Bonus: The empty space called void.

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Jimin thinks that this time, he finally understood why back in the day, Taehyung was so out of his wits over a girl. Funnily enough, he finds himself in the same situation his best friend was once in when the three of you were still in law school.

The occurrence of him mixing alcohol in his system until he's blackout is concerningly frequent. In his defense, although it is a toxic coping mechanism to keep, it helps him numb out the pain. For a brief moment, he doesn't think of anything about you or the nightmare that happened. There's literally nothing that goes through his mind when he's pissed drunk, and that's scary enough in itself.

Oftentimes, he'd clock into work with a terrible hangover and only downplay it as severe migraine. He'd either show up awfully late, simply work half day, mostly producing half-assed work which is unlikely for a lawyer, or not come to work at all. And this has happened numerous times that it's hard to pretend not to see how all over the place he is.

He hides the bags under his eyes behind his polarized sunglasses.

"Be serious and shape up," Taehyung says sternly.

"I fucking am in case you couldn't tell," Jimin retorts with a scoff.

Inhaling sharply, Taehyung has had enough of his friend fucking every aspect of his life, "Well if you are then you wouldn't be on the brink of losing your job in this damn company." The way he said it in a matter of fact made Jimin wince in the painful truth, "Namjoon hyung sees how you're fucking up bad that's why he's lifting things off your pipeline!"

Jimin knows he's right but he doesn't exactly know how to pick up the pieces, "Yoongi hyung understands me, so what? If you wanna bet which boss will win then I'm giving you all of my savings."

Taehyung frowns at how his friend is still finding humor in all of this mess, "Jimin."

"What?" Jimin forces a chuckle.

"Would you please, for the love of god, get your head out of your ass?" Taehyung says, sounding almost pleading.

If there's anyone who can talk shit with sense to Jimin besides you, that would be him – just like how Jimin forcefully pulled Taehyung back to his senses when his ex-girlfriend ghosted him. The way they look out for each other in times like these is a true testament to the kind of bond that they share.

"I'm trying but it's just...fuck, how do I say this?" Jimin chuckles bitterly while shaking his head, "I overhead Hoseok's side chick the other day and that fed my overthinking demons."

Taehyung frowns, "You know she's just gossiping with the others like always."

Jimin sighed as he nodded, "She said something along the lines of women who came from divorce or have experienced miscarriage from a bad relationship often find luck in their new partners." He frowns at the memory of the statement, "We both know all signs point to Y/N, man."

"It's not even an actual study for you to worry about," Taehyung says while shaking his head, clearly not sold on whatever theory Secretary Kang has. "If it makes you feel better, I'll vouch how you weren't a bad boyfriend to her."

"I know but I can't deal with this shit today or, like, fucking ever," Jimin frustratedly washes a hand over his face. "Do you think she found someone else already? Or is it just Mercury retrograding every planet in my shitty chart?" He looks at Taehyung with shaky pupils and a frown, secretly hoping he only hears answers he'd actually want to hear.

"Honestly?" Taehyung paused briefly, looking at Jimin unsurely with a knitted brow, then simply shrugged, "Choi was right when she said fuck astrology."

He knew that.

He always knew that.

But he will never admit how right you've always been with your logical conclusions and reasons. No, he'd rather tease just to stretch it out than give in later because that's his definition of being romantic, and you were cool with it. Now, there's nothing left of him but to finally admit the fact with no pretense.

Case 001: Attorney Park (Trial and Error Series)Where stories live. Discover now