Chapter 8

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Levi snatches the ribbon out of Emiline's hand and shoves it protectively into his inner coat pocket.

"What are you going on about," Levi asks defensively.

"Levi, we met before. Don't you remember?"

The afternoon of the late summer sun beat harshly down on the Stohess District, the heat was made more apparent by the two layers of petticoats underneath a twelve year old Emiline's dress frilled with ruffles on the bottom of the blue skirt sleeves. Emiline looks around the brightly colored tent tops with just as colorful strings lined with flags zig zag back and forth between the tents of the merchant area. Her grandfather is standing in the middle of the square speaking to Lord Riley, one of her father's attorney colleagues, while having Emiline's arm looped with his. Grandpa has been talking to Lord Riley for forever, when can we go to the bakery and get out of this heat?

Emiline gently taps her grandfather's arm and says, "Grandpa Silverwood, it is getting really hot. Could we possibly move to the shade?"

Her grandfather pauses his conversation and smiles down to Emiline, "Campfire," he begins while using his nickname for Emiline, "the way you interrupted the conversation was very rude. Start your request again like a proper lady." Grandpa Silverwood turns away his ice blue eyes and continues the conversation with Lord Riley like Emiline didn't interrupt at all.

Emiline silently sighs, he's going to talk forever and by the time we actually enter the shade I'll have melted. "Pardon me, Lord Riley and Grandpa Silverwood from interrupting your conversation. I am feeling a little warm, may I please be excused to the market to cool off under the tents?"

Grandpa Silverwood smiles approvingly at Emiline and reaches into his pocket. He takes out a few coins and presses them into Emiline's white gloved hands and responds, "Of course Campfire. Here is some money to get yourself something while in the market."

Emiline beams a smile up at her grandfather, "Thank you Grandpa!" She then looks to Lord Riley and gives him a quick curtsey, "Excuse me, Lord Riley."

Running off to the market square, Emiline smiles an excited open mouth grin as she watches customers meander between the different vendors with the wagons decorated with different wares ranging from food to small craftwork from the larger stores surrounding the major streets lining the main square. Emiline walks slowly down the rows of the market while trying to decide what she would like to get herself with the money she received from her grandfather.

"What do you think you're doing with that, you little runt," a merchant suddenly yells.

A crowd quickly gathers to watch the exchange, Emiline squeezes between the crowd of people till she makes it to the front of the crowd to see young boy holding a few red apples in his hands while his lip is turned up in a snarl at the merchant whose spit is flying as he yells at the boy. Emiline watches the boy in curiosity, he appears to be of the lower class considering his plain tan pants and white shirt that are a little too baggy for his frame. For the most part though, the boy seems well kept, his black hair is styled neatly into an undercut, his clothes lack stains, and he appears to be freshly bathed. Perhaps he's a servant boy for a local family. For a servant boy though, he's pretty cute.

"Would you quit yapping your gums like that old man! Your disgusting spit is getting everywhere."

While the crowd gasps at the boy's poor manners, Emiline can't help but hide a giggle behind her lace gloved hand. Whenever she interacts with other nobles they're a little more well mannered than Emiline would like. There's a place for manners, but the rigidity tended to be suffocating.

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