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"Hana, what if he's in there?" you nervously looked at your house as you sat in Hana's car, still in your seatbelt.

"Then you talk to him like an adult. Honestly, Y/N, that's what the both of you should've done in the first place instead of keeping things from each other"

Hana has been nothing but a godsend to you right now. She offered to drive you to your old house so you could get what's left of your things for when you moved into your new place.

"That's the problem. We never did and we never will," you groaned.

"Come on now, get yourself together and get inside there. I'll wait for you here, okay?" She held your hand tightly, giving you a 'you got this' smile that you returned.

Jimin didn't even bother to turn the light on as he drank his coffee silently in the kitchen. His emotions were a mix of anger, hurt, and worry from everything that had happened between the two of you. Also the fact that you never replied to the messages he sent you everyday. At first, his messages were written out of spite but as the days went on that you didn't come home and talk to him, they were now written with a heavy heart but not once did he ever stop messaging. The sound of rattling keys snapped him out of his thoughts.

You entered a dimly lit quiet house. 'Ah, he must've already gone to work' you thought.

Just as you lightly tread your way to your bedroom, the sound of spoon clinking to ceramic made your head turn. There he was, wearing his favorite black shirt and gray sweatpants, standing in the kitchen looking sternly at you. Jimin's eyes always evoked emotion but right now, you didn't know what they meant as he took in the sight of you.

"Look who finally remembered her house address. Welcome home, Y/N. How was your lovely trip to god knows where?"

"Jimin, I don't have time to play witty comebacks with you right now"

"What are you gonna do? Play silent treatment like a mime with me again?"

"No, I'm packing all my shit and leaving," you tried to hide the shakiness in your voice.


He didn't want to banter with you nor suffer the silent treatment though it just came out of him naturally. He didn't look like he did well during the time you were apart, he looked like shit. The Jimin you knew always made sure he looked clean and presentable at all times. After spending so much time with him, you finally realized that it was because he was a Libra. You weren't sure if that made sense but you stuck to it being the only logical reason available.

You dragged your luggage inside your shared room with him and went to your closet to fold the rest of your clothes you didn't get to pack two weeks ago. Unbeknownst to you, Jimin had followed you inside and watched you silently.

Memories of the first time you both moved in here, he was helping you unload boxes after boxes and folding each other's clothes together had flashed right before his eyes. The both of you spent countless hours in the home department section looking at home decorations and laying on bed models to see which one's best for your bedroom. This house was filled with a happy hue of wonderful memories and dreams of the future you had shared together but all of that was slowly losing color now.

"You need a box?" he asks, almost choking in his words.

"No need. Just do whatever you want with what's left of what I didn't pack."

"I'm too busy to host a garage sale," you rolled your eyes at him.

"Then donate it or whatever. I don't know, I don't care."

Case 001: Attorney Park (Trial and Error Series)Where stories live. Discover now