Sleep? You Wish!

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So you're telling me that between your job/school, driving, and heroing, you want to sleep? Ha ha.

Yeah no. Get your mask on and get out there!

So, basically, there isn't such a thing as sleep! You can't really take a day off from heroing and you'll most likely be doing this at night because during the morning you need to work because you need money to live!

So screw your health and get out there to save some grandma!

Don't forget, people are gonna ask questions about why you're so tired and you'll come off as irresponsible because you can't get a good sleep pattern but in reality you're saving their butts while kicking butt!

Oh and did I mention that you can die if you don't get enough sleep?

Oh it happens and you can also hallucinate so just get used to that pink dog doing flips in the corner of your eye.

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