jealousy at its finest, kryptonite at its finest. potato, patato.

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Kara's pov;

Me and Lena were both at Catco about to head out for our date. We were going out for icecream and an arcade after. Me and Lena were in the office exchanging looks and flirts when James walked in. "Hey you two, whats going on." James said and I looked away from Lena. "Oh- nothing. Me and Lena were about to go on a d- to get icecream." I stuttered out. "Oh that sounds fun, can I come along? I'd love to spend more time with Len- you and Lena." James said and I squinted my eyes ignoring the fact that he meant Lena and not me and Lena. "I- James, me and Kara are actually..." Lena started pausing herself and I knew what she was about to confess. "You and Kara are what?" James said confused and I mouthed to Lena 'i'll tell him.' "Well James i'm actually uh- I like women." I confessed and James raising his eyebrows. "I- wow Kara i'm so proud of you. I really thought you were straight." James remarked. "Well- I- there was a change- an convenient change." I said. "I was the change by the way." Lena said and James looked at us both in disbelief.

"Oh- I- well me- Lena I thought you and me had a thing going on. I guess I read you- you both wrong." James said and I raised my eyebrows confusingly. James had feelings for Lena- or- huh? "Um. James I can assure you there is- or was nothing going on between us two. I love Kara, not you, I never have." Lena exclaimed and I looked back at James. "So then what was that time when-," Lena stopped James. "Okay Kara, I think it's time for us to head away on our date." I just nodded eager to get out. Me and Lena walked off, Lena in front of me. I noticed James staring at her ass and I stopped causing Lena to stop as well and turn around. "Was she not just clear James? She has nothing for you, no feelings, nothing. Her ass is mine to look at, not anyone else's- mine." I said and I heard Lena chuckle. We both started to walk outside, Lena still laughing. "I- What's so funny Lena?" I asked. "Oh I don't know. How you just got jealous back there." Lena said and I scoffed. "Jealous? No I wasn't." I said looking at everything else but Lena. She was right of course, but she was mine, and I didn't want anyone else looking at her. "Yes you were. But i'm glad you protected me Kara Danvers. Just makes me fall more inlove with you." Lena said and I blushed.

Lena's pov;

Me and Kara made it to the icecream shop and walked in. "Baby what flavor do you want." I asked Kara and the server must have heard me. Her face turned red and her eyebrows raised. "What? Never seen two girls that are very much inlove in an icecream shop getting icecream?" Kara remarked and I laughed. "Kara Danvers and Lena Luthor? You two- inlove?" She said and I squinted. "Yes...? Do you find anything wrong with that love?" I said. "I- no- hot. huh? Sorry. What f- flavor- you- both. want?" She said and then it was Kara's turn to laugh, or the both of us I recall. "I'll have strawberry+vanilla and the pretty lady here will have rocky road." I smiled at Kara's knowing of my favorite flavor of icecream.

Me and Kara walked out of the shop with our icecream in hand giggling about the encounter we had with the woman at the counter. Kara looked over at me and I looked over at her. Words could never explain how much I love her, it's so insane. She smiled at me. "What? Is there icecream on my face?" I asked. "No. Your just so beautiful Lena. And I- I love you so much. I hope we, never, ever have an ending. I'll love you to the end of time Lena Luthor." Kara spat out leaving me speechless. "And i'll love you to the end of time supergirl." Kara smiled radiantly at my comment. Then I saw her take her eyes off mine, but something else in the distance. I turned around to look but saw nothing. "Kara baby, what's going on? I don't see anything." I said. "Super-hearing. I have to go Lena i'm so sorry. I don't want to leave you but-," I stopped her. "Someone needs your help, I understand go. go." I told her to go even though I didn't want her to she had better things to worry about.

And so there I was alone, watching pedestrians walk by. I honestly wanted to see what was going on so I started walking in the distance Kara was hearing towards. And there she was, the love of my life fighting- what the hell was she fighting? I'd never seen an alien like that before, and i've seen plenty in my insane brothers labs, isn't it a shame? And then that moment comes, when you see green stuff flying into the air. Kara's weakness, kryptonite; just great. I got my phone out to call Alex.

Alex - "Hey Lena, what's up?"

Lena - "I thought you- you were aware of what was h- happening. K- Kara, she's- kryptonite- into air. Please come Alex. Now."

Alex - "I'm on my way Lena, calm down okay. She's going to be okay."

The call ended. I was alone, panicking. Then I saw Kara hit the ground. And what was my instinct? To run towards her, t run into danger for her.

"Kara, Kara it's going to be okay baby. We just have to get your somewhere safe okay." I wasn't near certain she heard me. Kryptonite running through her veins, her face, oh god her face. I was completely useless, a damn scientist! Alex and the other DEO trucks arrived. "Lena- Lena we've got to take her now." Alex commanded and I insisted on coming with them.

We made it to the DEO shortly and agents were rushing Kara into the medbay. I wasn't even sure I was allowed in the DEO at the time but I didn't care. They hooked her up to monitors and kept injecting her with stuff and all I heard was this ringing in my head. I ran off to a private room, still unsure I should be at the place at all. Alex trailed in a few minutes after me, i'm guessing she assumed she could be alone but I was there. "Hey Lena, you okay?" She asked me and I just broke down even more. "I'm so inlove with her Alex. I can't lose her, I just got her. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me." I said, tears pouring out of my eyes. "I know you love her, and she loves you. She talks about you alot, 'Lena this, Lena that.' "Oh my gosh guys Lena told me the funniest joke today." She loves you more than anything Lena." Alex said and I couldn't help but smile. "How are you?" I asked her. "I- I have hope. And I know that Kara will pull through. She's supergirl after all. She'll make it Lena, she will." Alex assured me and there was that flicker of hope. Then an agent walked in the room. "It's supergirl. She's waking up." He exclaimed and me and Alex bolted up zooming toward Kara's room. "Kara- Kara hi baby." I said sitting down in a chair beside her bed. "H- hi Lena hi. I'm sorry if-," I cut her off. "No sorrys, i'm just glad your okay, i love you." Kara smiled then looked over to Alex. "I-," Alex stopped Kara. "It's okay. But if you EVER-," Kara stopped her. "I know, I know. You'll kill me twice." Kara said sighing and I laughed "Glad you know. I'll leave you two, goodnight." Alex said and started walking off.

"Kara. I need to talk to you... about something. Now." I said. "Okay Lena. What is it?" Kara asked and I sighed. "You- you gave me such a scare tonight. I have never- ever, been this scared in my entire life for anything. And i've witnessed my brother turn the sun red just to attemptedly kill your cousin and he almost killed millions of people in the process. I hated and dreaded worrying so much. It felt like the world was bound to end, and you're the world. I just- I don't know if i can..." I paused. "You don't know if you can take it again. The feeling of losing me. I- I know it's hard. You have an out, you can take it if you want." Kara said tears forming in her eyes and tears were in mine too. "Kara- I am so- so sorry. I love you so much." I was bawling at this point. "Go. Lena it's okay go, i'll always be here for you. Maybe we just weren't meant to be in this lifetime." All I could do was walk away, I completely broke down. 'weren't meant to be.' Maybe we weren't but I could never completely let go of her. Kara Danvers is my rock, my light, my absolute favorite person. I want us to last forever.

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