Under The Mask

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When you become a hero no one tells you about all the acne you'll get!

You're going to be conceiving your identity with a mask of some sort and chances are you're going to be sweating, a lot!

The sweat, oils, blood, whatever that's gonna get in your mask is gonna stick to your mask.

Being a hero basically ruins your skin and hair and no one has time to to wash a mask every single miserable day! Now you could of course have a lot of masks, but always having something on your face, no matter how clean, will leave acne everywhere!

And makeup doesn't work very well either!

Don't sorget if you get punched or get a broken nose you're gonna have swelling and bruises. People like to ask questions because they're nosy, so covering up bruises is a full time job along with excuses.

I can not tell you how many times I've gotten back from patrol to find another abomination growing on my face.

Oh and you're also always sweaty and greasy! Your scalp will hurt because if you have long hair you should put it up. It's also gonna get crunchy because if you have to choose between sleep or showering, then sleep dominates every time!

You need to be rested enough to fight villains if ever they suddenly pop up!

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