new territory and adjustments.

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Lena's pov;

And so with everything shitty that has happened to me, EVER, i'm finally leaving metropolis. Finally, my childhood was completely ruined here. I lost my mother, my father. And my foster mother and brother are completely insane. My brother Lex, (short for Alexander) is in jail for trying to kill superman and almost killing half the population in the makings. And my mother, well god knows where she is. Probably somewhere plotting an escape for Lex. Those two never have and will never care about anything. But themselves of course.

Anyway, here I was about to board my plane to National City. It felt like getting a second chance, a new job, possibly new friends. Not that any one would ever consider being friends with a Luthor.

About 45 minutes later -

I landed in National City and immediately headed to Catco. Cat Grant is inevitably anxious and impatient. I wasn't even sure I was ready to completely take over Catco. But when Cat Grant makes a deal, she makes a deal.

I arrive at Catco and a certain blonde was there to greet me. "Ah yes, and you must be Miss. Luthor." The woman exclaimed. "I am, and you?" I asked. "Oh! Excuse my rudeness. Kara Danvers, reporter of Catco magazine." She said shaking my hand. She wore glasses and was perky. Perky, but beautiful. She led me to Cat's office and as soon as she noticed me she grabbed her things and started walking. "Lena i presume, you'll figure everything out but don't destroy this place. Started from the bottom, now it's at the top. Wouldn't want it to tumble and fall back down." She said with a fake smile and walked out hastily. "Um.. well okay I suppose i should get the hang of things around here, shant I? Tell the rest of the staff i'd like a group meeting in here in 5 minutes tops. Thank you Ms. Danvers." I exclaimed. "Oh! Of course, also you can call me Kara." She said and I nodded and smiled.

Kara's pov;

New boss. Lena Luthor. I wasn't sure about her at first, you know being a luthor and all. But she's nice and sweet and gorgeous. And i'm rambling, to myself, in my head. Anyway, she's not like any of the other luthors. She's good, better. I went around and told everyone about the meeting she wanted in her office in a few.

When I was done i started walking over to her office. "Hey, I finished telling everyone, they'll be here soon. I wanted to ask you something though?" I exclaimed unsure if I should ask. "Sure Kara what is it?" she asked. "Lunch- Lunch? Lunch. Would you like to have- like a- you know like lunch thingy? Like the thing where you eat. Together. I think." I said clearing my throat."Oh, Kara, of course. I'd love to. Meet me here in an hour after the meeting. I hear noonan's is good." She said smiling and I gave her a faint 'ok' and walked away timidly.
Why did I act so shy? It's not like she's not like any other woman that's roamed this earth. There's nothing different about her. Right?

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