Chapter 1

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The journey through the Training Corps was difficult but due to Emiline's past she fared better than others. Three years pass and Emiline graduates at third in her class and Eric's worries give way to pride as his sister excels in the Corps.
    After the graduation ceremony, Emiline walks along with the others to the canteen for a celebratory meal when someone calls out her name. Emiline looks over to see Eric waving excitedly to her with an overjoyed grin on his face. Rushing over to Eric, Emiline throws herself into his arms for a hug.
    "Congratulations Amelia," Eric congratulates.
    "Thank you," Emiline smiles proudly.
    "Yes, congratulations Amelia," Hanji greets from behind Eric.
    Emiline smiles and puts out her hand to shake Hanji's, but instead Hanji just wraps Emiline in a tight hug.
    "Thanks for rushing off without me," an annoyed voice calls.
    Everyone looks over to see Captain Levi approach. Emiline quickly stands in a salute as the Captain approaches.
    "Sorry, we got excited to see Matthew's sister," Hanji responds casually.
    Levi turns his gun metal eyes towards Emiline and gives her a once over, "At ease. So you're the brat sister your brother keeps talking about?"
    Emiline drops the salute,
    "Yes, however I had no idea Matthew described me as a brat," she responds with a curious glare to her brother.
    Hanji looks between Matthew and Emiline with a teasing smile, "He doesn't, Levi just likes to call everyone a brat."
    Emiline flashes Hanji a smile before looking over at Levi who is watching the exchange in boredom, "Hmm, I haven't been called a brat since I was a teenager, not to be disrespectful Captain, but I think I'm a little too old to be considered a brat."
   Levi looks over Emiline with a cocked brow, it is rare that someone talks back to him. He decides that he better put the smug redhead in her place.
    "That smart ass response suggests you are a brat Woods, you clearly lack the respect for your higher ups that your brother has."
    Emiline raises a brow in surprise, looks like someone has a pole up their ass, she opens her mouth to respond when Eric steps in front of her.
    "Please forgive my sister Captain, she sometimes fails to recognize when her wit would be considered inappropriate." Eric quickly turns back to his sister and guides her a few paces away, "Really Amelia? That is Captain Levi, Humanity's Strongest Soldier and supposedly he used to be a big player in the Underground. Didn't you learn to hold your tongue during the Cadet Corps?"
    Emiline sighs, Eric was never keen on Emiline speaking candidly, even as children he would constantly swoop in and ease over any ruffled feathers Emiline caused with other nobles. That's one of the reasons why their parents only allowed Emiline to stay in the house for a majority of the time, she was never one to fake social graces that she felt were unnecessary. However, considering how Eric is still the head of the family, Emiline bows her head submissively.
    "I'm sorry Matthew, I'll apologize to Captain Levi."
    Just as Emiline is about to turn to head back, her head perks up and her hand poises to catch something thrown at her. Looking at her hand she finds a small knife poised with the blade between her fingers.
    "Amelia! Are you alright," Matthew asks worriedly.
    Emiline doesn't answer, she turns around to see Hanji standing with their eyes wide in shock as Levi approaches.
    "My plan was to nick you to teach you a lesson but it seems that you have good reflexes."
    Levi takes the knife out of Emiline's hand and wipes the blade with a handkerchief before sliding it back into a pocket in his jacket. Emiline feels her blood begin to rush and her senses heighten as she feels a challenge slowly begin to present itself. Matthew places a hand on his sister's shoulder, he knew if he didn't remind Emiline to stay calm something worse than Emiline's smart-mouthing would occur. Recognizing the small signal Eric is trying to send, Emiline tightens her jaw,
    "I'm sorry for smart-mouthing you Captain Levi," Emiline responds while bowing slightly.
    Levi looks the girl over in front of him, just a minute ago she was happily sassing him and when she caught his knife she didn't show any fear. There was this playful and challenging glint in her eyes before her brother stopped it. The idea that she will bow to the will of her brother instead of him almost irks him, he's never had a cadet not cower in fear of him. His interest in Emiline rises, she's not at all like her brother or the other cadets. He starts to wonder how someone who was supposed to come from Wall Maria seems to have the attitude of a girl from a higher class. Not to mention even though this is the first time he's met Emiline, she seems familiar.
    "Levi, I hate to interrupt but we should probably start heading back. We do have an expedition tomorrow," Hanji calls.
    "Tch," Levi responds before turning away.
    Eric turns Emiline to face him and gives her a small smile, "Thank you for behaving. I'll find you after I get back from the expedition."
    Emiline embraces her brother in a tight hug, even though Eric has been a member of the Scouts for a few years, she still gets nervous about her brother going out into Titan territory.
    "Sounds good, please be smart out there," Emiline presses.
    Eric gives his sister a comforting smile before kissing her on the forehead, "I promise," he responds while patting his hand over his left breast, "tell Mikasa, Eren, and Armin that I'm proud of them graduating too."
    Emiline copies the gesture over the same spot and nods before waving Eric goodbye and heading to the party.
    When Emiline arrives, Armin walks over and passes her a drink while glancing over her worriedly.
    "Are you okay? You're the last one here."
    Emiline gives him a comforting smile, "Don't worry, I ran into Matthew on the way here."
    Armin perks up with a smile, "That's great, it's a shame the rest of us missed him."
    Emiline smiles, since Emiline decided to become Eren, Armin, and Mikasa's guardian till they could enlist, Eric would come to the scantily made shack in the refugee neighborhood and spend time with all of them when he could.
    "He wishes he could've seen all of you too, but he did tell me that he is proud of all of you."
    Armin smiles happily before an argument breaks out between Eren and Jean. Emiline frowns and sets her cup down before walking over and stepping in the middle of the two teens.
    "Hey, what's going on guys?"
    Eren lets out an angry sigh, "Nothing," and walks out while Mikasa and Armin follow him.
    Emiline looks back at Jean as everyone begins to file out to head to bed.
    "I don't know how you put up with that suicidal bastard," Jean scoffs before storming out.
    "Let me guess, Eren and Jean were arguing about the Military Police again," she sighs.
    "Yeah," Christa answers sadly.
    "Idiots, it's just a matter of opinion that hasn't changed for three years. Why keep arguing," Ymir scoffs.
    Emiline smiles sadly at the two of them, "They both have strong personalities, it's bound to cause friction when they're both so blunt."
    After following everyone out of the building, Emiline finds Eren, Armin, and Mikasa sitting on the steps looking at the sky.
    "There you guys are," she calls happily.
    The three look over to her and Mikasa and Armin give her small smiles while Eren quickly frowns and looks away. She takes a seat next to them on the steps and smooths her skirt over her knees. Everyone is quiet until Emiline finally asks,
    "I don't get it," Eren says after a pause, "I don't get how nothing makes you upset. Doesn't it upset you when Jean talks poorly of the Survey Corps, even though Matthew serves in it? Doesn't it upset you that people just want to take the easy way out, and not fight for our freedom that's being taken away by the titans!"
    "Eren," Mikasa and Armin start, but Emiline raises her hand to silence them.
    "Eren," she starts, "Of course I don't appreciate Jean's comments, and I am disappointed that some people are still blind to the reality around them. However, I don't argue with Jean because he's still a teenager and I'm an adult. I find the conversation pointless, my brother doesn't need defending he can do that himself. Also there will always be ignorant people in this world who wish to stay in their own little bubble, in time it will eventually pop and I am not responsible for forcing that on them. I know you're passionate about this and I don't blame you, I actually admire it. However, you need to pick your battles. Actions speak louder than words, so instead of arguing, show them why you believe you're right."
    Eren looks at Emiline in anger before finally sighing and smiling, "I suppose that is an option," Eren suddenly stops and stares at Emiline, "Amelia, then what are you trying to show with your actions? You  honestly appear secretive a lot, you focus more on others than yourself and you always seem to do everything averagely. Even though we've lived together for a few years we still know very little about you."
    "Eren-" Armin starts,
    "You're quite observant, however I would consider myself more observant. Besides, there's nothing about me that you guys would really need to know anyway."
    Emiline feels a pang of guilt, she hates lying to them. She honestly loves these kids like her own family and would do anything to protect them. It hasn't been easy holding her tongue and a few times it has slipped, but the less trouble she causes the better it is for them. The only time Emiline seems to slip into mischievous habits is when she's certain she won't get caught or when she's around Eric.
Looking back at the young teens in front of her, Emiline knows that they would feel betrayed if they found out what she and Eric are hiding. Two runaway nobles who were sentenced to death for treason all thanks to a little pamphlet her parents secretly published listing out dark secrets of the government. Even though Eric and Emiline only knew what was published in the pamphlets they never participated in its distribution. The only reason they were convicted was due to having prior knowledge, and the government having knowledge that they were trained like high class soldiers, thus being seen as a threat.
    Shaking her head she follows the three back to the barracks to get some sleep and reminds herself that her secrecy is for the best, the less people know about her the better. If there is ever a situation where she and Eric are caught nothing bad will come of those they've been in contact with, that's the best thing for them. After splitting off and following Mikasa back to the women's barracks, she finishes getting ready for bed and tiredly lays in her bunk as she slips off to sleep.

    Looking around there's smoke and fire surrounding Emiline, she activates her gear and manages to get to the top of Wall Rose where she see's chaos ensuing below. The screams of people echoing below catch her attention as watches in horror as fellow comrades get devoured by titans pouring through a hole in the wall. She feels a pain over her left breast and unbuttons her shirt to find the tattoo of her family crest shining red with fresh blood. Emiline quickly places her palm over her bleeding sun tattoo. Upon pulling her hand away, the blood on it reads, the time has come.
    Emiline wakes up with a cold sweat covering her body, it was just a dream. Slowing her breathing, Emiline lays back down and turns on her side to face the wall so she can run her hand over her tattoo. Brushing it several times, she finds no blood, not even a scratch. It was just a dream, Emiline keeps reminding herself as she falls back asleep, however, no matter how many times she repeated it to herself she couldn't get rid of the sinking feeling in her chest.

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