People In General.

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Paparazzi, press, public, government, grandma's, Karens, Kevins, jerks, oh and bad guys.

After being a hero for a while you're probably going to get popular which is fun for about ten minute until you realize they're all rude jerks who have no chill. And the government will hate you too.

If you're not working for the govy (government) then they hate you. They can't control you so to them, you're just as bad as any terrorist.

Nothing against the name "Karen" but everything against woman who are little 'stick their nose where it doesn't belong snot buckets'.

They are gonna be like "Excuse me? Do you have a permit to save my life?" And "Hey! I know my rights, put me back in my burning apartment building!"

I say, just drop em! If they want to have a word with the villain then who knows? The villain might just get annoyed and kill them which would be a favor to all of us!

Just kidding, I'm a hero and I can't wish harm on any person who didn't technically commit a crime, though I consider their existence a crime against humanity.

Old people can be fantastic but also so annoying.

They could be slow and not do what their supposed to do, or they understand that they are gonna die if they don't move so they flippin move!

It could go either way.

Most the time the villains aren't even that bad! You fight and it's not personal in any way! You can level with them because they're being illegal and you're being illegal, so you know, not that different. Sisi Ni Sawa dude!

 Sisi Ni Sawa dude!

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