood. We are the nobles that were accused of treason and ran away twelve years ago." The room is silent and Emiline immediately prostrates herself on the floor, "I know the government ordered that if we were ever found we have to be executed on the spot, but please listen to me for a few minutes before you execute me." Not hearing the cock of a pistol or the sound of an unsheathed blade, Emiline continues. She tells the three superiors everything she knew and what Eric told her moments ago. That the royal family is purposefully rewriting humanity's history to hide whatever happened before the titans appeared over a hundred years ago, that the government has squashed any technological advancement that would make it significantly easier to see what is beyond the Walls, and the Silverwood abilities. When she finishes she remains bowed on the floor with her head still hanging.
"Typically the first born is in charge of these big decisions, if Eric is your eldest brother then shouldn't he be coming to us with this information," Erwin asks.
"Eric felt that we shouldn't and I couldn't convince him otherwise, I felt that staying silent would be detrimental to humanity within the walls. Also...I feel that the ten minute gap between us isn't as important."
"Why should we believe you, you and your brother have been lying to us this entire time. Do you even have any physical proof to back up your story?" Levi scoffs.
"No, but my family knew Erwin's father who had the same theories about the royal government," Emiline admits. Cautiously looking up at Erwin who appears stunned, Emiline continues, "My family knew your father Commander, he was a school teacher, right? My grandfather would occasionally chat with your father in passing and admired how your father questioned the history that we're taught as children. When my family heard that he was executed, we figured it was due to his theories. After being in hiding for a few years my parents learned that you were serving in the Scouts. My mother believed that you had the same desire to learn about the outside like your father, so when my brother enlisted he was instructed in learning if there was a chance you would believe us."
There's a heavy silence before Levi snaps, "What makes you think we'd risk our lives for two pitiful nobles?"
"I'm not, if you wish to continue with the orders from the government then kill me and Eric. I just ask that you consider this information and do what you see fit with it."
"Tch," Levi snarls before taking out his knife and wrapping Emiline's ponytail around his fist. He pulls Emiline to her knees by her hair and presses the knife to her throat, causing a small drop of blood to run down her neck.
"Levi," Hanji exclaims.
"What, you heard 'Lady' Silverwood, we can kill her. Unless Erwin says otherwise I will draw this blade across her throat and then do the same to her brother."
Emiline pushes down the urge to fight back, every fiber of her being is twitching to knock the knife out of Levi's hand, but she stays still with her eyes shut as she leans her head back against Levi's chest.
"Levi," Erwin starts, "I believe her. She may be of good use."
Levi slowly pulls the knife away from Emiline's throat and goes to clean the blade.
"Hanji, please ask Pixis, Niles, and Zachery to come to my office. Tell them it's urgent," Erwin orders.
Hanji quickly runs out of the room and Erwin rises from his desk and walks over to Emiline.
"Levi, go get Eric please."
Levi nods and leisurely walks out of the office as Emiline remains on the floor looking down at Erwin's boots in shock. She isn't dead yet, what could the Commander be planning?
"My Lady," Erwin calls as he offers Emiline his hand. Emiline slowly takes it and allows Erwin to help her off the floor. He pulls out a cotton handkerchief from his pocket and passes it to Emiline so that she may press it against the cut on her throat. "At the moment I can't guarantee that you won't be executed tonight, but I'm hoping we can come to an agreement with the other military branches. We won't tell them everything you told us, let me do most of the talking and you only answer the bare minimum."
Emiline nods, "I agree with everything that's happening now, there's no way they would believe me at the moment. Especially after how I spoke during Eren's trial."
A few moments later Levi returns with Eric in tow, when Eric looks at Emiline a brief moment of relief washes over his face before fury replaces it. Levi and Erwin watch the exchange before Erwin interjects,
"I believe your sister my Lord, and if things go well we will be able to spare the both of you from getting executed for the time being."
Eric remains silent and just looks off to the side before finally answering, "Thank you, Commander."

Emiline feels a pang of guilt, she made a decision that could end both their lives without his consent. When Erwin and Levi begin to talk amongst themselves, Emiline kneels in front of her brother. "Eric," she begins, "I think everything will be okay. With the medic that saw the family crest and me awakened, I think it's time to stop hiding."
"That's not your decision to make," Eric spats, "I'm the oldest which makes me the head of this family, and it is my job to protect you and myself. Yet just like when we were kids, you go off and act on instinct not caring about how it would affect you, me, or our family name."
"Hey," Levi calls, "Your family name is already trashed thanks to that treason label, and the information your sister provided us is valuable for humanity to continue within the Walls. Besides you're both twins so you can stop with the 'oldest' bullshit, save this sibling spat for later."
Eric shoots Levi an angry glare before looking to the floor. Emiline sighs and stands as Levi comes up behind her with her jacket,
"You shouldn't leave this on the floor, it'll get filthy."
Emiline nods her thanks and drapes the jacket over the crook of her arm while they all wait for their superiors to arrive.
About thirty minutes later all of the requested file into Erwin's office with Hanji following behind them with an envelope tucked under their arm.
"This better be as important as you claim it is Erwin," Niles gripes.
When everyone is inside they turn their attention to the twins sitting submissively in their chairs.
"Oh look, it's that pretty cadet again," Pixis exclaims.
"More like a smart ass who has no respect for her superiors," Niles interjects.
"Thank you for coming here on short notice," Erwin greets, "Emiline, Eric, would you two mind showing these gentlemen what you showed us.
Emiline and Eric stand from their seats, and pull their shirts open to show their family crest tattooed over their left breasts. The men each stare in shock as the realization hits them.
"Erwin, they're supposed to be executed on the spot when they're discovered. Why are they still alive," Niles growls.
"Because the crimes they have been convicted of are unjust. Did the government really expect children to turn in their parents?"
"Yes, their parents committed treason!"
"Nobles are a special breed," Pixis begins, "even if they did turn in their parents, their lives would still be screwed. Come to think of it, I'm sure the government would still order their execution."
"What exactly are you wanting, Erwin," Zachery interjects.
"These are valuable soldiers, and they gave up secret information about their family in hopes that they could earn the trust of the government," Erwin informs.
"And that would be," Niles asks skeptically.
"Apparently Silverwood's have been used by the government for scientific research in genetically creating the top soldier."
Hanji comes forward and opens a file, "While I was gathering all of you, I did some research and found a basic file that was apparently given to every major HQ within all three Walls. According to this file there is a warning about an awakened Silverwood, considering Emiline's unnatural eye color and the information she has shared with us, she is awakened." Emiline raises her head and looks everyone in the eye, allowing them to observe her hues. "This could mean that her abilities are on par with Levi's, and if we have that serving in our military it could be very helpful for humanity."
Everyone looks towards Zachery as he thinks over the information, he then turns his gaze over to the twins.
"Why did you two decide to come out of hiding now?"
"A medic saw my tattoo while she was checking the injuries to my ribs, and my sister and I both felt that word could get out. It was better to come clean by choice as opposed to by force. My sister adamantly believes that telling the truth could give us a chance to be forgiven," Eric responds.
Emiline looks down at the floor, Eric is doing what he's always done, smooth over what he perceives Emiline has messed up. Zachery hums to himself,
"And what about that pamphlet your parents circulated? Did the two of you know what was mentioned prior to being published?"
"Our parents would briefly mention their theories in passing to us, but never provided any proof. Therefore they were wrong for potentially starting civil unrest without providing evidence."
Zachery nods at Eric and turns his focus over to Emiline who focuses on a wool image of a lily woven into one of the corners of the large rug blanketing the stone floor. Smiling he calls, "Emiline?"

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