The Secrets

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I tripped and broke my ankle.

Oh this? Yeah, my tiger attacked me.

Why would you think I'm being abused? A pot just fell on my face, conveniently broke my nose.

Yeah I think it's an ancestory thing.

Tik tok made me do it, am I right?

This is from.....sleeping wrong?

Traffic was crazy!

I'm sorry I missed your party, my mom tripped and broke her hip. I broke my hip.

Yeah so, these are just a few excuses you will use. I mean, you can't tell them the truth. What are you crazy?! You're a hero, don't broadcast it for the world to hear!

I'm not gonna waste my time trying to explain to you why you have to hide your identity because it's obvious, but let me tell you, its tiring!

You can't tell your friends because they can't keep their mouths closed. You can't tell anyone why you missed whatever they asked you to come to.

I've lost a lot of friends because I couldn't tell them the truth.

I see no reason why you can't tell your family though. I told my family and they always made excuses for me.

Of course, if you have a family that would forbid you from doing it then maybe not, it's all up to you to tell who you want but make sure they're trustworthy.

I've had my fair share of people betraying me once I told them my identity and it was a big problem so just don't do that.

Most of your secrets you're gonna take to your grave. There are also so many empty promises in this career.

Oh and you can forget relationships because that won't work at all.

"Oh! But I can still date as long as I spend time with them!"

Haha, you silly niave fool. That's not how it works!

Which leads us to our next chapter.

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