Chapter 6: 'Boyfriend'

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Junkyu returned the change to his last customer. He took off his name tag as his shift was about to end. He didn't see the next person in charge yet and to be honest, he wasn't even a bit surprised. Rather, he took off his phone in a usual manner and dialled in his number.

After 3 rings, the said person picked up the call, "Junkyu ya, just 10 more minutes, please! I overslept!"

"It must not be more than 10, okay, hyung?"

"Yes, yes! You can count on me!"

Chuckling, Junkyu cut the call. He could never be mad at his adorable Hyunsuk hyung even if he wanted. Besides, he won't be late if he waited ten more minutes.

Placing a hand under his chin, Junkyu got back to staring at the glass door. The store was welcoming, cozy and decorated in soft pastels to attract children. It automatically reminded him of one cute, naughty kid that defeated his father one day to get some candies.

Junkyu was reminiscing the past few days he spent with Jihoon and Doyoung. All of a sudden, his mind went black though, because of who walked through the glass door to his store.

The small, adorable guy looked at Junkyu directly and gave him a smile. Junkyu's heart started beating faster. He didn't know when he himself smiled like the bright sun in return.

"Hi!" he happily waved at his crush, Mashiho.

"Hi, Junkyu hyung." Mashiho replied, not losing his smile.

"So, what can I-"

"Anything." Mashiho cut Junkyu off his formal speech, "I just came to talk to you actually."

Junkyu blinked once and his heart raced even faster. He didn't want to hold onto false hope, but the way Mashiho talked, could it be that he was interested in the cashier?

"Um... um... have this then." Junkyu, whose brain wasn't acting properly, handed Mashiho the nearest thing he could find, a heart shaped lollipop.

Mashiho laughed, "Hyung! I'm not a kid!"

"Ah right, um... then-"

"It's okay." Mashiho said, "I'll have it at home." He winked. Junkyu gulped, nervously smiling.

"How are things going, hyung?" Mashiho asked. He wasn't that close to Junkyu yet, since it was probably his 4th/5th time visiting the store. Yet, he acted like he knew the elder well. Maybe it was just in his nature, but it definitely made Junkyu's heart dance.

"I'm fine, you?" Junkyu asked back. Mashiho just shrugged.

The two talked about random things for a while. Mostly Mashiho initiating conversation. Then a text message arrived in his phone and he took his leave.

Junkyu once again got back to staring at the glass door, but this time, he didn't think about Jihoon or Doyoung, his whole mind was occupied with Mashiho's cute smile and the possible future they could have. He was so immersed in his thoughts that Hyunsuk taking more than 17 minutes didn't bother him much.

He came back to his senses soon, by a call on his phone. He looked at the ID and it showed Jihoon's name. Curious, he picked it up.


"Junkyu, th-they'll take him... away from... me...I don't know...what I'll do... with-without h-him..." Jihoon was sobbing and talking on the other side of the call.

"Wait wait wait, Jihoon! What happened? Who's gonna take whom away?" Junkyu asked. He was super concerned.

"Do- Doyoungie... they'll take him... to the USA..."

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