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A night in the office was different from the nights you've all spent working overtime. The tensions and pressure inside was palpable. Usually, a cup of coffee would do the trick but the four of you have already drunk your nth cup and are still trying to wrack your brains out trying to figure out the loose threads in this case.

"What the hell did Jeon do to get himself in a mess like this?" Hoseok ruffled his hair to a mess while groaning loudly out of frustration.

"I don't think the correct question to ask is what he did, it's more of a why him. Something isn't adding up," Taehyung was deep in his thoughts, still trying to figure out what was missing.

"That's exactly what I was thinking. All the testimonies we got validated Jungkook's accounts. A lot of his co-workers and the head architect he always worked with even vouched for his credibility. The man's doing a very excellent job in his work," you went through pages and recordings over and over just to make sure you didn't miss anything important.

"Big corporations always throw their loyal dogs under the bus when shit hits the fan but I don't see how Jeon made a good candidate when he never kisses any of his boomer boss' ass. The man's projects are what brings in the most money in the company," Jimin slumps over the table.

All of you were running out of conclusions at this point. Jimin's biting his fingernails as he tried to come up with answers he didn't know where to get, on the other end of the table there's Taehyung who constantly adjusted his tie, and there's Hoseok who was staring blankly at the ceiling. You sighed, feeling defeated that you felt you had failed Jungkook.

The last trials were pretty bad. Not only did they accuse Jungkook of a lot of foul things he never did in the first place but because if you don't give all you've got for the trial tomorrow, he's gonna lose everything he has ever worked for. These days, it was Taehyung who personally went to check up on his family and every time you asked how it went all he could do was sigh, saying he didn't know how to face them anymore because he felt like he was only giving false hope.

Jimin and Hoseok were so in tune with gathering more evidence and reaching out to the testifiers when there were days you couldn't. You on the other hand squeezed in studying the case as you tried to find loopholes that can help acquit Jungkook while going into your doctor's appointments. You were 6 weeks far along when you heard your baby's heartbeat for the first time. You wished Jimin was there with you but thought it was better to keep it for now as you tried not to add more pressure for him.

The doctor advised you not to stress yourself too much but all you could do was bitterly chuckle at the fact that it was inevitable for you to stay away from such, especially when it's part of your job. Some days you and Jimin just sat in comfortable silence, trying to separate home from work, but Jungkook's situation was all the both of you could think about. Especially Jimin who was zoning out a lot recently.

"I say why not write a novel instead. You know, some drama or something. We could always go with the classic trope of 'rich ceo finding out his daughter is dating one of his employees so he brings hell on earth' that kind of thing but more heart wrenching maybe?" Hoseok laughed as he jokingly blurted out.

Yours, Jimin's, and Taehyung's heads whipped out so fast, all staring at Hoseok with wide eyes and agape mouths. Hoseok's laughter died down slowly until he was just staring back without a clue if what he said was off or not.

"I honestly don't even know what the hell I'm saying. I just want this to be over, sorry," Hoseok apologized.

"No, wait, that makes sense!" Jimin claps his hands with the idea while Hoseok was still lost with what was going on at the moment.

Case 001: Attorney Park (Trial and Error Series)Where stories live. Discover now