Bonus Chapter: Love is Eternal- A Myth

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1k+ special! *Part 1*
(Cz it was getting so long!)

"I think he was a bit mad at me for handing those files in late." The new intern spoke to Jihoon, sulking.

"Aye it's okay. I know Mr. Choi, He's really sweet. He won't mind, besides you're completely new here so it's natural for you to make mistakes." Jihoon comforted the younger. Haruto Watanabe, the new intern under Jihoon's care had only been at work for a week. Jihoon already grew a soft spot for him. One of the main reasons was that Haruto was in the same university as his. Besides, the boy wasn't even Korean, he had had troubles adjusting with the Korean culture.

Haruto wasn't convinced, it showed in his face. So, Jihoon stood up from his seat and put a hand on his shoulder.

"How about you come eat out with me?" Jihoon offered. Haruto seemed to be happy at that. Because he nodded with a smile. And Jihoon, for the sake of the young intern, texted his husband that he'd eat out.

Jihoon always doted on Haruto. He was the first ever intern to be under his care, and he was really sincere, obedient, skilful and deserved all the affection in the world. That's why, he took it as his responsibility to always make sure that Haruto was fine. For that, if he had to skip eating with his husband and son one time, it was no big deal to him.

Jihoon and Haruto talked a lot. Mostly Jihoon, as he's a talker, Haruto listened. They were so happily engaged in the conversation that when the food came, they started at a very slow pace. They took their sweet time eating, talking with one another. They laughed a lot. Since Junkyu was busy with his teacher stuff and Doyoung was busy with his school, Jihoon hadn't had time to talk to someone for such a long time. He loved it. And for Haruto, he always respected Jihoon. Like Jihoon was his ideal senior.

When they were almost done, well, both of them intentionally delayed finishing off their food, so that they could talk more. Unfortunately, Jihoon's phone rang.

"Yes, Kyu?"

"Jihoon ah, are you gonna be late?" was heard from the other end.

"Mmm... maybe, why?" Jihoon asked.

"It's just... Doyoungie is suddenly not feeling well, I gave him the meds but I think he'd feel better if you're here... Can you try to get back home a little quicker?" Junkyu spoke.

"Is he okay?" Jihoon worriedly asked, attempting to stand up, "Don't worry, I'm coming back asap! Do you need anything else? Should I bring home some fruits or stuff?" he sounded really tensed.

"No it's fine. Just come back as soon as you can."

"Got it, I'm on my way!" Jihoon cut the call and looked at Haruto, "Ruto, I'm really sorry, my son has suddenly fallen sick! I need to go back home."

"No problem hyung!" Haruto quickly said, shaking his head from left to right, "Let me know if he recovers soon or not."

"Yeah." Jihoon shortly said. He was really worried about his son.

"I'll pay for the food. You take your time, finish it off and safely go home." Jihoon smiled a little. He felt bad leaving Haruto midway.

"Don't worry about me, hyung! Just go home." Haruto assured. He didn't want it to show that he felt a little pinch in his heart.

"Right." Jihoon said and shortly left. Haruto sighed. He understood Jihoon's situation, but still it kinda hurt him. Why? Why must it feel that way?

And why must Jihoon feel the weird kind of disappointment while going back home?


Haruto was looking scared, like he just lost it. Jihoon saw him mumbling things on his own, shaking his head again and again as if he had done something very wrong.

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