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It's 4am and you haven't slept yet. What happened today with Jimin was the plot twist you never asked for but was still handed to you in the most anticlimactic way.

"Let me check if I have any classes I can sleep through"

Looking at your planner, you had none that you can push your plan with. All of your major subjects were held every Wednesday. As if a light bulb lit up over your head, you tried to recount the classes that you have with Jimin this semester – There were at least 3 major subjects you shared with him and you wanted to throw a bad tantrum in the wee hours.

By some miracle, your muscle memory remembered how to drive safely even without getting a wink of sleep. Your mom would've killed you if they knew you were driving in autopilot as if a skill like that wasn't considered as a breakthrough talent a tesla could choke.

Fate has its own humour because not only was the new spot that you found the other day was now occupied but you, yet again, had to park beside Jimin's eyesore of a car that had a huge ass banner that was propped on the roof that wrote: Confucius, baby, come back!

You got out of your car with your head hung low from embarrassment. People who passed by were laughing as they spotted Jimin's car. Gotta give credit where credit is due; the man's smart AND very funny.

However, you didn't want to be associated with him, especially when his hound of women could flock to you with their long nails or worse, degrade your simple background. Not that you were ashamed of where you came from - because you aren't and you don't give a shit of what others thought about you - but you still never know how people's minds worked. You just wanted to get by, take the bar exams, and live your best life.

In all of your classes, you always sat in the second row so you could listen to the lectures better. You were so sure that Jimin and his friend Taehyung always sat on the back so you heaved a sigh of relief for a while. At least he spared you from brief embarrassment inside class.

What you missed in the memo was that today's genre is crack. You listened intently as your professor explained the law article around the last case study you had read, taking down notes diligently like you always did. A tap on your shoulder stopped you from writing but you didn't bother to look over, taking the folded paper that was handed over to you absentmindedly.

Your forehead creased as you opened the note. It had 'Where my quotes at?' written on it. Slowly turning your head to see who sat behind you, hoping it wasn't who you think it is, there he was smiling right at you.

"Good weather today, yeah?" you felt your face heat up because you were sure you saw him sit at the back before the lecture started.

"Park, mind sharing that with the rest of the class?" he looked up to see the professor crossed his arms at him, waiting for him to speak up. Jimin grinned and nodded his head as he stood up.

"I do actually," he winked at you before turning his head to face the professor.

'Oh god,' you internally groaned.

"The ruling missed the important keypoint in Article 14 of the Act on Punishment of Sexual Crimes that covers punishment to those who use filming gadgets like in this case, a video camera, to film other people's bodies without their consent or to distribute photos or videos which he did but strategically"

'Wait what?'

"For example, if I took a photo of her like this," he flashed his phone up right at you then proceeded to take a photo.

"I'm guilty. But if I took it this way," he grabbed his friend's phone, who kicked his shin lightly under the table, to snap your photo on his phone.

Case 001: Attorney Park (Trial and Error Series)Where stories live. Discover now