Chapter 7

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Emiline holds her notebook by her hip as her footsteps echo with each stone step as she climbs up the stairs to the third floor of the castle. Upon reaching the landing she walks a few more paces until she comes upon the door to Commander Erwin's office. It's been a week since she's been to his office and her notebook is halfway filled with notes taken just from that week. Rapping her knuckles against the door, the knocking is followed by a,


    "It's Emiline Silverwood, Commander."

    Footsteps can be heard crossing the room. The click of the brass doorknob turning precedes the sound of the heavy wooden door opening to reveal the Commander with a cordial smile and a book resting in his other hand.

    "Emiline, please come in," Erwin orders formally as he holds the door open for Emiline to enter.

    "Yes sir."

    Upon entering, Emiline notices how large the room actually is with the late afternoon sun completely illuminating the study through the large center window with its glass separated into intricate pieces by a black iron cut outs. Even though there's a large cream tarp covering the window in an effort to block out some of the sunlight, the sun's rays still manage to burst through, bathing the room completely in its light. Erwin shuts the door and comes up beside Emiline while lightly pressing his hand into the small of her back.

    "Please have a seat," Erwin gestures to the chairs and couch arranged around the fireplace.

    Emiline nods and takes a seat in one of the wingback chairs, "Thank you, Commander."

    Erwin takes a seat in the chair parallel to Emiline's and sets the book he was holding on the coffee table between the two chairs. "What have you gathered from your observations this week?"

    Emiline flips to her report on a page beyond her notes and passes it to Erwin, "Here is a report that I have written up so far. I felt that having a written report would be helpful to explain the broad overview before I explain the nuances."

    Erwin smiles as he takes the notebook, "That's very thorough." After taking a few minutes to read over the report, Erwin sets the book on the table once he's finished reading, "The hues pinpoint the specific emotions while the order in which they surround the person holds significance. Please explain."

    Emiline nods, "Yes. When looking at a person they will have one of the basic colors that we are familiar with: red, blue, yellow, green, black, purple, white. However, the hue that these colors take on signifies what exact emotion they are feeling. Are you familiar with flower language, sir?"

    "I have read a little about it, yes."

    "Ok, so when a man is courting a young woman he'll send her a bouquet of red roses, the red symbolizing that he is in love with her and feels a strong passion for her. While a woman on her wedding day will typically have a bouquet of white and sometimes pink roses to symbolize her purity and the pure love that she has for her groom. The colors surrounding a person are similar. The main color is the base of what group the emotion belongs to, and then the hue defines the exact emotion. So say someone loves another person, if they have a dusty pink color around them they are feeling a pure romantic love towards another person, if it's red they're feeling a passionate and lustful love towards that person, and if it's a baby pink it's a non-romantic love, like what a parent would feel towards their child or between friends."

    Erwin sits back in his chair as he rests his elbows upon the armrests and folds his hands together, waiting for Emiline to continue to her next point.

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