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The Kim & Min Law Firm's conference room was widely spacious. It was well-equipped, good for when anyone had to present something, and had a huge long table in the middle. The room was stylishly comfortable and went well with the intimidating air that circulated the firm.

"So, I heard you're a homeowner now," Yoongi greets Jimin with a wide smile.

"Really? That's nice to hear, Jimin! Did your girlfriend move in with you?" Seokjin asks to which Jimin nodded.

"Thanks but you're a year late to the news. We did move in together. Say Jin hyung, if you volunteer to be our personal chef then who am I to complain? But then again, I don't think I can afford you, honestly. You're expensive as fuck," he boasts.

Namjoon enters the room with his coat hanging lazily on one arm. Everyone greeted him politely. He took off his glasses as he wiped the sweat on his forehead – after he sprinted out of his car then into the building – with the back of his hand.

"Sorry, I thought I was late and you've already started. Hey, Jimin. Congrats on the house."

"A house warming gift would be nice, hyung," Namjoon raised a finger in front of him.

"No 'hyung' in the office, be professional. I'm still your boss."

"Got it, boss man," he responds with both hands up in the air.

You hurriedly made your way to the conference room right after one of your long meetings had finished. You noticed how everyone was already inside so you bowed your head and apologized.

"Good afternoon, everyone. I'm sorry for being late, I just got off from another huddle."

"It's okay Atty. Choi, I also just got here. Have a seat," you looked around to look for a seat and saw Jimin patting the vacant one beside him. You smiled as you made your way over. He greeted you with a smile as he moved away the stray strands of hair that curtained your face.

"Everything good?" you nodded, smiling back at him, while he rubbed your back as you tried to catch your breath.

"Pussy whipped," Hoseok mumbled.

Seokjin and Taehyung snicker silently after hearing you stifle a laugh. All Jimin could do at the moment was glare at the four of you. Namjoon specifically warned him not to turn the office into a dog show with his smart ass just because he was like a brother to the Kims. He emphasized on separating work and home and Jimin agreed.

Namjoon clears his throat and stands in front.

"Good afternoon everyone. Today's meeting is very important. We were asked to represent a high profile case I'm sure you're all well aware of," he clicked the remote and the screen lit up to show the case's overview.

This case had every law firm in Korea going absolute nuts as they all tried to get a hand on it. You weren't sure what all the buzz was about but apparently the complainant, who is obviously filthy rich, had worked with the best lawyers who worked for various law firms.

"This is Engineer Jeon Jungkook of Han Architecture, Inc. He was sued for Fraud and Willful Misconduct for embezzling money amounting to, more or less, $1.7 million from the company The complainant claimed that he would overprice materials on projects and pocketed half of it. He will be the defendant we'll be representing and our service is needed to prove Mr. Jeon's innocence until the court proves him guilty. His arraignment will be held 2 weeks from now. Questions so far?"

You raise his hand, "Yes, Atty. Choi?"

"I'd like to know why we are working on such a tight deadline? I mean, if this is such a high profile case that means digging up should be done thoroughly. Also, didn't the state give him a lawyer to represent him in his trials?"

Namjoon looks over at Yoongi as he felt it wasn't his place anymore to explain, "Ah, good question. No one wanted to do the job. As you all know by now, we have the liberty to turn down cases. In Engineer Jeon's case, his complainant is a very influential man no one wants to rub the wrong way."

"Han Dong-Il? Didn't you work briefly for him?" Taehyung asks.

"Key word, briefly. We're not friends nor acquaintances," Yoongi clicks his tongue.

"I have a concerning but also a genuine question to ask," Hoseok starts.

"What is it, Prosecutor Jung?"

"I know we stand for the truth and I'm all for it. What you're saying is that Han has dirty tricks up his sleeve that's why no lawyer in this country wants to go against him, right?"

"Right," Yoongi nods.

"Then why are we," he points at himself then you, Jimin, and Taehyung. "–defending Jeon? Guilty or not"

"Because the four of you are our aces. You and Atty. Choi are very keen to detail and always making sure you check back to back multiple times. As for Atty. Kim and Atty. Park, they've spent their law school days as sex driven maniacs that they've mastered the art of speaking eloquently."

Yoongi's description of the last two lawyers made Hoseok choke on his water. On the other side of the table, Jimin and Taehyung sulked in their seats as the rest of you laughed.

"Atty. Min, with all due respect sir, what the fuck was that for?"

"Careful with your mouth, Park. Just imagine if you passed it down to your kids? You have a hundred good points about you, one of them is being good with kids, but that one thing that cancels it all out is your excessive swearing," Seokjin points out.

​​"Not until we get a dog first. Right, Jagi?" you nod. "And what the hell does being good with kids even mean? Attorney Curly's good with kids too, why don't you ask him for a niece?"

"Sorry to disappoint but I'm not seeing anyone let alone knock up one," Taehyung shooed his remark away with his hand.

"That brings me to my next point," Seokjin turns his head to his brother, looking at him accusingly. "Is that a hickey on your neck?"

Case 001: Attorney Park (Trial and Error Series)Where stories live. Discover now