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Your internship at the firm flew by quickly faster than you had imagined. After how many weeks in, all you had to deal with was the never ending amount of paperwork unlike Jimin and Taehyung who had to go out of the office with their respective mentors as they settled minor cases.

For the past months, you made lunches for the three of you because they would constantly ask for a bite whenever you brought yours out. At first, you would just tag along with them in the firm's cafeteria as they ate food they ordered on a food delivery app. If you had the liberty to spend money on food you could've just saved up for something else you would and both of them knew that so they would offer to treat you every now and you would always politely decline.

"Aren't you gonna eat?" Jimin shook his head.

"Not until you let me have a bite or better yet, how about you pack me one tomorrow," you groaned at his childish antics.

"Jimin, you're a grown man. Make your own food."

"Then I guess I'm never eating ever again," he leans his back to his seat with arms crossed.

"Tell me you're not serious, Jimin"

"I am a hundred percent serious"

"Let him be, Y/N. He won't last long," Taehyung mutters tiredly.

"What do you want me to do next? Sit on your lap and feed you like the spoiled brat that you are? Because if that's the case I'd rather get myself hit by a bus," you snorted.

"Actually, that would be a good idea but the bus joke wasn't funny. I don't want anything bad to happen to you," he looked at you sternly.

"Chill it's just a form of expression"

"Well your form of expression is tasteless. If by chance you wanna dip out of law school, don't apply as a stand up comedian," he scoffed.

"And if you don't pursue law, don't apply as a cook because you'd be sued for arson or reckless imprudence resulting to homicide. Dumbass," you retort.

"Oh yeah? Then clink clink motherfucker to these hands," he pointed at your hands with his eyes. "You're under arrest for your dry sarcasm"

"Death penalty for your sailor's mouth, Park," you glared at him.

"That's it I'm out," Taehyung stood up and left the both of you to deal with each other alone. 

You used to make one for Taehyung too but he started to eat outside instead. He says he needs to get out as a breather from being cramped up in an office setup. He was so apologetic about it but you understood. So now, all the lunches that you packed were for Jimin who always praised your cooking with a mouthful. The whole interning experience wouldn't be bearable if it weren't for them so you had them to thank that for.

Atty. Lee sung all his praises at your work ethic and how your assistance was of great help to him.

"Thank you so much, Y/N. Hopefully you apply here once you've finished the boards. I'd be more than happy to work with someone as detail-oriented as you," he thanks you as he signed your evaluation then hands it back to you.

"Thank you, Attorney. Let's see how the future goes for me," your mentor smiles at you fondly.

"If ever you choose to work for another firm, let me know. I'll put in a good word for you," you bow to thank him before taking your leave. As you got out of his office, Jimin was standing right outside waiting for you.


"How did it go?"

"Great actually. Told me I should consider working here just for being detail-oriented on the papers," He warmly gives you a smile.

Case 001: Attorney Park (Trial and Error Series)Where stories live. Discover now