you said you didn't want me. what now?

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(third person pov)

Kara was falling inlove with Lena. Even without her embrace everyday, even if there was so much tension and angst. She just fell harder thinking about her. And here she was now, looking at Lena from across the room. Enjoying every aspect of her body, the way it moved. The way it looked. Kara thought Lena was stunning. And then came the overthinking. 'Lena probably doesn't like me because i'm supergirl', 'she's starting to hate me like all the other luthors', 'she'll never love me.'

While Kara's thinking all of that Lena feels the same way about Kara. She has deep feelings for her, but she felt she needed to push them down, far. Lena must have noticed Kara staring because she started walking over. "Kara, you okay honey? Do you need to go home for the day." Lena knew what she said was cold and rude but she was trying to make it seem like she didn't have feelings for Kara.

And that, Lena did not know why, she wanted Kara more than Kara wanted her. "I- I- no, it's just you- I mean no, yeah i'm fine- no I don't n- need to go home. I'll finish writing my article i'm sorry for bothering you." Kara said stuttering and looking down. Lena knew she was Kara's weakness, even if Kara was one of the strongest people alive. "Oh, Kara you weren't bothering me, it's okay. I'm just breathtaking aren't I." Lena said in a flirtatious voice. "Lena." Kara asked exhausted. "Yes Kara?" Lena replied. "Why are you flirting with me. You obviously don't have feelings for me." Kara said trying her hardest to be quiet. "I'm- that's just how I talk I guess." Lena said trying to cover for herself. Kara just shrugged. She felt dumb, for falling for Lena, for falling potentialy inlove with her. She watched Lena walk away. She ached for her, and it hurt so bad.

Why was Lena hesitant on her feelings for Kara? They were obviously real, they always were. Since the day she walked in Catco, she looked at Kara like- well like she loves Kara, truly. Lena loved Kara yet, Lena still retaliated. Making Kara feel like she'd never be loved again.

Lena's pov;

I love her okay! I love her, that's what my brain cells want me to admit. That's what I want to admit to her. But I can't because i'm a naive idiot. Lex always said loving someone of the same sex of yours is wrong. And of course I never thought that anyone that liked the same sex was disgusting, never. But now it's me, and Alexander Luthor never failed to make me overthink. I love her so much, so much I hate myself for it.

Anyway, I was in my office overthinking. 'shoot for the stars Lena,' I remembered my mother telling me. In this case Kara was the stars. But i'd be shooting at her metaphorically.

I was interupted out of my thoughts when Kara walked up to me. "Lena, i'm sorry, duty calls." She said seemingly rushing and I knew why. "It's okay Kara. Look i'm about to head home but come to my apartment after. I want to know you're okay." And I did want to know she was okay, that she wasn't being eaten alive by kryptonite or something. But I also wanted to talk. "Okay, I will." She said and ran off to change into her supersuit somewhere. I started gathering my things and called my driver.

Always felt stuck up because i'm rich and have my own personal driver. But on the other hand I have an apartment, it's mostly because i'm always moving around. Who knows what plans I have in the future. Hopefully a mansion with Kara, or something. And kids, or whatever.

I made it to my apartment and shortly after Kara arrived. She was back in her 'reporter Kara Danvers' outfit, completely and utterly breathtaking. I couldn't help but examine her entire body. I started walking closer to her but I don't think she noticed. "Hey Lena. You wanted to see if I was okay. Well here I am in the flesh. I'm going to go now. Bye." She said turning around. And I just turned her back around and kissed her.

She kissed me back and it felt so real. We hadn't kissed that long before. It was like a drug, a poison. But a good one. I started to straddle her onto my couch and she let out a moan. "L- Lena." She moaned between pants. I deepend the kiss and then I felt her let go. "W- we need to stop." She managed to put in. I let go of her and sat down fixing my hair. I was kind of disappointed, I was avoiding talking but i'd never even had sex with a woman before. As much as I wanted to fuck her. "I know we do, i'm sorry." I remarked. "It's okay." She said buttoning her shirt back up. "Now i'm really going to go. I'll talk to you later." I didn't want her to leave, I just wanted to cuddle with her and watch netflix. Maybe next time. Or never.

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