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Jimin wrapped his arms around you protectively as both of you walked out of the bar. His arms and cardigan made you feel safe and that's all that mattered right now. Once you were finally out, he held your hand tightly as you both walked to nowhere.

"Jimin, where are we going?"

You peeked over at him but he didn't respond. His face scowled with clenched jaws. None of you dared to speak but kept walking endlessly instead, still hand in hand. What seemed to be a long time of trying to figure where you're headed to had finally come to an end at an empty open park.

Both of you lied down in the grass out of exhaustion and watched the night sky through hooded eyes, the alcohol's buzz had completely left Jimin's body.

"You good?" you asked to finally break the ice.

"I have no idea, honestly."

You tried to let everything that happened tonight sink in. If you just stayed at home and watched netflix, none of this would have happened in the first place but you never regretted going out. Needless to say, you still had fun even if it was cut short.

"How did you even end up sitting beside him anyway? Wasn't Chae with you?"

"I don't know. When Chae left to talk to someone he just popped out of nowhere and started harassing me and shit. I think he might've put something in my drink too," Jimin's body shot up in shock with a frown across his face.

"Damn it! I told you to always cover your drink, Y/N! Well? Did you drink it?"

You shook your head, "No, I spat it back into the glass."

The tension in his body was now gone as he heaved a sigh of relief.

"That's smart. Fucking disgusting but still smart of you," he lays back beside you again, both hands resting at the back of his head.

"Thanks for saving me, Jimin," he scoffs because he knows you're about to say something witty after.

"If the next thing you're gonna say is about my non-existent kinks, I don't wanna hear it Y/N," but you didn't. You were just really grateful for him. He waited for you to say something but none came out so he looked over to you.

"One more kink joke from you and I swear I'll–"  he just watched you as you just laid there with eyes closed, wrapped in his clothing.

"You'll what, Jimin?"

"Nothing," he said almost in a whisper.



"Not even a kiss?"

This isn't the first time Jimin was caught off guard but it was definitely a first when he didn't know what to do next. Of course he wanted to hold you and kiss you but not the way a friend would. After what had happened tonight, he was now certain he didn't want to be just a friend. Needless to say, he still found it as an opportunity for him to try shooting his shot with you.

"Only if you want me to," you opened your eyes and looked at him.

"I do," he inches his body closer to yours, a finger traced along your features, before cupping your cheek as his nose abrades on yours. Your giggles rung nicely in his ears.

"We're not friends after this, Y/N. Friends don't do things like this," you giggled.

"Fine by me, I've always thought you were cute," but he didn't kiss you yet, just grazed his lips over yours as he talked.

"Never took you for someone who'd have a little crush on me."

"Well, not really, you're just one of my many happy crushes," you giggled just to annoy him.

Case 001: Attorney Park (Trial and Error Series)Where stories live. Discover now