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It started with just giving you your personal space. Before he knew it, that one night on the couch he slept on the couch extended to months until the day finally came that he got to sleep on the bed again but it wasn't the same anymore. Jimin lies awake all alone in a sea of sheets thinking about you or where you've gone to.

He turns his head to your side of the bed, hoping he'd see your sleeping figure beside him but it was empty. Jimin decided to get up and grab his keys to head out for the night instead.

His mother was surprised to see him enter the door to his childhood home at this hour. He smiled tiredly at her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey, ma."

"What brings you home?"

"Nostalgia, I guess," he just shrugs, not having the energy to vent it all out tonight.

A mother's intuition is never wrong. She knows when there's something wrong with her children, however, Jimin's mother always respected the boundaries she taught him to set up so she didn't pry to ask. She just held his weary face and tapped his cheeks before she let go.

"You dad's in his library."

He nodded and made his way upstairs. 'The only nostalgic thing I remember doing here was jacking off in my room,' he mentally laughs at the memory. He finally brought him to the library room, knocking before he peeked inside.

He put his book down as soon as he saw Jimin's head looking around the room.

"Missed your old man?"

Jimin smiles widely as he makes his way over to his dad's desk to prop a seat.

"Yeah, you could say that"

"How are things with you and Y/N?"

He inhales deeply while looking down at his hands. His parents were always great confidants for him. 'Would I have been a good parent like my folks were to me?' he thinks to himself.

"You know I can't lie to you, dad. We're not in good terms."

"Trouble in paradise?" his dad took off his reading glasses as he leaned in forward.

"More like paradise had sunk in a hole," Jimin trailed off.

"I always had an idea of how messy the world of law was, not until I lost her and the baby. Maybe if I just said yes to the stupid old man's offer, things wouldn't be the way they are now."

His dad just listens to him patiently, still taking in what his son had said. He gathered his thoughts collectively before speaking.

"But they're not, son. Either way you're bound to lose her even if you had accepted his indecent proposal. What's worse is that if you did just that, you've locked up – assuming he is – an innocent man to rot in jail."

Jimin listened to him intently as he absorbed his words of wisdom. His dad was always right about a lot of things and played a big part on how he viewed things.

"Peace of mind can never be bought. I know that you already knew that but I just wanted to remind you," he dad pats his shoulder.

"My peace of mind hasn't come home in weeks," he groaned in agony, making his dad chuckle at his action.

"Then let her have her time alone. She'll talk to you when she wants to, just like how me and your mom always did with you and your brother."

His dad was right but Jimin wasn't always a patient man although he was trying his best to be one.

He went home after his dad helped him sort his scattered thoughts out. At the corner of his eye, he sees a half full bottle of dry gin. He pondered whether to pick it up or not going for the former.

Case 001: Attorney Park (Trial and Error Series)Where stories live. Discover now