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**third person**

"I do." Kara and Lena said in unison. The audience with their smiles to their ears. That Kara and Lenas' love, was truly prominent in so many ways. "Well, by the power vested in me and by the state of California, you may now kiss the bri- brides? I should have rehearsed this more, Rao curse me." Clark said and everyone laughed. "I think we'll just kiss, Clark." Lena said and collided her and her lovers lips. Everyone clapped and smiled, Lena and Kara pulled away for air. They turned towards the audience and started to walk out, their close friends following.

Kara and Lena stopped to talk with Sam, Alex, Winn, and Maggie for a bit. Then Lena started toward the limo, leaving Kara behind. "Hey! Lena... I guess all this is for real?" James stopped Lena. Lena squinted, "If 'all this' is my marriage then, yes. What are you implying?" Lena finished. "Well, i'm guessing the me- me and you thing is over." James said and Kara started to approach. "There was never a me and you. You confuse me a hell of a lot James, and every time I talk to you honey, I get a bit gayer." Lena smiled sarcastically. Kara had heard everything by then, and then she acted on

impulses, punching James in the face. "That'll teach you to stop harassing my wife." Kara said and then it was her turn to smile sarcastically. Lena and Kara walked away to the limo, hand in hand. "Damn, i've wanted to do that for a while." Kara implied. "Yeah that- that was so hot. I'm gonna need alot of sex tonight." Lena said. "Why? You wet baby?" Kara asked, pulling Lena into the car with her. "Kara. You're making me wetter and we have a reception to go to- our wedding reception. Plus, the driver can see everything." Lena whined.

"It's just a quickie. You want me, don't you?" Kara said in a suducive tone and Lena nodded eagerly. "There's a remote in that drawer that can make a wall between us and the driver." Kara said pointing. Once Lena had closed the wall, Kara carefully started taking off Lena's tux, afraid of ruining the thing she thought her lover looked so magnificent in. She got to Lena's bra and knew Lena wouldn't have minded if she just ripped the damn thing off. But, she asked for permission anyway. Lena nodded. Kara unhooked the bra, seeing the magical breasts. "This- never gets old. Everytime they look better. You're gorgeous Lena." Kara said and Lena blushed. "Damn thought we were passed that blushing stage. We're married." Kara said and Lena giggled. "Just make me cum." Kara nodded at Lena's reply.

She started sucking on Lena's breast, massaging the other one as the limo started to move. Lena shifted, moaning out Kara's name. Kara's thigh slipped into Lena's centre and Lena moaned louder. "Oh my god. Kara, I need you now."  Lena said and Kara kept one hand on one of Lena's breasts and the other unbuttoning Lena's bottoms. Lena's ruined thong revealed how wet she was. Lena saw Kara's expression and laughed, "All- for you." She said panting. Kara began to remove Lena's panties. She grazed her finger around the Luthors pussy, teasing her. "Stop- stop teasing me. Just fuck me." Lena groaned, "Yes Ms. Luthor." Kara replied laughing. She inserted one finger inside Lena. Lena's back arched slightly, "FUCK, KARA." Lena panted. "I am fucking you, want more?" Lena paused before replying, "Y- yes, yes please."
Lena begged.

Kara inserted two more fingers and thrusted into Lena until she climaxed. "That was- fuck. Why did you lick my pussy this time, Ms. Danvers?" Lena asked calming down and gaining her strength back. "We have to go to a place full of people who are there for the two of us. Couldn't have your orgasm still riding out during the damn thing." Kara said and Lena nodded in agreement. The car began to stop and by then Lena had her clothes back on and was fixing her hair up. The driver came around to open he door. "A lot of noice back hear while I was driving ladies?" He said and Lena and Kara looked at eachother. "Say anything to anyone Mr. Driver, and my wife here will knock your ass out and toss you in the damn Atlantic ocean." The drivers eyes widened. "Enjoy the rest of your day ladies." He said trying to put on a smile.

Kara and Lena walked out of the limo and entered the reception where everyone, somehow was already there. Kara noticed J'honn. "Hey! You made it back from Mars." Kara smiled walking up to him. "Yes, I did. I know I couldn't make the wedding but i'm here." He smiled. "M'gann is here as well if you wanted to say hello." He continued. "Yeah! I'll talk to her in a bit. Thank you for coming, I appreciate it." J'honn nodded and smiled. Kara turned to leave and noticed her friends from a different earth. "Hey guys! I'm so glad you could make it. Thank you for coming." Kara said smiling. "Yeah, we wouldn't miss it for the world." Barry said. "Yeah, Danvers. Although 2 years ago I never pegged you liked women. I would've caught in my love trap then." Sara said. "You would've what?" Lena said tensing up. "I wouldn't. She's an assassin and a time traveler." Kara said and Lena raised her eyebrows. "Yeah, and there's no need to hurt me, I have a fiancé, Ava. And I wouldn't have it any other way, fortunately." Sara replied. "Okay, sorry about that." Lena laughed. "Don't sweat it, if anyone said that about my girl they would already be dead." Sara smiled sarcastically.

After a while, Lena and Kara got on the floor to slow dance. Their love was precious, unique, and strong. You could tell  by looking at them when they look at each other. "I don't think i've ever- and I mean ever- been more content. I don't want to be without you, or live without you, or whatever without you, ever. This is forever, that's a promise." Lena said and Kara had a tear come down her face. Lena was never the one with the 'words'. Kara always found something moving to say.

When the dance had finished, Kara and Lena walked back into the crowd of people eating. Then Kara noticed Ms. Grant walking towards them. "Ms. Grant! I'm so glad you could make it." Kara said and Ms. Grant smiled. "Kiera, you know better than to call me Ms. Grant anymore. You no longer work for me, call me Cat." Ms. Grant said, her eyes moving from Kara unto Lena. "Lena Luthor, marrying Kara Danvers, crazy." She said. "What? You didn't expect it?" Lena replied. "Oh please Ms. Luthor. From the very beginning, I saw sparks."

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