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Mondays were such a bitch to pull through. You looked like the personified version of what the word stressed embodied. Sometimes you think about what it meant to slave your ass while studying in the country's best law school when the law itself was malleable. Were you born into this world out of a manifestation? Regardless, you still wanted to be the best lawyer your whole clan would be proud of.

You juggled between working two part-time jobs while going through all your readings that seemed like a pile of mess in the apartment that you shared with your friend, Hana, but not once did you ever complain about it. You were proud to have a parent who worked an honest job, cleaning homes that weren't yours and helping out baffled rich housewives with their cooking.

Studying in Seoul National University was such a privileged thing to have but the odds were in your favor when you scored a full ride scholarship when you got in. Your mom did her best to provide what you needed, sometimes even the things that you didn't but she still insisted on giving because you were the poster child of a good daughter and you deserved a little spoiling once in a while.

In your second year of law school, She helped pay half for you a second-hand car (for being part of the dean's list) you fondly nicknamed 'chip' because the door to your side had a chip and dent from god knows where.

Today was the start of your third year in law school but things weren't starting so well as you hoped it would be. First, you almost electrocuted yourself to death all because you tried to fish out the burnt toast with a fork. Second, the black prius that was always parked in the most absurd position is back to haunt you and your car. That specific car made it hard for you to park your car and not be late for your lectures.

You brushed it off at first thinking the driver was probably having a bad day but the days went on which turned into months and now it's been years and he still parked the same way.

You were nice enough to leave sticky notes on his windshield wipers that wrote 'Hope you're having a great day!' and 'Tough days were made to strengthen you. Cheer up!' with your initials at the bottom. But at this point you think he probably wasn't having a bad day which made you think that he was probably living a bad life just with the way he parked his fucking car.

You narrowed your eyes at the sight of it. After all these months, it was positioned the same way you always saw it. The third unlucky part of your Monday was the fact that there weren't any free spaces in this lot to leave your car but the one beside it. Again like always. Groaning in frustration, you stir your wheel as you maneuvered your car carefully.

"The driver should be gone by the time I end my classes," you prayed as you tied your hair in a ponytail.

Thankfully you weren't late for the first lecture of the semester. You made your way to the second row and started small conversations with your blockmates that were seated near you. Everything was going so well until your professors gave everyone a list of readings to study and your boss from one of your part-time jobs messaged you to work overtime for 2 days. All you wanted to do was hit the sheets and call it a day.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me!" you whined as the black prius that you thought would be gone by the time you were done would leave was still there.

Parked the same way it did like the rest of the mornings you saw it. Enough was enough for you. You walked to your car slowly, readying your car keys out, then fake tripped over nothing gashing a line along the side of the car.

"Oops," you snickered as you entered your car, driving away to your workplace.

Case 001: Attorney Park (Trial and Error Series)Where stories live. Discover now