Not Anyone Can Be A Hero

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So you've hit rock bottom but can fight and want to use that for the greater good, what a better career then superheroing!

If you have powers or if you don't, it doesn't matter. You just gotta be able to actually be a hero.

Listen, I know the phrase "Anyone can be a hero!" but it's not true. Not anyone can be a hero, you gotta have the guts for it, the strength, the skill, agility!

You can't run into battle without any experience, and expect the villains to be shaking in their boots.

There are different types of heroing so if you are really smart then you'll probably strategize from behind the curtain!

Not to be a downer but that's what this book is about so let me say, you have to be fit!

Listen, being small and swift with agility ain't gonna cut it. I hate to say it but your little special kick move isn't gonna do much if your leg breaks from it.

When it comes to real heroing, you need to have muscle, fighting experience, speed, and cool weapons. This is the bare minimum to have unless you have a power.

And another thing, your power isn't going to help much if you don't know how to use it, so don't run into battle if you can't do it on command!

And another thing, your power isn't going to help much if you don't know how to use it, so don't run into battle if you can't do it on command!

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It also doesn't help at all if your power is used to attack the people you're trying to save!

And if your power is something useless, like I don't know, being able to change your eye color, don't expect to be able to fight villains!

Again, this book is about the repercussions of becoming a hero, if you want a book about how to be a hero or even better the perks, ask.

So! On with the chapters!

Not The Perks Of Heroism (The Know How Series) Where stories live. Discover now